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Christopher Robin

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Posts posted by Christopher Robin

  1. Also mentioned elsewhere but it should be here as well Europa777 is having a buy 3 get 1 free sale.

    His full body B&W art is $15 and with this sale they become essentially $11.25 a piece for art like this.




    Also his model sheets which are $40 become $30 a piece if you buy 4 for $120.

    They have 3 full body and two headshots each meaning roughly $6 per drawing of your hero if you buy in bulk.


    More options and info here...





    • Thanks 1
  2. On 7/27/2019 at 9:25 AM, ZemyaSoldat said:

    Honestly, it's been 7 years, so I can't remember specifically. I know I pulled it out of the housing (it was a WD MyBook) and tried to run it through a different sled, and tried a couple of recovery programs. I still have it tucked away in a box somewhere - I had literally just finished organizing it and didn't have a chance to do a backup before it died.


    If you want to take a look at it and see if you can be Miracle Max, PM me and lemme know what your going rate is - all my writing and art for well over a decade was on there, and it was a serious blow to lose it. I think I cried for like 3 straight hours.


    I am very sorry to hear how big of a loss that was. Yeah sure I can PM you the details, it's worth looking into at least.


    I will say I have done about a dozen recoveries in various stages and I average about 80%

    data recovery rate on the drives that still spun (and about 40% off the one that didn't).

    I cannot make any promises that this will be the case with your drive though.


    But since you are a repeat customer I'll give you my best discount and hopefully it shouldn't take

    that long to examine the drive and at least see if there is still data available to be salvaged.

    If yes I will tell you what it would cost and you can decide if it's worth it or not from there.

    The fact that you already "tried a couple recovery programs" might work against me though.


    Also I am kinda swamped at the moment so it might be a few weeks before I can get to it. That okay?




    • Like 1

    The good news is the ref for DD started working again on my screen after you changed

    it to the "View Image Info" link. Not sure why but here it is. Mikes refs are still not working.




      No worries, I'm sure it will get sorted soon enough.




    • Thanks 1
  4. @Cipher

     One thing you could do that would make life easier is disable (or greatly increase the time it takes to appear or have it fade away quickly)

    that hover text box that says goes bloop! and says "Enter your text; hold ctrl and right click for more options."


    I can't tell you how many times just in the last few days it has appeared

    and photo-bombed me at the exact moment I am trying to taking a screenshot


    **/e making tutorial** okay that looks good and now to hit the screenshBLOOP!ot button. Grrrrr.


    Or it appears and perfectly centers over the top of what I am trying to read making it impossible to see.

    Here is a picture of me literally less than an hour ago trying to do a resize for the above tutorial...




    the thing has infuriatingly impeccable timing. rFYv2e1c_o.gif

  5. @Cipher Ah well the lazy loading is probably responsible for the flickering placeholders I see as I scroll down.

    The images do eventually fill in for me though so it's not a problem on my end. I was putting up a step by step so that

    people could have at least one method that works to get images up. Some of the problems I suspect are user error so at least

    the part the uploader can control will be consistent. DD for example was having problems getting her Sta.sh images from Deviant Art

    to show here but mine work fine. I think she was using the wrong link so I put up what I was doing to help her and others who might be struggling.

    See issue in this thread.




  6. 2 hours ago, Darth Delicious said:

    Are you guys sure you're looking at the right post? -> this one because in both Firefox and Google Chrome the images show up fine in that post on my end since the last edit. Also the links both go to my DA stash for download. *looks very confuzzled*

    Yes I am sure. It looks like this to me. There are grey boxes around the

    words DDrefs and MMref that flicker which won't show in a still image.




    Try the link I just posted above to help you out with that.



  7. Okay, I have another idea for a tip. So there are still some bugs in the way images are being displayed

    here so I am putting up what method I used to get mine to show correctly and hopefully this will help some

    people out until they get the bugs ironed out (unless they are made of Brass and not Iron.... DOOOOOOOOOOM!). USk7AWYn_o.gif


    #1 Pick a site (preferably not Photobucket ) and host your image.

