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Everything posted by Gobbledigook

  1. Yet a Stalker will take a hard target down in half the time of a Tanker or less. Has the game become all about AoE?
  2. Actually they have. Yet again you are cherry picking to incite argument. Have fun lol.
  3. Do other AT's have a problem with Tankers performance or is it just Brutes only? Scrappers and Stalkers have far better dps than a Tanker, so i do not see many complaints from them. Tankers are performing well and are much more fun to play now than in the past. Do you really want the old Tanker back? i certainly do not. I do agree that the extra aoE buff of Tanker was a little too much and could be lowered to 25% with target caps looked at. Brutes are in an awkward position of being out damaged by Scrappers/Stalkers and out tanked by Tankers. They sit in the middle. Brutes need a better ATO proc and maybe a little something else, but Brutes are generally pretty good. I would still like to see a comparison of Brutes vs Tankers without any procs at all.
  4. On 3/23/2024 at 9:56 AM, Scarlet Shocker said: I'm struggling to work out how you can "arrest" someone with a high explosive device by detonating it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am going to put one of these in your Mom's house unless you Surrender?
  5. Any running around called Jim royle yet? My arse! (Brit sitcom).
  6. The Arsenal of weaponry that is your Elbow 😛
  7. off topic but... Tankers have higher base resists/defense. Higher health/max health. A really good ATO set proc. They have increased radius to all attacks which is a little OTT. Brutes need fury to ramp up their damage, which is easy to do. They have higher damage cap but lower starting damage than a Tanker. They will hit harder generally than Tankers but procs and +damage buffs can alter this. Brutes have bad ATO set procs. Brutes probably need a little love in the ATO or a scaling resist/defense in fury or something. Brutes are between Tankers and Scrappers. Less damage than a Scrapper but better survival., mostly due to higher health.
  8. Of those i would opt for Martial Arts. You could build more resistances in. Dark Melee is good also as Zemx said. It has a +endurance power also, which can be handy for Shield. It can be an endurance hog depending on build.
  9. Rad is a great armor and it has heals/absorb. It needs these. It has no defense unless built in and no DDR. It also has a cold hole. Shield for example has huge DDR and defenses with really good resistances and with the right set up capped resistances. It does not need a heal as it does not take enough damage, unless it is a 4* in which case you will not be solo anyway. Invuln may not have Rad/fire/Bio/elec heal but it has more max health than those by a big margin, good resistance to every damage type and high defenses with good DDR. It also makes it easier to hit higher level mobs. Psi resists are easy to build for. Less clicking heals also allows more attacking/taunting.
  10. Check out some builds first . But yes it can get high psi resists with or without staff. I would test the secondaries on the test server to see which play style you prefer or if you have a concept in mind. It is not all about numbers.
  11. Granite in stone armor will be your toughest but comes with drawbacks,being damage and recharge debuff on you. You could try a build that has Granite as back up and only use it in dire need or hardest content. Personally i would just pick Invuln as it is considered 2nd to granite only. It has no drawbacks. Staff/MA/Dark M will boost survival. Staff is the lowest damage of those, boosts resistances. Dark comes with a built in endurance/health gain. MA is fast and fun and boosts defense.
  12. Most tanks have no problem with 54x8 content when built well. Harder content is usually in teams anyway and you will be buffed considerably. But you could try Invuln/Martial arts or /Dark melee. Very durable to everything with extra +to hit . There are plenty of builds if you check the forums @Infinitum has quite a few to start you off.
  13. If i jump on my Defender on Brainstorm and /respec, it shows Detailed info for powers as Arachnos Widow. If i jump on my Arachnos Widow and /respec, it shows detailed info for powers as a Defender. Tanker /respec shows detailed info as a Widow. My widow was showing attacks at Defender values for example.
  14. I don't get why some of the powers have to be near or at double the recharge of the primary. It is too much and they will not get used. I am already selective of what epic powers i take and quite a few of them are not even worth the slot, so i already skip them on live. I will not take an attack that has a 40 second recharge that can be used once in a while and that has reduced range on a ranged damage class that already has many good attacks for example. Why would i? so i can hit a Pylon and post my Pylon time lol? because it is a waste of a slot in actuall play. The whole epic/ancillary powers need a separate look at in the near future. What are they for?
  15. They should change the name of Epic pool as they do not look very Epic at all. I thought the idea of them was to expand the character build. Tanks for example get some ranged/control attacks they miss and Sentinels some melee attacks etc. But what is the point if the cooldown slapped on them makes them mostly useless.
  16. Nice that it got a damage buff but it lost number of targets, but in keeping with the Sentinel. The extra recharge seems a bit excessive. Frozen aura shows 3 times the damage with same cooldown and number of targets. Yet in the description the damage is much lower. I have not tested it so not sure which is correct but the description is wrong anyway. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If they increase cooldowns too much then Epic pools are mostly useless and the game got a little more boring. I would only take those that are actually useful and make a difference. Sentinels are not really short of attacks and don't need melee attacks with stupidly long cooldowns. At least Tankers/Brutes/Scrapper/stalker Epic ranged attacks can be fairly useful. Or controller/defender etc Epic armors/CC/damage attacks can be useful also. Why would i take Knockout blow with a 40 seconds recharge over Pulverize or Cremate with a 16 second recharge for example. Yes KB does more damage but the DpA are very similar and Pulverize/cremate can actually be used in a rotation easily. Maybe lower the activation time on Link minds also in line with Mind Link. It is already inferior to ML.
  17. I have not checked on the test server as it is down at the moment but are there no new Ancillary pools for Sentinels?
  18. Elbow strike does not seem fitting for Arsenal Assault. Maybe for street fighting or Martial arts but not Weaponry. Could you not change that in some way? Brass knuckle strike maybe and use punch animation? At least that is a weapon and not a body part. Arsenal must mean something different to you than what i think it is.
  19. Build it on the test servers first to try out. But sometimes even then tweaks can happen.
  20. I didn't select any and it just defaults to what seems to be the correct version for Homecoming. No problems here anyway.
  21. I've given plenty of feedback in the past and was mostly ignored so rarely give it now. At this point they are probably pretty much decided and just want to release it. Let discord decide.
  22. I just skipped it on the test serrver on my final build after trying it for a while. It just isnt worth it to me. There are other AoE's that give better returns. It still needs more. Nice if they lowered the recharge on the soldier pets a little or gave them better sustain. Pets that can't be control and die so easily with a very long recharge on a pet class is a bit rubbish.
  23. So a Staff and a Broadsword are? A Club(mace) could easily work. Sneak up and bop someone on the head. A hatchet/cleaver(axe) could also work quite well. But this is not real world comparison it is total fantasy. So we have people wielding stupidly over sized weapons(TW) and shooting Beams of energy from their eyeballs etc.
  24. Ahh i see, in anticipation of update release. Missed that. You have pretty good accuracy in the build plus leadership, so do you really need CT offensive and not swap it with Combat Jumping for an extra LotG +recharge and some small +defense. You could put a Winters gift slow resistance in CJ also if you preferred. Shame it does not have a miracle in health for a little better recovery, but Cardiac may be enough. You could drop a Mocking Beratement and slot a miracle and still have the same +recharge with LotG in CJ. Just some small ideas but looking good.
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