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  1. When you enter the Paragon Party door in the south end of Steel and turn round, that one entry door has become four exit doors and if you take the one next to the end you exit right at the top end of Steel. Was great for lowbies before we all got jet packs.
  2. so Veetabix or Weetabix? 🥴
  3. Mom, or Mam, or Mum!🤔
  4. Hi guys, thank you all for the very helpful advise and guidance, appreciated. I am now thinking (still refering to my favourite Claws as primary) that with different secondaries on same AT (scrappers) my primary power picks will not change that much, if at all, but I should modify both the way I slot them and with what I slot them to relect the different secondary. My attack chain also may change in order, apart from always starting with FU, but maybe just to reflect AOE or Single foe as is. Better get more up to speed with Mids lol. Cheers
  5. Hi, so to take just as an example a Claws/SR scrapper. The Claws Primary is fully twinked out. I now want to roll a Claws/Willpower scrapper. Will the Claws build from the SR scrapper be just as effective for the Claws/Willpower scrapper without any changes? I want to ask if there is an optimal build for a specific primary like Claws that is good for other scrapper secondaries. So how good is a good primary, or must it also be reworked for a different secondary of same AT? Sorry if this is a bit confused, am better at doing than explaining, thanks.
  6. 👍🍩🍪 tyvm, I can stop fretting 😊
  7. Hi, raised my alt to lvl 45 doing normal redside stuff. Used Gull to swap to full Hero. Then started doing blue side content just using the Flame to flashback. As of today I have completed every thing in all of the first 5 sections ie up to and including the level 25 to 30. In doing so I have not had a single non crafted enhancement drop. Not one! I have had plenty of orange salvage (sold for nice inf) and a mix of yellow and orange recipes (Glad Armour et cetera). But not a single trash enhancement! Is this WAI or maybe because I am a higher level or something else. Or just a bug? Thanks guys, just really curious.
  8. Hi guys, the above jogged an old memory from way back on live. I was stood standing in Atlas (as one does) on my farm char that had a modest 30ish vet levels. I saw a couple of level 2 and 3 players come over and were definately checking out my alt, np. I then get a PM from one of them asking very politely if I would share my “Cheat code” with them. lol I replied that I was sorry I could not do that because in our game there were no cheats. Their response came very quickly to the effect that of course I had cheated because they knew the game max level was 50 and I was at level 80ish! Made me laugh but I started to type a response to explain about Vet levels when I received another response detailing the fact that apparently I did not have parents and should go self procreate! They both then left for pastures elsewhere. I returned to my farm and laughted for the next 10 vet levels, heheh ah the good old days. 🤣
  9. Hi, as far as I can find it seems like we have just the one choice for a female char to wear a Santa Hat. (not tried on a male char but may be the same) If you choose that hat it replaces any hair style choice. (also changes to a default face number 10 as well, no idea why!) And that then needs to be changed as well. It s also a very strange style of Santa Hat sticking out from the back and not draped down one side of the head. What I would like is to have a modern style drapped Santa Hat that I could wear with my usual hair style Glam. So Bah Humbug to Ho Ho Ho please 🎅🏻🧑🏻‍🎄🤶🏻 Seasons greeting to all.
  10. Not to keen on a “Tomb of the ……?” type memorial but would much prefer an “Eternal Flame” animated rememberance style. And perhaps it could be settled on one of the floating islands in Oro. Not on the main platform but on one of the other quiet peaceful ones maybe near a waterfall where one could sit and remember. I also think that being Oro it ties nicely into the past and the future ingame and is also accessable by all Blue Red and Gold characters with least side swapping hassles. So no names, just one memorial to remember all! Cheers
  11. On Indom, a shout out to Inna and all the crew that make the nightly Ada run available to all us lowbies and then get us through the GM hunts lol(herding cats heheh) to regular Hami’s and itrials, and the sense of fun they all do it in. We do have a small player base but surely this is a tribute to quality over quantity. Thank you all guys, you all know who we mean!
  12. Every single alt I have, excluding my Mm’s, has GF toggled off at Null. However the last thing I go to Null for is to disable GF! I am really sick of “Flyby buffer’s” hitting me with Speed Boost after which I invariably end up stuck in a bus shelter and also that Mystic buff or debuff curse power thing that usually gimps me in some unwanted way. (I also hate the shields that covers my costume work) I also get jolly cross about the popup power tray every time I use my travel power secondary, oh and why does it still pop up at every Adamaster party even when the summons is also in my regular trays? So I go to Null at level one to change those things to the way I want them to behave and because I am there GF also gets disabled. In nearly all the GF threads going to Null to disable GF is talked about as if that is the only reason ever to visit him and so makes it an unwanted chore. I also go to the D at lvl 1 to get the explore badge above the monkey fight cage so I have the D as a destination on the new Fast Travel system. I never hear anybody moaning about going to seeNull to avoid be speed buffed but I probably just missed all the threads about that! Maybe I am the only player that does not want Speed Buffing and if so then why not get rid of that Null option and I will continue to feel the effects of somebody elses power usage.
  13. Hello, well been playing since just after Live till sunset and then from our rebirth till now. So like most of us have done a bunch of stuff and ready for a new venture. I have done all the content on blue and red and yellow sides but only on my main badge char (4 badges to 100%) and mostly using flashback. I also have a number of pages of alts which I just realised are all originally blue or yellow starters. I appears I have never in all that time rolled a shiny new redside character. Therefore I intend to do so and then level it exclusively doing red content except for the coop stuff as and when that is available to it. I expect to be mostly solo but will join whatever is starting when I am ingame and would want to be a contributing member of the team when I do. I absolutely want nothing to do with the Soldier or Widow AT’s, I just find all the respec stuff at lvl 24 far to much of a chore at my level of knowledge of them with too many already parked up in the failed/stalled page of my alts. I would aim to have a fully twinked out and Incarnate character at the end of the journey. Resources and Inf are not a problem at any stage. So given the above I would really appreciate suggestions re AT and Primary and Secondary power sets for the project. What will allow me to experience redside and all it offers including badges. Sorry for the ramble, please help, thanks muchly 🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻‍♂️
  14. AAARGH please ignore above post, got mixed up with SO’s and other enhancements. My bad….!
  15. Hi, as title asks can I get a Vendor/Quartermaster similiar to the ones near Ms Liberty in Atlas that sell both regular SO’s and regular IO’s? I seem to have choices of only SO’s in base editor. Thanks
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