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About biostem

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Sure it does; One method actually requires you utilize your secondary; "As intended", so to speak. The second approach essentially ignores your secondary, and with the pet powers having been buffed to only having a recharge time of a few seconds, this is imminently attainable without significant sacrifice, especially since, IIRC, various pet IO sets already include recharge...
  2. Except some builds already do this, but in general, +4/x8 should require 8 people. After all, that's what the whole "x8" part of that descriptor represents...
  3. Can we instead get an accolade for arguing on the forums?
  4. Welcome back! Now get out there and fight, (or commit), some virtual crimes!
  5. There are some weapons already available via START. Are you looking to be able to take these powers then have them as part of that character's costume, or just to add more temporary weapon-based powers?
  6. I'd be happy if they could just mark glowies on your minimap, provided you get close enough or one passes within your LoS...
  7. It took me a while to actually delve into the Incarnate system, and while it is indeed cumbersome, once you get the hang of it, it isn't that bad. Do you have any interest in learning about it? Now that I understand it, I find it to be a great way to continue that character's advancement, plus you can basically swap-out the abilities as you desire, (out of combat, of course).
  8. Didn't notice this one before. Great design!
  9. For me, the hardest part is not revisiting the same color schemes that I find to "work" best in the CoH engine, but it can be difficult at times, (particularly if you want to use lighter colors without looking like some 2 year old's attempt at decorating Easter eggs)...
  10. I know tankers get better defense/resist values from their armors, but does that extend to regeneration and/or healing? Maybe give them a variation of the old instant healing toggle power?
  11. Funnily enough, IIRC, the larger Banished Pantheon Lore pet also does that "360 degree waist rotation" animation...
  12. You sow that FUD! I'm sure it'll help things out, just like how eliminating multi-boxing will suddenly get those people to team with you... And for the record, I myself do not dual-box.
  13. Forced teaming will not foster camaraderie, and CoH has always been a stand-out with how it is mostly solo-friendly...
  14. FWIW, the issue seems to be, (from what little I know), that MMs were kind of kludged together to get them to work on whatever timetable the OG devs had to add the AT, so the issue isn't necessarily about whether you're using 4-legged models or humanoid ones; It's not that your or the OP's suggestion doesn't have merit - it's that it'd be a huge undertaking...
  15. I interpret it as meaning that your points should be amplified...
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