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Christopher Robin

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Posts posted by Christopher Robin

  1. On 9/18/2019 at 7:27 PM, Oubliette_Red said:


    That would have been me. lol


    Ye be wantin the ship 3 lots down the harbor lassie.... run by one Captain Obvious YARRRR!

    If'n yer avatar alone didn't give the slip surely I'd have t'be three sheets to the wind

    to be fergettin of yer other artz booty (:::the Bakart pieces for example:::)!


    Hear me true, I be lovin a good trap door dungeon as much as the next scurvy knave

    but I still be curious as t'why ye'd scuttle a perfectly good moniker?


    Script that be followin t'post: That be a fine bit of fritterin Healix... heres t'hopin

    the fiery birdie made that saucy wench Contessa Crey say Ahoy! to Davy Jones' Locker!




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  2. On 9/16/2019 at 2:37 PM, QueenBethari said:

    I totally get it! It's so hard to get a woody texture if everything's shiny. I feel the same way about the shadows on the pencil skirts.

      Hide contents



    Why does it have to cling there? It isn't even that tight!


    I'm so glad @biostem could help you out. Your character looks good.

    Referrin to yer secreted words, why cling there? Why fer the purposes of displayin booty of course! YARRRRR! 07K1tHnz_o.png


    Also if'n I be readin that scalleyway true he do in fact be seekin them thar metal maneekins!

    Script that be followin teh post: Starbuck be forever a dude, OG Battlestar be thee only

    Battlestar an' any landlubber that be dissagreein wit me'll be walkin da plank!




    • Haha 4
  3. 3 hours ago, Oubliette_Red said:

    I created a costume in another thread that ended up not being selected, but I liked it so much that I decided to use it myself and give him a bio.

    /me Remembers that thread. It was a really nice costume and I'm glad you put it to use. Love the bio you came up with to match it. zb7XgP0P_o.png


    On a unrelated note... who shoved the Angel/Valkyrja down the Oubliette? rs4wmRnk_o.gif

    • Like 1
  4. Sorry you got not responses to your query DeathSheep, I did a lot of modding back in the day

    but never tinkered with the zone splashes so no clue which .pigg file to look in. I know there

    are those who have been through every single file though so maybe try asking out in the

    broader forums and you might someone there who could give you a better answer.

  5. Agree with the general sentiment here, sorry you didn't find what you are looking for but hope it doesn't discourage

    you, it's still early days here on the forums and the artz section in particular. Things will improve as more creative

    types find their way here. There are a few who I gave a strong nudge to already that frankly I am surprised

    have not manifested here in the art forums yet. They must be still in lurker mode... or playing the game.


    Given a second chance at the best MMO ever, they could totally still be playing the game. 07K1tHnz_o.png






    No worries BW, I welcome people's opinions and constructive criticism and you know

    I'm all ears when you or any other artists have something to say about my drawing.


    On the Healix piece, yeah I knew I was exaggerating, I was told the character is really "smiley"

    and so sought to play that up but it does show in a side by side that I went a bit overboard.


    In the 2nd major version I drew (which I will scan and host here in a bit) I think her features (the eyes especially) were

    more proportionate but as I mentioned above she ended up looking more like a villain with a wicked or menacing look and so

    I thought I would use the warp tools in PS to get a "nicer" expression. In doing so she looks better now but I stretched and elongated more

    than necessary. I still think it's an improvement but it does look a bit cartoony. Healix if you have thoughts on this I would love to hear them as well.


    As for her ears they are covered and pulled back along side her head by the mask like Deadpool or Spidey (i.e they are the same color

    as the neck covering) so I'll darken them to be the same shade as the rest and bring them in at the top and bottom a bit (/e makes mental note). 

    after my first sketch I got this ref. Healy2.png







    • Like 3

    11 hours ago, biostem said:

    Upon seeing someone else's commission in this section of the forum, I had Kaninchenbau do a piece for me.  Here is said piece:

    Hey great for you Biostem, how about you post it in one of the two threads made for sharing

    commissions or even start your own thread? Showing off a full color, head to toe, paid commission

    in a thread where people are taking time out of their day to do free art for others in the community while

    also asking for free art yourself... it's at the very least inconsiderate. You are certainly not doing yourself any favors. rFYv2e1c_o.gif

    • Like 2
  8. Updates on multiple fronts.

    First up Mischief, the art program with the infinite canvas, is going away December 31st of this year.
    Basically what really set it apart from the rest of the field is every stroke drawn in Mischief is essentially a vector

    so lines stay sharp and clear at any scale or level of zoom. This allows a crazy range and epic scale not

    available in any other art program. It has a 50-trillion-to-one zoom factor: something that creator

    Sarah Frisken describes as “sitting on the moon and being able to look at a single flower on Earth.”

