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Christopher Robin

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Posts posted by Christopher Robin

  1. Wow those are lovely Adrian. So glad you found your way to our charming little game.zb7XgP0P_o.png

    Oh and may I say welcome to the best part of the forums. 





    • Like 3
  2. Agreed Zepp, this is not the most critical of things (as an artist over in the art forums the proper displaying

    of hosted images was way more important) it would just be a huge time saver and frustration avoider.


    I too link to specific post (it's just the way I have always done it) but not a day goes by when I don't bump into the 25 post limit

    and think" well that's dumb, who set it at 25? Let me just go into the settings quick and change it to something more reasonab... oh, right. I can't." 😞

    • Like 1
  3. Okay, that does it...


    ...now I definitely need to buy a set of these for (at least) my mains heroes.

    When did you say you were taking commissions in this style already????


    Also did you go master a new coloring style to go with

    your new portrait style just for me? Awww ya shouldn't have. 07K1tHnz_o.png


    Also this is awesome! Did I mention that this is awesome? Cuz it is.

    I love the way this turned out. Thanks DD. E9rkOkuW_o.gif




    • Haha 1
  4. Let me say right off the bat that these colors are perfectly fine.

    I would be happy to receive coloring work like this. zb7XgP0P_o.png


    That said if you wanted to improve upon them I would suggest...


    1. Consistency in the shading. 

    If you draw a mental line down the center of her face you can see that the light from the right is "over the line" and onto the left side of her (camera) forehead and chin. Primary light source should then be on the right and slightly above from what you have done so far. So that means a little bit would have spilled across onto her left cheek. There should be an upside down triangle of light there against her nose starting a few millimeters under her lower eyelid. Also the clump of hair across her cheek has a shadow to the right, that should move to the left side of the strand to match the rest of her face. Finally the lower lip should have more highlights on the right side rather than both sides near the center of the lip.


    2. The outer part of her (camera) left eyelid should be pink. It can be the same color as the caruncle of her other eye or slightly lighter pink but it shouldn't be white.


    Bonus points: Not necessary but if you wanted an even more consistent look, DD put lines in her hair delineating clumps, since the light you chose is on the right you could put more white strands to the right side of each clump and more dark strands to the left of each. This would make her hair coloration read a bit better.


    A final tip, and this falls more under the "before you start coloring someone else's line art" always bear in mind the eyes are the most reflective part of the face so check to see if they have a hotspot "white dot or line" as it will tell you where the line artist planned to have the primary light source.  DD has them in her irises below and to the left of the pupils (but the eyeballs are moved to the right of center) which would tell me there is a light source in front of her face, just slightly left of center and below her nose but not below her chin. This does conflict with the top right lighting you have chosen so it would be good to notice this up front.


    Easiest fix at this point (if you wanted to at all) would be to stealthily move the dots to the upper right of the pupil and don't tell DD. Shhh! 07K1tHnz_o.png


    A more advanced alternative way would be to have a primary and secondary light source and add some rim lighting from below and left but this would complicate things quite a bit.


    Hope this isn't too much and that it helps going forward. Cheers!





    • Like 1
  5. W00t! My Dutch-ified name is awesome!

    I'm gonna make her a Kristoffer she can't refuse.E9rkOkuW_o.gif


    Also more collaborative goodness this was a prize I drew for a contest.

    The winner was DJ1 and this is his hero Grey Ming Badda Bing in pencils.




    Which DD added basic colors to.




    Bobby then came along and did some punch up

    work and this is what we all came up with.




    It was also simultaneously being colored by several more forumites (in addition to the

    above mentioned were Lord Goat and Mike November) and this was everyone's combined result.




    So many different ways a collab can go, it's always

    a fun surprise to see what ideas people come up with. zb7XgP0P_o.png

    • Like 8
    • Thanks 1
  6. On 8/22/2019 at 1:57 PM, Rylas said:

    Oh good grief. It IS a boot! Thanks for catching that. This is exactly why we need some better resolution images. Back to the drawing board!