    It differs from site to site but the process is pretty self explanatory

    so I am not going to address it here unless I get requests for more detail. 


    #2. Click on the image repeatedly through whatever links

    until you get to the actual image where it is being hosted in its full size.


    #3 Right click the image and choose view image info.





    #4 From the display window that opens in the upper window there will be a bunch of addresses but one should be highlighted or selected already.

    This is the address of the image you want to display on the forums. Right click the address and choose "Copy"





    #5. Start a post on the forums and in the bottom right corner you will see a button called "Insert Other Media."

    Click it and choose "Insert Image From URL"





    #6. A dialog box will open, hit "Ctrl+V" on your keyboard followed by "Enter" or if you prefer to use your mouse

    over keyboard shortcuts right click where it says Example in the URL Box and choose "Paste"

    and then click the button marked "Insert into post" underneath.





    #7. Optional: from here you can resize the image if you want it smaller or larger.

    Click the image and you should see 8 white squares appear at the corner and sides of

    the image. Hover over any and the cursor will become a double headed arrow.




    When you see that click and drag the white box (which will turn black) until you get the size you want

    and then let go. Don't worry if the image goes off the page it will work fine once you release it.


    Note: a handy little grey box will appear and tell you how many pixels high and wide your image is.

    If you don't want to overwhelm people aim for the smallest of the first two numbers to be 700 or less.



    #8. Now you can click the "Submit Reply" button as you normally

    would and your picture should display for all the world to see.



  8. On 7/27/2019 at 7:12 AM, Darth Delicious said:

    *tries to outrun CR* 😛

    Hah, too slow! rs4wmRnk_o.gif

    On 7/28/2019 at 12:41 AM, Midnight Blue Mage said:

    Did either of you guys happen to get a response? I haven't heard anything back yet, but it's possible I made a mistake in my request somehow

    Yeah I did, a few hours after I sent my refs in.

    It basically said, "Your slot is reserved, thanks for ordering. Invoice sent!"



    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  9. 16 hours ago, SmalltalkJava said:


    I use it for toons that have hover and fly.    It will automatically switch between hover or fly if you are moving or being still.   If I want to run I just hit a key and it turns off hover/fly and then it turns off and on sprint to save endurance.  


    I can’t remember exactly. But...

    ctrl+m to enable

    F. Turn on hover/fly mode

    E. Turn in run/sprint mode

    ctrl+r to reset if things get out of whack




    I have Ground/Air switching set to the two extra mouse buttons

    so I can do it all with my right hand and keep my left free for attacks.


    Extra mouse1: Jumps into the air and turns on Hover or Flight depending on what that hero has.

    Extra mouse2: Turns off Hover/Flight lands you and starts up Ninja Run

    Ctrl+X: reset binds for the rare instance when something breaks.

    Shift+X: switches between normal and SoD mode verbosely

    (i.e. it sends me a tell Now in Normal Mode - Now in SoD mode) if I want to turn it off... which is almost never.


    Not sure what the default ones were though as mine are custom.



  10. 23 hours ago, LaconicLemur said:


    Could you give examples of how you use it?

    Sure Laconic Lemur (hey were you once in Flight School???)

    For the most part it is a "best of both worlds" kind of setup. Lets say, as SmallTalkJava above

    mentioned, you have both Hover and Fly in your build and you are a squishy Blaster.


    Hover is good because it gives you a bonus to Defense while

    letting you make small, precise "stop on a dime" adjustments to

    your position while only costing a negligible amount of Endurance.

    The downside of course is it's painfully slow at going anywhere.


    Flight, on the other gauntlet, has no innate Defense bonus, gives no precision stops 

    (you let off the key and proceed to float past the point where you wanted to stop) and it

    uses a considerable amount of Endurance (enough that it could cause you to run out during

    combat) but on the plus side it gets you where you are going so much faster.

