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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 8 hours ago, Killawar said:

    You seem to forget in your example that build X will have mechanics that counter it. When more power choices are viable (pre-13) then the problem solves itself. 


    This is more of a problem in, again, issue 13, where there are very few builds - especially by comparison - that someone can pull off. Once again issue 13 is the problem. 


    Because, these days especially, you are more than likely to fail at a build you try out yourself. Why? Because PvP does not work like the other aspects of the game - at all, which is yet another example of issue 13's failure. Main game? Most - if not all - things can and do work. It used to be much closer to that way in PvP prior to issue 13. All of the problems you're stating - trial and error, diversity, a meta - were much less of a problem prior to issue 13. 


    This would be far more useful if the game didn't have nearly as hard of a rock-solid meta as it does now. 


    Then you must be a unicorn, because most people don't find taunt botting fun. 


    Coming from someone supportive of issue 13, clearly you did not. 


    This is basically all games in general. The ones that knew how to play the game also had their "off-meta" characters - which still worked. To claim that all people who were good played all meta things is flat-out incorrect. Most people who were good could play anything they wanted - make anything work - and they did, hence why they were good at the game. 


    Rofl. Inaccurate. Majority are corrs and defs. Scraps, blasts, sents are up there. The others are unicorns. And besides, didn't you just say that most people were bad? What's to make that statistic any different now? We know melee aren't in a good spot, so what's to stop me from strawmanning and saying that the people who melee are bad?


    Look at kickballs. All ranged. 

    < Says someone is looking through rose tinted goggles yet supports issue-13's horrendously inferior system. 


    Party out in zones and you see stalkers/corrs/defs/sent occasional scrap. Ranged > Melee, and yet you seem to think there's more diversity than there was.


    Back in the day you'd see just about every AT in zone pvp. Even on the lower-pop servers there were far more people in one given zone than the entirety of the HC's pvp zones combined.


    Just about everyone - even the 'good players' - quit after i-13.


    I played a game where tankers didn't get the same resistances that a corruptor did.


    You play a game where one of the hardest hitting melee abilities is Flurry.


    Who's rose-tinting again? 

    Killawar, I don't know much about you besides you're disdain for everything that is counter to your opinions, but if you don't like the game meta don't play. It doesn't sound like you're having fun. 

  2. Hey Siph! I wasn't in that group,  but I think we teamed at some point in time on live, either Victory or Triumph. I played a spines/regen that I'm having trouble remembering the name of. 


    Did you recently get back in to the game? 

  3. On 8/22/2019 at 4:02 PM, Killawar said:

    Do you really think Scrappers with Ice Armor would break the game? It hasn't, and it won't.

    PvP builds both past (on live) and current gain traction because of a combination of popularity, convenience and specificity. Popularity in the form of flavor of the month builds that proliferate zones, arena and fight clubbing. It is a logical decision for someone to roll a character that other people have demonstrated has utility in action. Attaining that level of competency with the build may vary however, and this may have the unintended effect of slowing down innovation. The convenience of a build comes from a combination of viewing PvP builds before the character is created and knowing the outcome ahead of time - imagine leveling a character to 50, attaining and outfitting 500+ million in IOs, accolades, Incarnates, etc. only to realize that the build wasn't what you thought it was. A lot of people choose that convenience over the trial and error method. Lastly the specificity of a build plays a huge role in its utility - taking pool powers like leadership benefit team environments in zones and arena, but offer minimal solo player benefit when compared to IO set bonuses (I would say Tactics benefits solo players when slotted with +Perc) - you can't use vengeance without a teammate. 


    Now that the game is not as much of a time-sink (1-50 in 3 hours, Inf is easier to attain, incarnates easier to attain, etc.), as well as trying out new builds on the Beta server or private server ahead of time, and having a PvP community that is very supportive to new players goes a long way in making the game playable.


    Lastly, I wanted to point out that I have fun when I play my melee character!

  4. 9 hours ago, xhiggy said:

    Hey all, typed up some info for new players interested in kickball. Might be a useful read If you've seen some videos/streams and would like to learn more or have showed up once or twice and had questions about the format.



    Xhiggy, thank you for this. It looks like a lot of effort was put in to it, I appreciate it. It really shows how much you and other players are interested in making PvP more friendly to new folks. 


    I really liked the links to all the streamers at the end - I had no idea there were that many. I also liked the details about emps (or pains) like what to expect, how to be an asset to your team, survivability, etc. All very useful information across the board in a convenient location. I think it should be stickied. 

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