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Posts posted by Greycat

  1. There are reasons for the other MMOs to have the crafting systems they do.


    One is grind, of course. Sit there and fish for weeks, or slowly make daggers of dullness 'til you can upgrade after 100 to daggers of butterknifery, to dagger of hey that kind of hurt, etc... in the meantime, you're paying a sub.


    The other - and bigger - item is that they're *gear* based. Why do you craft? To make and upgrade gear. Why do you rush to the end to raid raid raid? (And why do they keep adding expansions and bumping level caps?) The gear treadmill. (And why? To get you to pay a sub - or buy a microtransaction to bypass that grind.) COH is not "gear" based. Yes, we have enhancements - but they're not gear, they're essentially skill modifiers. If you swap out Gladiator's Javelin for Thunderstrike, you're not suddenly moving from throwing javelins to zapping people with electricity - you're getting different set bonuses and changing how the power works slightly, perhaps. And of course you can't just swap in a melee set and go from blasting to beating them with a club.


    Now, for your specific suggestions:


    On 10/23/2021 at 8:06 AM, krj12 said:

    1.   Some kind of  system to keep track of how many of a particular recipe you've crafted.   As you gain in skill with that recipe ( by repetition ),

    you get a chance to create a slightly better version.   Example:   The item usually gives +20% to accuracy,  and you have a chance to create a +25% version.... or  a chance to make a level 51+ IO, based on your skill.

    2.  As you become very highly skilled with that particular item, perhaps a chance to give it a bonus that it normally doesn't.   Perhaps a proc, or maybe a bonus to defense where it normally wouldn't.

    3.  New badges as you create so many of these enhanced items.

    4.  A chance to get one or more of the components rebated.

    5.  New items or IO sets that only crafters can make after they reach a certain overall level of skill.


    1. A tracking system already exists. And you do get to craft slightly better versions... by crafting higher level IOs. You get a discount, too, once you memorize the recipe (and a badge!)

    2. I would not be against adding "lone wolf" procs to add some variety to builds, but not as part of a crafting system.

    3. No real opinion. They add badges for things frequently. And you do get badges for crafting things already.

    4. Not sure what you are looking at here. Components for recipes are so easy to come by - even rares - a "rebate" system isn't really a starter.

    5. Eh. I, for one, prefer the accessibility of the system as it is right now. Not against new IO sets or the like, but I'm not fond of the idea of locking them behind things. We passed beyond that already. Finding something new to implement it feels like a step back to bad old days.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, catsi563 said:

    my understanding was that the 5th column were facists and Nazis of course


    OK, no. This needs to be talked out, as that's not an "of course."


    Nazis are fascists. Fascists are not necessarily Nazis. Franco, for instance, was an authoritarian with a lot of fascist tendancies, but was not a Nazi.

    The 5th Column came from Italy, and would quite literally have been Fascist (Mussolini's party and ideology.)


    Fascism is:

    - Ultraconservative (right wing,) politically

    - Very nationalistic (and typically mixes it with militarism)

    - Antidemocratic - elections might get them into power, but they want nothing to do with them afterward.

    - Socially conservative - typically looking back to the "traditional" roles, men working, women having babies and housekeeping, etc.

    - Tied with that, they'll tend to be very classist, pushing a social order / rule by elites

    - The nation tends to be more important than the individual.


    Other things are added or stressed differently in individual "flavors" of fascism, but those will usually define it.


    That being said - are the 5th or the Council all that fascist? They're obviously militaristic, women are rare in their (public) ranks, they seem to be ono the conservative and classist side, but they're missing that nationalistic flavor. It's something that would make sense to be a WWII-era enemy - they were sent over as a fifth column, to hamper the US / Allies in fighting against their home nation and allies, after all. But there's no longer a home (fascist) state aligned with them to fight for or support.


    It's *possible* the 5th Column would be aiming at "revolution in the US to turn IT into a fascist state, then spreading it." Which leaves the main question, to me, of "would they survive the Center being taken out?" Or would they just be a paramilitary group then?


    That said, the OP's asking about the Council, which has its own goals, and I'm not sure they fall under "fascist" any more. They're not nationalistic, they're being driven (at least behind the scenes, somewhat) by the Nictus to attempt an invasion in *their* war against the Peacebringers.  Sure, the Nictus would be glad to take over, they'd be authoritarian, by the lore docs (and this doesn't seem to indicate any sort of change by the time we ssee what's in game) they're certainly classist, but they'd mostly use the Earth for resources and for a base. They may have an outer crust of fascism, just from their origins, but I don't think it goes down to the Council's gooey center. At least as I'm remembering lore.


    Regardless, they all need a good punching.

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  3. OK, but what part of the lore is it meant to explore, besides "it's praetorian?"

    Epic ATs are named "Epic" in the vein of "Epic of Gilgamesh." They've got a storyline tied to them. They used to have it down to the point where you were forced into a specific origin. It's not just "powers mishmash." Kheldians, for instance, have 1-50 arcs which go into the Nictus involvement in the Council and the Kheldian wars. VEATs (poorly) explore the Arachnos "line trooper" view of Destined Ones and going in to compete in that (and being treated like a sucker.)


    Ones that didn't get finished out -

    Avilian - Not a lot of information, and probably the one which seems to go against what I said (as we don't have much info,) as it was initially seen as the only way to give players wings. That said, you discover (early on... I think in the Hollows, actually,) an odd, hollow skull which is supposed to be from one of these. When they figured out how to give players wings, this was dropped.


