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Everything posted by Gobbledigook

  1. With Willpower/Staff you could bump the resists instead of defense, which without decent DDR wont last long anyway. With 2 MotT procs and the Body Sky splitter buff i am sitting at around 70% resists minimum to all damage. Throw in Strength of Will or the Melee core Hybrid and that bumps it to 90% resists to all. Plus i have barrier giving more resists and defense. Defenses are 46% fire/cold and 43% Energy/Denergy but Barrier will add to that. I dont bother with GS but you could. My regen with 1 target is 100hp/s and with 10 it's 172hp/s. Melee core will buff this even more. I also have 96% recharge. That might give you an idea what can be done but you wont be a damage dealer lol.
  2. Betty Bazookas. A girl with really big.....guns.
  3. Could be worth trying that exact build on a Brute. It would be interesting to see if Fury carries it further and by how much. Procs lol. Very nice job though.
  4. I would like to see the Pylon clip. 84 seconds without Hybrid on and not fully procced is very impressive. I have not done the new Pylons only the old and best i got was 89 seconds and that was a freak, usually around 1.40-1.45 with hybrid on. SS/Bio Tanker. Maybe i should give axe a whirl 😉
  5. But Blasters have done it? If a Blaster can do it then i would say any AT can, so that test looks to be completed. Is it best of the best or best in class? a Stalker could not compete in clearing vs a Brute for example. Maybe do a test with SO's only after this. A comparison between basic AT builds on SO's vs the potential of a full IO procced build.
  6. Maybe dps to survivability should be judged also. Some of these Pylon builds look far less sturdy than they should. Why? so you can whack a static target that doesn't fight back with procced attacks? Also add a fun factor rating to builds/powers also 🤪
  7. Dark age of Camelot is almost 25 years old and that was a great MMO game. WoW finished it off but it is still going i believe.
  8. I had a friend once.....😢
  9. Shield/Dark would certainly be a top contender. Dark will help shield with Endurance and heals and small debuffs and provide the +to hit. Invuln/MA or Staff is also a contender. SR/Staff.
  10. My Warrioress. (hopefully image is ok)
  11. I like Viper. Good job.
  12. I now have.... Killing Machine Hellrider Painkiller Rapid Fire Hellraiser LifeForce Chain Reaction Trick Shot Razzmatazz Bio Hazard Necrosis Death Stalker And i was away for the weekend. If i don't use them soon ill release them, but i do intend to. 🤗
  13. Would lots of +recharge and Phase shift work? lol Ice armor Hibernate then Phase shift 😜
  14. Bio and probably ice armor also like lots of +recharge. It will help keep Bio's absorb and +regeneration powers up and IA's Ice Bastion. It will also allow you to rotate the best attacks for more dps. Get some slow resistance for Bio. If you cant fire your clickies enough you will fall.
  15. Their slowness is the main reason i do not play MM's.
  16. All the Devouring Eearth monsters on monster island absorb each other into one massive horrendous super GM lol.
  17. I warched that back in the day. 🙂 My favourite is... So funny.
  18. That is not what i said at all. The choice if you read it again was as to whether to build for tanking or dps. You stated "Brutes have to bend their slotting towards survivability" and i say they don't. I have Brutes as dps and they do very well. Brutes are the middle ground they will always be second place lol. You showed tests that were using procs "I wanted to compare Tanker vs. Brutes with identical powersetsand how they perform based on proc usage". I have procs slotted into many of my Brutes and they do just fine. I can tank a +4x8 ITF with my procced out dps build and that is good enough for me. Whatever that means? Not that i mentioned Brutes in that paragraph but i did mention Scrappers and Tankers. And you posted these tests with " postnerf tw/bio brute avg: 5m59s" in them. And You should probably read a little more carefully, be less aggressive and make sure your facts are correct 🙂
  19. A Brute can easily be a dps with increased health and potentially better mitigations. They do not have to be a tank with Tanker like survivability. They have a choice. Procs are no harder to use on a Brute than they are for a Scrapper. You can not compare classes based on damage procs. Ston may show certain Tankers doing well in a Trash clear but so are the Scrappers. But i can say for sure which AT will be at the top for a Pylon/AV/GM and it is not going to be a Tanker. Stalkers don't perform so well as they don't tend to have the AoE, does that make them worthless? Any AT with good AoE will clear trash easily, which is quite a few.
  20. Maybe if Super Strength ever gets reworked. I doubt they will get it until then for the same reasons Tankers do not get Energy Aura.
  21. Ahh i see, you are just talking about that one arc. Got it 🙂
  22. Why level 19?
  23. Well we know a Brute will take a Pylon/hard target down faster than a Tanker. The Trapdoor test shows Tankers are good trash clears but so are Brutes and many other AT's. The test does not represent normal everyday play. A Brute will solo just fine and is actually one of the better AT's for doing this. The Tanker is very good solo also and so are many other AT's. Soloing is a choice as teams are readily available. The Brute in a team will benefit from buffs very well with their increased caps, pushing them well beyond Scrapper levels and into Tanker area. I have both Tanker and Brutes with the same powersets and good builds. They clear trash equally but the Brute will take down a Boss faster. That is my proof in actual gameplay and not tailored missions. That being said the Brute could definitely do with better ATO procs and maybe some slight tweaking. It is never going to be an easy place between 2 other AT's but no one forces you to play the Brute. Providing some ideas for the Brute and less moaning may be more beneficial.
  24. You will probably have endurance issues even with DC. Resists are a little low in areas for a resist armor but just my opinion. Not enough slow resist. The +recharge is nice though.
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