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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 25 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    Remember when you were young?

    You shone line the sun.

    Shine on, you crazy diamond.



    ... Remember "Death express" being a legit thing - the "original" fast travel from the Hollows (or sewers) back to Atlas to train?

    Remember the devs introducing Defiance 1.0? "Tell them not to heal you so you do more damage!" ... no.

    Jump off the tall buildings in steel to get extra dmg for street sweeping

    • Haha 1
  2. 3 hours ago, 0th Power said:

    Remember when there weren’t respecs and there was no mids

    This! Your choice was permanent. I remember when they pushed the terra volta trial out, i could finally respec out of jump kick from the leaping pool thinking it would work with my martial arts scrapper. Except that trial was tough!

    • Thanks 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Twisted Toon said:


    There is not a whole lot of skill or risk involved when 2 stalkers double AS a controller already in the middle of a fight with a group of NPCs.

    Would you consider that PvP?

    That happened to me, multiple times, when the game was live.


    Same amount of risk as when 2 Player Characters trade defeats in the arena or a PvP zone.

    Both would be considered PvP.

    Both would also be considered cheap victories as well.

    Two players versus a player = PvP

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  4. There's more people to interact with on average in your role in Recluse's Victory on Indomitable, though they likely won't participate in your RPing. Conversely, if your role benefits from a lower population in zone and other RPers to interact with, Everlasting may be right for you. 


    Pros and cons either way. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Derek Icelord said:

    For the Immortal badge line, here's what I've figured out for time required. This assumes +4/x1 and 0% damage resistance to type (fire for Lava and Lethal/Negative for CoT). Lava damage does vary by mission level.


    Farm Damage Interval (s) DPS Intervals Per Hour Hours to Badge Days to Badge
    CoT Guide 1128.04 11.0* 102.5 327.27 270.87 11.29
    Lava (no Rest) 38.89 0.5 77.8 7200.00 357.13 14.88
    Lava (Rest) 155.59 0.5 311.2 7200.00 89.27 3.72


    DPS is included so you can calculate how much regeneration / healing is required to survive the farm.

    The CoT Guide math assumes Rest is being used.

    *A Guide's Scimitar attack is assumed to have an 11s recharge time based on log files. There could be a decimal value that would slightly alter the math.

    Really might want to take a look at the double stacked fire patches in Mercy Island (where the building is on fire) that do 16 ticks per 0.5 interval. I was averaging around 2 million damage received per hour if that helps. Calculations were posted in previous pages. This damage output is higher than what Rest can provide, it is not intended for solo damage farming. It required two dedicated single target heals spamming plus slotted Rest and a self heal on auto.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Giovanni Valia said:

    I pretty much only play on redside in the Rogue Isles. That isn't to say I haven't played the blueside content, but I vastly prefer the storytelling redside. I find villains to be more interesting than heroes for various reasons; villains drive the plot. Heck, my main is a villain, all my alts are villains, and my start-up screen is CoV. There are people that play redside, it's just a smaller community.




    That is awesome! How did you default the start up screen to the CoV background?

  7. 1 hour ago, CrusaderK said:

    Ah yes, nothing like making fun of a culture in the morning, Stereotype extravaganza !

    A folk costume expresses an identity through costume, which is usually associated with a geographic area or a period of time in history. It can also indicate social, marital or religious status.

  8. I dunno, for your follow up attack after AS, there's that long animation time to deal with with your primary attacks. I usually go with the patron snipe unless the animation time for another power is shorter. 


    Might wanna get that acc up there so you're not eating yellows before every set up.


    Stalkers are get in, get out. Focusing on the initial burst output and then adding "uh oh" powers and set bonuses is my philosophy. That translates to as high dmg + acc I can achieve then getting higher hp and other stuff. 

  9. On 4/30/2020 at 11:49 PM, Green Dwarf said:

    In the "Defeat all villains in warehouse" mission given by Long Jack in Striga, I encountered a boss named Archon Archon Assunta. His name should just be Archon Assunta.

    Was given a similar mission, but it was given by Wes Schnabel and titled "Defeat Archon Archon Assunta and his crew" in Kings Row.

  10. I know of the three remaining Incarnate badges for their respective unlocks, disabled AE badges, Promethean if you don't exchange for reward, Bug Hunter, April Fools (though I struggled to unlock this permanent, even on my private server. Seemed to disappear on zoning). Any others?

  11. 28 minutes ago, Jacktar said:

    Hi, am probably missing the obvious but here goes...

    I am working for Imortal badge and started using the Burning House in Mercy method.

    Trouble is I do have to log out during work hours and often when I log back in there are no fires at the house location.

    Are the fires on some sort of timer or started when a specific arc/mission is run by another alt and then they just stay burning till a server reset or something?

    Have had no fires the last four times I logged in. Any other locations that stay burning please?

    Will investigate the Trapdoor lava stuff as well but don’t want to run a lot of arc just to keep getting back to that mission.

    And using that means I am locked into a flashback during my playtime instead of afk time.


    I have found in my experience logging out works on occasion, as well asmoving away from the building and coming back, usually half a mile.

  12. 3 hours ago, killigraphy said:

    Considering no one will be getting the Bug Hunter and several other badges, they'll always be that "one that got away" feeling.


    But ideally speaking? I'm always badge hunting. Something to do while I wait for BAF to fill or waiting on a TF.

    I could've sworn I've seen someone with Bug Hunter on Indom, but without proof consider it speculation. Has anyone confirmed a sighting on HC? Could any awesome HC volunteer staff confirm it has been awarded?

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