    Blood of the Black Stream - I'd say, of the ones that didn't finally make an appearance in some way, likely the most touched on in game and game-adjacent materials. Tech/magic cult from Egypt that went back to the Pharohs, literally creating a world wide "web" of a sort of supercomputer. Shapechangers. Influenced some pharohs, but were defeated and driven back into the shadows. Old, old contest for the COH CCG had a player win a card made of them - and it was tied to this group. Also, if you hover over the sinking tanker in Port Oakes, you'll see the oil forms an Eye of Horus - also tied to this. Mr. Bocor mentions Gadzul Oil, which was a front for this group, as well. Lorewise, probably the closest to having gotten into game after the Coralax.


    Incarnates - Yeah, was supposed to be an Epic before it got transformed into "NCSoft says we must GRIND at something, we'll use this for more powers and end game trials." Incarnate lore got changed around during live a bit. Yes, I still hate what the "well" is, now.


    Coralax/Virtea - also supposed to have an epic AT. Virtea were a servant/slave race to the Coralax. The "weird thing" brought up in a mission in Striga (where you rescue some researchers from the Council) is supposed to be one of these.  We got the Coralax and hybrids as NPCs, so they sort of got into the game, just not as player Epics. (IIRC, the player epic would have been like Barracuda, a hybrid.)



    The biggest difficulty I can see is - aside from creating the new AT - the way Praetoria's story doesn't go to 50, and potentially (though not necessarily a stopping point) how it interacts with the morality system goldside.


    (Short version? Not against it, but they're more work, I'd want to see what lore it's tied to and exploring, and I think being Praetorian makes it more difficult on top of it.)

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  4. On 10/17/2021 at 11:13 AM, TheZag said:


    Jranger was a person on the original game forums that would post long explanations for why he was against something.  After his posts went largely ignored he started to just reply 'no' instead of a long explanation.  


    Eventually the original devs said you arent allowed to just reply 'no' so people started using /jranger in place of no.  It was used widely enough that they made another rule that you cant use /jranger.




    Actually, /jranger was created more to poke at the user you mentioned, jranger, because of his "no" posts.  I can say this with confidence since I'm the person who started poking at him with it. It was *meant* to be lighthearted, a joke, a "you're being rather silly with your no-ing."


    It morphed into what you mentioned, yes. But you missed the middle bit and original intent.

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  5. On 10/13/2021 at 8:04 PM, LdyPirate said:

    It would be great if the Trick or Treat event could be the whole month of October instead of just two weeks of it. 🙂


    It is.


    The only thing lasting two weeks is the "night forever" thing, because that gets annoying and depressing when it just... keeps... going.

  6. On 10/15/2021 at 11:02 AM, kelika2 said:

    can it retain the 30% damage buff and maybe gain 3% more damage per party member?  totaling up to 51% more damage isnt game breaking



    ... except Defenders can already debuff enemies ridiculously, depending on set (or buff teammates.) Individual damage isn't the point. Not to mention buffing their team and often themselves.


    They don't need the buff in teams. The team, in essence, is their buff (and can get absolutely silly levels of ridiculous with multiple defenders - see also Repeat Offenders.)

    • Like 2
  7. You say it's weak in control... then want to take away the opportunity it has to stack (to do things like holding a boss and his group) by turning the AOE hold into a stun? That makes no sense.


    Not sure where you're getting the bit on containment, as ... it's a hold and would set up containment.


    When you say you were "looking at" illusion, were you *playing* it or just looking at numbers somewhere? Yes, AOE holds have some issues, generally in recharge time, acc, end cost or some combination of the three, and have since years before shutdown on live, but this honestly would make it worse.

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  8. My understanding - as far as devs answering "are there any plans to..." is that, frankly, you won't get an answer 'til it's on test, simply because they don't want to say "we'd like to" or "we're trying to," then have it not pan out - either as intended or at all, both to avoid general disappointment and some people taking any random thought a dev might say as an absolute promise it'll be in the game ASAP. A character browser on live, for instance, was talked about, prototyped, then they found the way they were trying to do it was murder on the server resources, IIRC, so it never made it live.


    (Just to address the title on its face.)


    I *think* some of what you're talking about might take a little stretching (to get specific to the comments,) but I'm sure they're aware of plenty that could be done better, if they can find a way / time / someone to do it. :)

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  9. 2 hours ago, WanderingAries said:

    Don't some badges have progress bars? No real numbers, but I recall some having bars on live. I've not gone badging in a  long time, so not sure what things look like right now.


    They do. You can even get the percentage or whatnot by hovering over the bar.

  10. Well, an RPer is asking, so...


    And your points don't really add up with your initial post. Your badges wouldn't match? You haven't done anything - you've rolled in Praetoria, then either immediately skipped to 20 and gone to Primal or gone directly to AP/Mercy... meaning you weren't even really a tourist in Praetoria. At best, maybe you were one of the refugees that made it out... in which case, yes, sticking "Born in Praetoria, but..." in your bio and just rolling your character red or blue works just fine.


    I say that because your character hasn't been shaped by Praetoria at all. No choices made, for or against the Regime, for or against the extremes of the Resistance, no decisions about loyalty or subterfuge. You'd have more "weight" as a Praetorian (with what shows) rolling in primal and then running back at 50 to farm badges than what you suggest.


    Just a "no sale" here.

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