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  1. Thats not always the case. And Id suggest rarely the case. Its a social game we all love. And the player base, we generally enjoy together. We have common interests in games, heroes, comics, sci fi and fantasy. Many of us enjoy making witty comments. I think its as simple as this. Find some humor in something someone typed and cant stop yourself from hitting ENTER. I get why some would be annoyed. Seems minor to me. Like family getting mad at you for chewing loudly.
  2. Ive been wondering if teaming doesnt benefit the /regen brutes. IOs that max recharge and HPs. Dull pain to 3300 HPs all the time. Add in some resist or defense buffs and become hard to kill.
  3. Im really happy with my G910 and hero mouse. The logitech software allows for lots of profiles and macro control. Pretty infinite. And has a G1 - G9 special keys on keyboard for what I think you mean by hard macros (keys, key combos, recording of keystrokes not just on these keys but anything). Backlighting, and individual key backlighting.
  4. i take team tp cause tp didnt work for MMs. Not well at least. I guess I forgot the range difference. If I was going for movement speed though id want SS/SJ. Or non bother at all and temp powers. TP is still prone to misfires and turning direction randomly causing you to say go back same distance you went forward. And of course you can add youve left your pets way behind. Actually if team TP stinks, and some are arguing combat TP stinks... Im starting to think this isnt the travel power for me... Maybe I should go with group fly for my MMs.
  5. Id bet between binds and practice im as good as anyone who says its fastest. I was trying to use team tp in pvp, and still use it in zones. its just not practical with misfires. Super speeders can catch up and hit you reliably. Thats when im trying to stick close to ground and eliminate some of the horrible hoover lag animation between TPs. Was trying to keep pets close for body guard. And if i got sky its fine straight up max distance, orient and move. But you still have that horrible animation lock between TPs, drop half your pets. And again throw in a misfire or two... I was easily tracked and kept up. Id also say I did some dry runs with some of the TF timed competition teams. Getting to the missions quickly was half the battle. Nobody used tp. We all used assemble team and whatnot. If tp is so much faster and time was of the essence....
  6. I know thats commonly said but i dont find it so in practice. Lots of hang time between back to back to back tp. And the occasional lag/misfire sending you the wrong direction. Dont get me started on team tp and its flaws. Still i take it on most of my MMs.
  7. My bad I understand the 95% ceiling. What Im not sure of is how use mids builds,. look at an attack power, with its IO slotting (any accuracy IOs), then any acc or to hit bonuses from powers/ slotting and set bonuses, to calculate if im at 95%. I usually just wing it as im chasing other stuff. Is there an easy way to kinda rough estimate it/eyeball it? If not just drop it arcane, Im not looking for anyone to spend alot of time teaching me. When Im ready Ill do a deep dive.
  8. Hai you might remember me from such threads as "Foldspace why do yall love it" and posts like So what is the To hit cap should I choose to chase it?
  9. qouted for true! Meanwhile im 3boxing an all MM team.... Truth hurts. \ I finding some pluses. It will pull bosses, tp foe cant. And group a spread mob up is solid with tar patch and bots burn.
  10. I dont get it. Short distance, needs line of sight. By the time I might even need to use it.... Everyone speaks so highly of it since the pool revamp but im struggling to see the improvement to pool period. Let alone this power that I thought was supposed to be a centerpiece of the revamped pool.
  11. free server transfers negate the reason for playing on one server. I moved a tank from excel last night to indom to help with a hammi raid (it failed but still fun). So other than personal SG base (which Im working on one for each server just in case) why does it matter?
  12. I was part of several large base raids hero vs villains on champion back in the day. Not saying it was perfect but we did run some. So saying it never worked isnt accurate. It just didnt work well. And clearly not an option on homecomming.
  13. My old favorite quote was whitney houston "crack is whack". This might replace it.
  14. Thats what I was thinking, I just dont see an MM attack (not pets but an actual MMs attack like lash) holding aggro for very long. So even if provoke is only 14 seconds its better at its job than an attack. But I havent thoroughly tested this.
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