    The dreaded Speed Boost looks much improved. 07K1tHnz_o.png

    Another reminder that this is not the old live forums, it's been two days and no one made the OCR reference. lol *sigh

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  7. Nicely done Tem and congratz DD! zb7XgP0P_o.png


    The mask I figured was an intentional choice to better show the face much

    in the way DD drew a version of Chernobyl without the visor. I could be wrong though.


    Sent a PM with my other thoughts con/crit. Very cute and awesome

    though and a definite upgrade to your style of Chibi. zb7XgP0P_o.png




    • Like 1

    Here is a quick animation showing the various stages of progress on a Lucky Liam collab.

    The first stage is DD's pencils, second is Bobby Aquitania putting basic colors on it,

    the rest are me finalizing colors adding detail and punching up the contrast.


    Lucky Liam belongs to Anya/Darth Delicious.


    daxu4le-6979fb2d-19be-4fcd-9d58-cc4b210a   lucky_liam_collab_by_christopherrobinart




    • Like 9
  9. Gratz Kai!

    On 8/22/2019 at 12:46 PM, ZemyaSoldat said:

    Your "first pass colors" are already way better than I can do.


    But yes, I am working on doing my own colors.


    */e smiles* You know DD used to say stuff like that to me all the time, like I was

    doing something magical that was beyond her... she can tell you what my answer always was. 07K1tHnz_o.png


    So to that I will say thank you I was happy to do them and also poppycockbollux!

    If you grabbed my PSD file you have already seen "behind the curtain"

    but for those who have not allow me to spoil the illusion... ready?


    Okay here are my super-amazo-fantasitcal-coloring-skillz™

    on full display when I take away DD's lineart.




    yep that's it. Not so magical now is it. 07K1tHnz_o.png


    There are exactly 2 shades of yellow, 2 blue, 2 dark pink and 2 peach.

    Flats are just that, flat. I think when you look at just the colors

    it's apparent there is a lot more that could be done.


    For starters pick a light source (overhead is most common) add a highlight where the light would

    be hitting her hair, visor and lips. Then depending where the light is play up the shadows under her nose

    lips, chin etc. The hair below her chin could get a cast shadow as well. Toss in a few different shades of blonde hair.

    You get the idea.


    Hopefully this will encourage more people to tinker and collaborate, it's a great way to learn.

    Also if it will help I can post up a few more collabs I've been a part of in my

    art thread so people can get some ideas what to do with flats.

    • Like 1
  10. On 8/18/2019 at 1:54 PM, ZemyaSoldat said:

    @Christopher Robin




    I tried coloring it myself, but I'm still getting the hang of the new software, so it's not going very quick.

    It just occurred to me you might mean you were doing your own coloring and that you thought mine was finished?

    Just to be clear I stopped far short of finished, those are meant to only be first pass colors.

    Like the difference between this...




    and this.




    It's just there to help any colorists to get started. By all means if you want to color it from scratch

    yourself, do so but if you want a head start use what I did as a base and go to town. That's why I did it. zb7XgP0P_o.png




    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. Gonna drop this off as well. It's been the most colored of my works thus

    far and I wouldn't mind at all if more want to give it a go.




    You can see how other people's coloring of it came out in my post over here...






    • Thanks 1

    More classics! This was my 2nd drawing of my Fire/SS/Regen tanker Brahn Fuhrnos.





    Which Digital Elf from DA found and surprised me with these colors.





    I asked if I could do some punch up work on it and this was our collaborative result.





    Then Bobby came along.....

    I feel like I could just end that sentence right there.

    Everyone knows when he would show up awesomeness would ensue. zb7XgP0P_o.png


    So yeah he went to town and this happened.





    If all that wasn't great enough Bhudicae came along and went all

    traditional artz on me with her colored pencils and I later received this.




    I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing so many different coloring

    variations on my line artz. More I say bring it on! zb7XgP0P_o.png




    • Like 9
  13. 20 minutes ago, biostem said:

    Thank you, Christopher Robin.  I didn't mean to imply that I was looking for anyone to draw all those costumes.  You are correct on your points.  😅

    No worries Biostem. Welcome to the best part of the forums. zb7XgP0P_o.png

    • Like 1
  14. 6 hours ago, biostem said:

    There is some truly amazing art and artists in this community!

