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Everything posted by Gobbledigook

  1. Now that snarky has reared his ugly mug again i think we need a Bat emoji for him in chat so we can spam him to death!? with it it. Bat as in Batty as in crazy 😛
  2. Thing is i did state it was MY OWN personal view on it. Either way i wasn't that bothered but thought i would mention it and that others may have noticed also (it seems they have). So i took a light hearted stab at it. Disagreeing is fine but it's the manner you do it in. I understand why they have done it but i still think they should be worth some xp as they are assisting, even if it means lowering the others slightly. But as i say it is my own personal view on this topic as was asked for. Problem is just typing can easily be misinterpreted and as usual forum users take the negative view.
  3. When everyone runs past the enemy to the next xp givers whilst the enemy is still behind is not really how it would work. It is weird watching it happen. It would not happen in reality. Of course players can do what they want but it is quite noticeable in ITF that players ignore them. It is my own personal feeling as was asked for on the subject and you guys all need to chill out a little over such a small thing. What started as a little fun as usual escalates in to a shit show. Not one comment any of have made will change how i see it, it is my opinion. It still looks weird to me.
  4. Perhaps they should have restricted AE rather than interfere with the actual game. I understand why they did it but i think they should have found a better solution. I do find it weird ignoring certain mobs because they don't give xp. It just feels wrong. Made the game a little worse in my opinion.
  5. By the way this is a friendly slightly comical debate and not a competition to see who wins. If you thumbs down then state which part you do not like. Do not be one of them 🙂. I am just giving my opinion on this thread as was asked for and do not take it personally in any way. 2nd account 😛
  6. They don't come solo and not in large numbers. The group will attack if you attack one same as any mob. You could one shot any mob and it won't attack but it gives xp. AE would need adjusting to not allow this then if it is the case. They provide buffs/heals which assist the group, not Murderers just drug dealers if you like. They are participating in illegal activity with a known group of villains and are guilty by association. It is weird for new players to understand which mobs should be arrested when they are in association with the evil mobs. causing confusion when they get no xp for taking time to arrest these villains.
  7. Some players like that sort of thing even if you don't. We have this thread as an example. It is not much to ask for to give some xp to these mobs. Why you would argue against it? it is weird that you would be so against it, for such a little thing that may be a big thing to someone else. That is my opinion on this thread and it is valid. Ty. 🙂
  8. They are doing villanous activity so they should be arrested for their villainy and the arresting officer should get xp. Immersion breaking really. The medication that could stop the villain doing his dastardly deed but rather assists the villain to continue. They are not innocent as they are part of an evil organisation. Worth some xp if not just for immersion.
  9. Harmless? they assisted the mob trying to kill you. It wasn't me officer, i'm just the driver lol Like i said...It is weird running past an enemy and ignoring it just because there is no reward for taking out the villain. Carry on assisting villains, have a nice day! They should be arrested for their villainy and the arresting officer should get xp. Immersion breaking really.
  10. Except they assist the mob that is trying to defeat you. They do not run solo they are part of a team. Willing accomplices are guilty and should give xp 🙃 It is weird running past an enemy and ignoring it just because there is no reward for taking out the villain.
  11. They do heal the mobs attacking you making them a greater threat, so probably should give some xp. Have healers really become that obsolete as to be worth nothing in this game? lol
  12. A Marine/fire or Time/fire defender or Corruptor with a Bio/BA Tanker or other secondary would do quite well in all content.
  13. I went a Time/Fire defender and it works very well indeed. It could easily be wizard themed. Corruptor would work also if preferred.
  14. I did it on my Defender in good time also. I like what you have done but that mission is not exactly hard, but then neither is most content.
  15. That happened to me the first time i tried on my Rad/SS way back also. Took some advice from others and got it done but i would never punish myself again trying to do it lol. Who started it Werner? 🤪
  16. Well here is my disco dance costume. Had a lot of good /tells from it at the costume contest but did not even get a mention. A gimmick as usual won. Anyway here it is.
  17. I think we all suffer from that at times.
  18. CoT was 204. Not sure about SoH.
  19. Champions online at 93 and CoH 245? crazy talk.
  20. Squirrel Girls everywhere! I would like mini flying dragons that spit out different elemental damages with skin colors to match damage type. A choice of elemental damage types, ice/fire/elec etc with a toggle similar to Dual Pistols. No need for group fly and they can be mostly ranged.
  21. I did not mean test a build but test the animations and playstyle. Some sets are faster and some are PbAoE rather than ranged AoE etc. So why take the time to do a build when you are undecided which you may like more? Can you auto enhance an IO build that has been ported over?
  22. That would require time doing a build and importing it, but yes you could do that. Auto enhance will work just to get a quick feel for each also.
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