    Surely overkill for many but impressive none the less and licenses only used to cost $25.

    More info about the program here https://magazine.artstation.com/2015/08/mischief-typical-drawing-package/

    and the official download site is here. https://www.madewithmischief.com/


    On a happier front in the world of commissions I got back a piece that I felt compelled to share... I'll let the art speak for itself.
    This is my witch (and rightful queen of the Cabal) Chloe Macomber in her mutated state after surviving the meteor fall in Bloody Bay.




    Wernope sadly is closed for commissions currently and does not take them very often.

    I have received multiple pieces from her in the past and she knows there is more I want done 

    so she did say she would tell me if/when she opens up again. Fingers crossed. E9rkOkuW_o.gif



    • Like 6
  9. No worries QueenBethari and thanks, I plan to. zb7XgP0P_o.png

    I am guessing most people didn't know, hence the above post.

    I could put something in the O.P. about it too.


    To be clear if someone wanted to leave a 12 paragraph rant about politics here then I might say they were

    cluttering up the thread. Or if they were to post a bunch of their artwork full-screen in my thread (the occasional

    link or thumbnail is fine) instead of starting their own thread that might be clutter, but people's thoughts about my work,

    suggestions, bad puns, witty rejoinders, on topic comments and constructive critique are always welcome and

    can really help an artist learn and gain a new perspective by seeing things through the eyes of others.


    Besides if no one ever comments it just looks like me orange-splaining to myself in here. Trust me it's not a good look. 07K1tHnz_o.png





      This space reserved for QueenBethari's "like" ↓ ↓ ↓

    • Haha 3

    I did some more work on Healix.

    Comments and constructive criticism are welcome.


    P.S. I prefer those.


    Call me old-school or whatever but if you like something I've drawn or said, say so. Even if it's just "Hey, I like this."

    You can still hit the like, thanks, confused, sad or funny buttons too if you want to add to my community

    reputation (whatever that's good for rFYv2e1c_o.gif) but given the choice I'll take a comment every time.


    Of course you can choose to do both, they are not mutually exclusive. DA got it right in

    that respect, if you try to hit the +fav button and run it pops a dialogue box

    next to the artist's avatar saying "Don't forget to leave a comment!"





    Colored in the spires on her crown(?) and blended the gradations on the under side of her hat.

    A few other minor facial tweaks. I am roughing out an upper body. I'll see how it goes.





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    Great job on these Jon and it's so cool that you are doing art for your whole SG like this.

    To my eye Signal, Ace, Trance, and Gunfight are really stand out designs in your style.


    I must confess I am a bit confused about Interface though.

    He might just have a helmet I don't recognize or something like that.




    • Like 2
  12. Adding this from the collab thread here as well.

    This was a birthday drawing I did for Supa Dee of her eponymous hero.




    Which then got colored both by DD...



    and then by Supa Dee herself as well.




    I really can't overstate how much I enjoy seeing multiple different colorings like this.

    They are the same drawing but also unique and awesome in their own way. VEWtbwvC_o.gif





    • Like 11
  13. I know right?

    So in people terms the difference between a male crow and a male raven

    is like the difference between a guy and a slightly taller guy. 07K1tHnz_o.png


    So if you had the Arnold Schwarzenegger of crows and the Danny Devito of ravens and

    the Arnold crow could sleep with the Danny raven's wife (or his maid rs4wmRnk_o.gif) and have

    a kid then they would essentially be ............. (wait for it)  .................... Twins!

    • Haha 4
  14. Yeah I got that you used the Latin name for a common raven but there is no real consistent distinction

    between a raven and a crow, they can even interbreed and produce viable young.  I suppose 

    they are sometimes portrayed differently in media/culture so yeah raven if you prefer.



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    Went back to the drawing board, literally, (hah!) for the third time

    but this is now even more of a thing than it was before.

    The 2nd take actually managed to make her look wicked somehow, like a praetorian version of Healix.

    I like the direction this one is going in better. I'm not done with her yet, more to come soon™

    but I thought I would post what I have thus far and see what other people think.




    Character belongs toavatar_46921_1557948054.thumb.png.d38ac2@Healix ... if you couldn't tell. 07K1tHnz_o.png




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  16. On 9/10/2019 at 4:49 PM, biostem said:

    I can just imagine this character's battle cry:  "Stop looking at me!"  or "Stop leering at me!"  LOL!!!

    On 9/10/2019 at 5:36 PM, Caemgen said:

    "My eyes are up HERE!"

    "My sword is up HERE!"





    ...also @RikOz Soul Candle is boss.


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