    For your consideration, here are some of my favorite costumes that I've come up with:

    Heya Biostem. You might have a better chance of getting a hero drawn if you took

    a second to read the OP's in the threads you are posting in... or at least the thread titles.


    Just dumping a very large assortment of random "costumes" (as you call them)

    from the CC in the wrong thread is unlikely to get you anywhere. 


    If you do decide to get a paid commission from a sale that

    was posted in this thread by all means share it here. 


    I would suggest you remove your refs from this thread and put them here... bdD2kT31_o.gif


    Some further tips (and these are just my opinions)

    1. 15 is a bit much, pick your favorite 3-5.

    2. Some names and powersets added might help an artist decide.

    3. Some better refs would help too. Not required but a few of these are much easier to make out details on than the rest.

    4. Introduce yourself (there is a thread for that too) and say hi

    5. Take a look through some of the other art threads and give some feedback... it couldn't hurt.

    6. If you have any art you've received of your heroes already start a thread in the art section and share them.

    7. If you do want to post a whole bunch of ref images in an art request thread you can use the spoiler widget.

    It's totally fine (expected even) in the "share your costume" threads but If everyone posted that many

    refs in the request thread the artists would be endlessly scrolling to find the ref they are looking for.

    • Like 4
  15. I trust that you both have more expertise here so forgive my ignorance on this subject but how would me setting my browser to show 100 posts per page affect anyone else's display on a tablet or a mobile device or for that matter the sites overall SEO rankings on Google or Bing? If their display works better with 25 posts they can leave it at 25. My changes should only affect me unless just having the option is a detriment somehow which doesn't seem logical to me.


    Also if anything phones and tablets load much slower than my fast PC it would seem to me the fewer times you have to hit "next page" the less time you wait for pages to load, the less laborious and the quicker you could get through a lengthy thread.


    Finally a search of just "City of..." triggers Google to load "City of Heroes Homecoming" as the first auto-fill option.

    A handful of different searches brought me here within 3 clicks as well. We seem to be doing well in the rankings from my admittedly limited tests.

  16. 14 hours ago, Darth Delicious said:

    .............................a skull with geometric shapes, is not quite my cub of tea.........................

    How about this then? Is this closer?E9rkOkuW_o.gif


    ...to your cub of tea that is.



    Panda cubs!


    ... on a tea mug!


    get it? 07K1tHnz_o.png


    14 hours ago, Darth Delicious said:

    .................People tend to commission me for stuff I never drew before... *ponders* I wonder why that is...................

    If I had to guess it's because your track record shows that you have range and

    can draw a variety of things in a variety of different styles. So they think something like

    "If she's good at all those other things she would probably be good at the thing I want done too!"


    In my experience it's a good bet to make. zb7XgP0P_o.png


  17. More new stuff! This is one of my most recent pieces. Meant to be a surprise gift

    for Caemgen she started out as a pencil drawing of about 1 hour and then had another

    1½ hours of digital shading and some touch-ups to make her look younger (I guessed she was

    much older originally than she really is). Here then is his youth-ified skunk themed hero Mouffette.



    • Like 8
  18. ivDblC9I_o.jpg


    That's awesome DD! E9rkOkuW_o.gif

    It has all the right elements (narrow heavy lidded eyes, arched and "peaked" eyebrows, ridged nose with

    flared nostrils, hair tufted at the back with a couple loose curls up front, V notch in his goatee,

    missing mustache etc etc) but combined in a new way that I have not seen before.


    And the speed at which you are putting these out at suggests this is a relatively quick

    and manageable style for you to work in... if that's the case THIS should be

    the style you should offer your next round of commissions in.


    I already want a whole set for all my main heroes in this style and considering how

    many commissions I've bought in the last month that is saying a lot! zb7XgP0P_o.png

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