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Christopher Robin

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Posts posted by Christopher Robin

  1. 2 hours ago, Midnight Blue Mage said:

    This is sweet. I must admit that I don't get the reference, but it still looks cool


    Very appropriate 😄 nice details in this piece


    Was able to scribble out a couple more...





    I believe she is going for a more clever interpretation.


    Some insects and reptiles will moult and slough off their shell or skin in favor of a

    newer one grown underneath, the scientific name for the exo-remnants

    is xuviae but they are more commonly called husks.




    Nice, I like the build one and the Husky pup is cute.

    I do have a question about the "mindless" one you did.

    Is that a portal opening and tentacles being summoned as in

    the Dark powerset or is it a giant Portuguese Man-O-War or jellyfish.

    Both are good examples of a mindless thing, just curious which you chose?




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  2. Not sure how many of these I will do but when I thought

    of a ring and City of Heroes this is what came to mind.


    Shiny Happy Peebles Holding Rings


    About an hour and a ½ of fast scribbling.

    Click thumbnail to see the larger version in my thread.



    • Like 4
  3. Oh yep, here ya go.


    Sorry I keep thinking as soon as someone sees the pic they just know

    what pieces I used and can easily go make it themselves.

    ... I spend way too much time in the CC. rFYv2e1c_o.gif


    P.S. the red vertical bar is in the path auras, I'm not sure

    if I saved the file before or after choosing that.




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  4. It keeps telling me I have "won the day." Does anyone know what this is all about?


    More artz! This was one of winners of my CoXsO (City of X send Off) event that happened just before shutdown.

    Sorry I do not remember their forum name but they go by Aybeecee on DA and the heroes name is Pyrebird. 

    They also told me they had never had any artwork of their heroes done before so was going to be their first. 

    The prize for that segment of the contest was a full color bust, this is the pencil drawing I sketched up for them.



    • Like 7
  5. 11 hours ago, Flashtoo said:

    Well, I don't tend to buy commissions because I don't have that kind of disposable income, but here's the most recent commission I completed:

    Art trades?

    It's how I got a dozen or so of the art pieces in my collection.


    Also nice work on your latest comm, agree with MBM lot's of nice little details to draw the eye.

    • Like 4
  6. Oh and here is another goatinous collaboration. rs4wmRnk_o.gif


    This time it was another forumite Pyro Nympho (maker of Sig buttons) who's birthday it was.

    He chose to have his eponymous hero done. Pyro imagines her based on a

    very specific person so the unusual lips, buck teeth and her slight

    cross-eyedness were all intentional and by request.




    Lord Goat did some basic colors and I did some punch up work on it.

    I notice at some point her teeth got reduced, not sure which of us did that lol.

    We were both still very much digital coloring n00bs at this

    point but it came out okay all things considered.




    Strangely the grey ponytail wrap on her topknot is my favorite bit of the coloring.

    • Like 6
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  7. @KaizenSoze Just as an FYI I grabbed QueenBethari's costume file for

    Tactical Pixie thinking to try and fix it for you but it worked perfectly right out of the gate for me.


    Maybe try downloading a fresh copy? If that doesn't help can you be more specific about what kind of errors you are getting?

    • Like 1
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  8. Well he must be quite the charming fellow then...

    or maybe (plot twist!) I'm the Hour Thief!


    **Duh Duh Duuuuuh!**


    Let's see, Dashing, Dangerous and Untouchable with a long list of former lovers... check!

    Likes to read, prefers sidelong glances and is very handsome... check, check and double check!

    Insufferable punster... well insufferable seems a bit harsh but okay fine, check!


    It looks like I must be... oh wait hang on... man in black and owns a cat.

    Nope I wear orange... and I don't own a cat. Close but no cigar. 07K1tHnz_o.png


    I see you went with the lineart version for your avatar, it looks good. Cheers! zb7XgP0P_o.png




    • Haha 7
  9. Those are looking good indeed.


    I'm glad you guys had a great experience with Avionecta, mine alas, has been rather different.

    I received my piece weeks ago and it was very pretty to look at but she got none of the details right.                      
    I sent her very detailed ref's and several brief sentences mentioning what was important and what made

    Shieldara different from "generic hero 368943" and for the most part she just ignored all of what I sent her.

    I also told her to ask if she had any questions and send a sketch for approval if she was not sure about something.


    These are the same refs I have sent to several other artists and I have never had this problem before.


    To her credit, after I sent her a list of the dozen or so most glaring errors (which was less than half of what I found amiss)

    she rechecked the refs and agreed it was her mistake for not paying attention. She has said she will make me a completely new

    piece free of charge because it would be too much work to fix the original so I do give her credit for owning up to it and agreeing

    to make it right. She also said she will send a sketch first for my approval this time. So we'll see how it goes, I'll keep you guys posted.

    • Like 2
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  10. Well written first short story, Tony V as in the Titan Network?


    I like the 2nd one as well, that sounds like one of the reasons we

    have vigilantes and rogues, some are likely wolves in sheep's clothing.

    No worries though they will eventually reveal their plans in a monologue to a

    hero only to be defeated or they will be betrayed by another villain also wanting to

    rule or some unruly minion will get delusions of grandeur and push the self-destruct button.




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  11. I hope it does and hey Disney has had a great run lately (as long as you forget "The Last Jedi" exists rFYv2e1c_o.gif) with the live

    action stuff and having multiple Marvel movies topping the all time highest grossing list doesn't hurt either.




    • Like 4
  12. 41 minutes ago, DJ1 said:

    No idea what you are talking about. 😉


    thanks.  oh yeah I remember some more of them now.


    You are right i saw her stuff here is really good i'll check her deviant later


    groan herd pun 😛 this isn't going to be the tea thing again is it? what stuff did you guys collab on again?


    I am sorry to hear that. He seemed like such a cool guy and very generous with his art.


    sweet! thanks. ummm dunno have to see how they look after I find a way to chop them down to just the face., I like the rest too but I want a close up.

    Uh hunh. Sure. rs4wmRnk_o.gif


    Sure sure.




    No this won't be another run of tea related puns... not to billy-labor the point but we're talking about

    goats here and those two things have nanny anything in common... in fact you could almost say

    they're are completely ungulated but I won't omni-vore you with all the details though. 07K1tHnz_o.png


    You mean other than your Grey Ming pic?

    I'll dig out some art we did collaboratively and post it in a bit, making breakfast atm.


    Very cool, very generous.

    Sums up Bobby nicely. zb7XgP0P_o.png


    So something like this?


    x1G5XRAP_o.png   2BYaPxSP_o.png   PMPmOvne_o.jpg






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