    So essentially you are constantly having to switch between the two and sometimes you forget or are not fast

    enough on the trigger and debt happens (well more debt than usual that is... you are still a Blaster in this scenario). rs4wmRnk_o.gif


    That's where the SoD binds come in. If you leap into the air and stay still they automatically put you in Hover.

    Make small movements to adjust your line of sight (like single key taps), you are still in Hover, but press and

    hold a directional key for more than a second and they automatically switch off Hover and turn on Flight.

    Let go of the key and you come to a precise stop and gain your +Def as Flight turns off and Hover takes over.


    The end result? It's like magic, you stop thinking about what movement

    power you have running and focus on blasting/healing/buffing or what have you.

    Need to get somewhere quick? You are already flying. Time to fight? You are

    already moving precisely, conserving End and getting your +Def bonus.


    You can do the same thing for Combat Jumping and Super Jump

    or Prestige Power Slide and Super Speed or mix in Ninja Run etc etc.



    • Like 1
  11. 23 hours ago, Hyperstrike said:

    Ah!  You've met my mother and/or grandmother!

    22 hours ago, justicebeliever said:

    Nice!  I didn't know we had the same grandmother

    Yes! Clearly you two are related, it's obvious.

    I could tell you all about it but I'd hate to Bohr you with all the details. rs4wmRnk_o.gif



  12. The one I have is 3250x850 so it's nearly twice the resolution of the one you have posted here.

    The forums (this new v2.0) will let you post the higher rez and then scale it down for easy viewing

    but you can still click it to get the larger size. You said you still have the drawings though, right?

    Do you have a good scanner handy?


    Also Chernobyl Dawn is looking good so far. */e awaits inks* bdD2kT31_o.gif


    P.S. People say crash to mean a whole variety of things (corrupt sectors, drive wipe, load errors, can't be seen by windows, making

    weird noises etc.) The big question is does the drive still spin up? If so much of the data can often be recovered. If not, well it still can be but

    you have to send it off to a lab where they transfer the platters into a like unit in a clean room environment and that gets really pricey.


    The point I'm making is your drive might only be "mostly" dead. There's a

    big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is still slightly alive. 07K1tHnz_o.png

    • Like 1
  13. Was it the browser you were using? The new forum version is better in some ways

    but there are still several bugs to be worked out. Glad you can post now and welcome Kai. zb7XgP0P_o.png





    • Thanks 1

    Welcome home Midnight Blue Mage.

    Did you post under a different name on the live forums?


    Your name doesn't ring a bell from the old 606. Nice job making the Wheel of Fortune into

    one of those spin the wheel and throw the deadly bladed implement contraptions.


    That is some sweet inking work on that piece. I remember Rich Vang... don't think he has been active since about 2015-16. At least not on DA.

    He does have a big folder of CoH stuff with a lot of the usual suspects in it though (i.e. Thor's Assassin, WP, Mardun, Pep Rally, Kilo etc).



    Heya Kai. Welcome back to the best part of the new forums!

    Glad you got your name sorted ( I see you were Kage) and thanks for posting that sale, by all means let others know of any deals you come

    across and you should totally put up a thread to showcase your art collection. Oh and "some art" lol! You were one of only 5 people

    to get a commission from me that one time I decided to open for comms back on Live, now that's a true connoisseur. 07K1tHnz_o.png 


    Kai colored.png


    P.S. If you meant case of the battery, those are easy and cheap to replace in most notebooks,

    if you meant the shell that holds the battery in like the laptops case itself... well there is always duct tape. rs4wmRnk_o.gif

    • Like 2
  15. I got her notice on DA last night and was going to post it if no one else did so thanks Kage for sharing.

    I can definitely vouch for Avi as well. I have been following her for years on DA. Very consistent

    quality, quick turn around and though Polish is her first language her English is great and

    there is very little if any language barrier. Furthermore she has done a ton of art of CoH

    characters in the past so she has familiarity with the game and costume creator.


    ** /e goes to grab a slot for himself ** 





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