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Everything posted by billy2hawks

  1. Was wanting to try one out and wondering if someone might be able to post one.
  2. I was wondering the possibility of getting a sub forum for raid coordination so we can reduce the competition of pulling players for them. I was also wondering if we could get a server calendar to schedule events.
  3. I am kind of curious of how server loads will result in horizontal and vertical scaling (The servers are hosted in Azure, correct?). With the funds as donation only right now, and keeping with in a specific financial limit due to legal concerns, how will the team deal with sudden influxes? I don't know the hardware limitations based on the software running on the servers, but i am sure that a sudden influx of several thousand players might make a significant difference in the cost of the cloud resources. I know in Azure you can scale horizontally based on settings, and vertically based on settings and hardware limitations. I just wonder if the farms can handle a sudden large influx of players without going BOOM! 🙂 Sorry, but the tech in me is being forward thinking about resources and budgeting.
  4. I finally got this issue resolved with at least my desktop, I have not booted my laptop to play CoH for awhile. Desktop is Windows 10 1903, brand new and wired to the network, while my laptop was Windows 10 1903, but about 4 years old. For all intents and purposes, we will just take on what resolved my desktop since I have not attempted my laptop. The issue was overall network latency caused by Outlook 365 attempting to sync an IMAP mailbox, and failing on several emails. Once the sync issue was resolved, network latency was better, and I have been running the client for about a week with only one drop while zoning and no issues entering the game from character select or character creation. This issue MIGHT be limited to WIN 10 1903, but I cannot be certain, as other machines that did not have an issue were WIN 10 but the previous version and Windows 7. Troubleshooting: At first I was seeing bad but not horrible pings going to Google, but over time they became worse. At first I stopped all unnecessary programs, and that did not resolve the issue. I then assumed that maybe I had a malware infected device on my network (because, you know, kids) I turned off wireless on the router and it seemed to get better, then it would happen after while. My guess is that a reboot of the router caused the packet floods to subside until they built up again. Any way, my pings did get better after removing the wireless clients, so I started eliminating wireless clients. After it kept happening, I decided to put a wired only router in, and that maybe it was the router. I had the same issue. What is funny, was that it might work good for a few hours, then BAM I was getting issues. Since I was basically down to just my desktop, I knew there had to be something wrong on it. I had shut down all programs, but was still getting the issue. I was watching the network on Task Manager and noticed that even though outlook was closed, the process was still running and using like .1 Mbps of bandwidth. When I killed that process I noticed pings went from occasional packet loss and 90 - 150 ms pings down to 12 ms pings. So I shut down outlook fully and played for an evening without a crash. So, then I was watching Outlook to see what might be the issue, and I noticed that whenever the sync progress bar stuck, I would get progressively worse pings followed by packet loss, then drops in the game. I went through the "Sync Issues" folder in the mailbox (thankfully it was only one of my 8 accounts) and found several emails that could not or would not sync. I removed or resolved them one by one until I was no longer getting sync issues. Once that was resolved, I was playing without crashes. I was able to put my old router back. The issue I saw was caused by latency, and what appeared to be packet floods from both Outlook and CoH. Outlook because of the bad email, and CoH because it was constantly trying to send the drop packets because of the bad email. Together they seemed to cause a packet storm that either overwhelmed my PC, the router, or the server firewall thought it was a DDOS/Syn attack. I hope this can help someone.
  5. Maybe at level 25 (Or later) it goes from being either/or to being both.
  6. I am having this issue kind of plus crashing while zoning across 2 of 4 of the machines on my network. One was is a just built computer, the other is a Dell Precision Laptop. All of them have WIn 10 1809 or 1906. I did have a windows 7 computer, and it did have a slow to character select issue, but would zone just fine. One of the computers is wired, the other is wireless. The old Win 7 was wired. All were initially installed with the CoH directory from the laptop. I get the slow/failed load of the character select screen after I crash zoning, very rarely do I get it right off the bat. I can also run for up to about an hour before seeing this. Once it happens, I see it more often. When I do crash, I can pretty much write off getting back on for about 2 - 4 minutes. I will have issues hanging between the server select screen and the character select screen. Then it will be I cannot get from character select into the game. When it crashes zoning, it will not give an error, and if I let it sit long enough, the screen will display the zone I was in without the UI, and the game becomes unresponsive. If I wait it out for 2 - 3 minutes and attempt to log back in, it often goes right back in, and it might be a bit before I see another crash. If I attempt to hammer my way back in, it takes a bit, and it seems like when I do get in, I am more likely to crash sooner rather than later. I do get error messages when I attempt to log in after the crash if I don't wait it out, also from time to time, just logging in. The error I get if it fails to connect to the character select screen is "Cannot Connect to DB Server". If it fails on character load into game it gives a "Cannot connect to Mapserver" error. Now if I walk away and let the machine sit for a few minutes I can get back in to the game pretty easy. It is almost behaving as if a firewall has black holed my packets, like maybe it is seeing a flood of packets (or a series of malformed packets) and interpreting them as a attack. Once everything calms down, I can get back in. I have tried to install the latest drivers for both the wireless NIC and Wired NIC. I update the firmware on my router. Removed the CoH folder and installed it again as the CoX folder. Interesting enough, Tequila stalled downloading the World1piggs overnight and I had to close it and open it again to get the download working. I am not sure that is relevant as there were issues with the patch server last night. However, this did not seem to have any effect. I also attempted to turn of SPI on my router.
  7. So, looking at this problem. I have it on two machines that have completely different hardware. One is a Dell laptop, the other is system I built myself. U have the same problem on both machines. The laptop is wireless, and the other is hardwired. Now you might think, hey, it is your connection, but you would be wrong. I have two more machines my kids play on, and they work just fine. They are running on Dell optiplexes that are wireless. I was thinking, hey, it might be the router or connection until I took the other two computers into account. The ONLY thing I can think of that is common is my account. I guess I could try to play on my kids account for a few hours to see if it might crash on me. The funny thing is, it will work fine for an hour or so, then go through a series of crashes. I pull a tracert to Google every time it crashes, and 80% of the time, I am seeing decent pings to all the hops. Are there separate servers that the accounts are stored?
  8. Here is his "Classic" costume.
  9. Bunisher DP/SR Sentinel
  10. Finally got to donate some influence this month! Wootage!
  11. So I just built my new computer, because the other one was almost 7 years old. I am running a Geforce 1660 Ti and I was getting crashes when zoning. At first I thought it might be an issue with HDMI, so I switched main monitors, but still got the crash. After futzing around, I discovered that if I clicked out of the game window when I was zoning, I would crash from time to time. Even if I was entering the game from the character screen. So far as long as I keep the CoH window active when I am zoning, I do not crash. I will keep an eye on what happens, and if this changes I will update this thread.
  12. Silly question, but have you tried running Tequila "As Administrator"? I have a similar set up: Games are installed on an SSD at d:\Games\CoH and do not have a problem getting to the login. I just ran Tequila from the CoH directory that I copied from another hard drive and Tequila installed OK.
  13. I have a 3 monitor set up and want to move the full screen to another monitor, as it only plays on my primary monitor. Is there a way to switch it?
  14. Though I had many alts, those who played with me knew me as: Marble Maximus I was part of Legion (Paragon's FIRST Line of Defense) Global is @Marble Maximus Good to be back!
  15. Are you still looking for wireshark PCAP captures? I am on Wifi and playing in full screen. I am seeing drop issues when I go into/out of zones with more players. Let me know, and I will look at setting up PCAP/Wireshark to have a look and generate some logs.
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