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Christopher Robin

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Posts posted by Christopher Robin


    Okay here is my concept Cold Shock!

    I used his aura to suggest he is constantly radiating cold air and freezing

    the water vapor droplets in the ari around him making the fog and the markings

    on his hands/arms to suggest electricity. Perhaps when he first tried his powers he didn't have

    full control and burned those marks into his skin. I gave him eye protection (electric bolts are bright!)

    and so if you wanted to go with eye blasts or such they could be from the mask if you prefer.




    Edit: okay I may have misread the above bit... are you saying you

    did NOT want an aggressive looking character? Cuz yeah that is what I made. rs4wmRnk_o.gif


    I suppose you could take away the angry mouth with fangs belt buckle and just choose a normal face with

    less aggressive lips and swap the zombie claws for normal hands and that would tone down his look quite a bit.





    Woohoo! Gratz Midnight Blue that IS awesome looking.

    I swear this guy is like an artistic boot savant. It's an area I don't think

    much about but every time I see Erwin's art I am struck by how nice his boot lineart is.


    @Darth Delicious I guess I have to now cuz wow he really went to town on my Ill/Emp goddess Xllusya!




    I mean there are little details again (like the counterweight is missing from the

    butt of the staff or the two parts of the main cog wheel where it meets the base are

    different sizes) that are just slightly off but again these are easy fixes that he might even be

    willing to do himself (I haven't asked him). All things considered this is still crazy good lineart for

    what the man charges. The fact that he puts up stuff like this for $6 on sale when you buy in bulk is insane.


    Again a big thanks to Caemgen for this awesome gift artz! I love how this came out!





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    I just got my two Europa777's back from his sale. Here is the first, my MA/Shield scrapper Shieldara.

    One fist is a bit larger than the other but it's an easy tweak that he probably just forgot to do.

    Next time I get a block of free time I'll add colors or maybe I'll make it a collab. zb7XgP0P_o.png




    A generous gift from Caemgen, thanks again!




    • Like 2
  4. **/e claps**

    I love the little details like the pet with the heart speech bubble.


    Also the GUYS HALP! HOW DO I WARSHADE made me legitimately laugh out loud.

    Right!?! You're just expected to transform and know how to work that alien junk?


    Said so in the other thread too that is a sweet color job on Dalantia in SAI.

  5. Indeed. I didn't think much of collecting artz until I started getting gifts from DD, Caemgen and others....

    but at 75 pieces and counting I have to admit it's kind of getting out of hand. Hi I am CR and I am an art whore. E9rkOkuW_o.gif


    I'm sure some of the bigger art collectors are reading this and thinking, a sub 100 gallery, how quaint. rs4wmRnk_o.gif


    Also I totally read that cat's name as Bedlam which is sooo.... well cats. 07K1tHnz_o.png





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  6. Good idea on the Circle of Thorns pads in white to get the right looking shape Flash. zb7XgP0P_o.png


    Playing off that I added the Over the shoulder cape in "Fringe" to fill in some gaps with white and then I swapped out

    the collar for "Victorian 02" as it is more frilly and fur like and then added the chest piece "Ascension" over the

    lion with both colors set to white so as to add more bulk... it may be a bit over the top but I kind of like it.


    For the gloves I went with "Organic" as they have more of that V profile and for the belt I couldn't really find

    a good substitute but the same wrapped one with padlock gets close or also I like the look of the Victorian clock

    because it at least has some sort of central clasp on a white sash and it sits up higher on her hips which I like for this suit.


    What do you guys think?




    Off to a great start Kai. zb7XgP0P_o.png

    What can you tell us about the character?

    Wait, is she on roller blades or are those rocket thrusters?


    I've heard the Surfaces are nice, even the first gen's, and you have the

    whole thing, including the PC, self contained in one unit. How's it working out so far?




    • Like 1
  8. Awesome!

    Thank you for posting that Hilary. there is much to learn here. I've not tried the gray scale to color method

    yet but I know several artists prefer it (Battlewraith comes to mind). I've also not tried SAI before but I hear people

    rave about it all the time (most, like you suggest, still do finishing work in PS though) so it's nice to see the

    steps laid out in a good low cost PS alternative. Also it's just nice to see other artist's process.


    "throw a blurry shadow on your background layer if you want one"

    Or scroll up, cough cough... ahem. 07K1tHnz_o.png


    /e eagerly awaits part 2

  9. Healix I feel like if you had a motto it would be "I have a gif for that."

    Also I know you are welcoming other people and did not actually say

    hi yourself but welcome home to the best part of our new forums, Healix!


    Good to see you posting here and it was nice meeting you in-game. zb7XgP0P_o.png




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  10. On 8/1/2019 at 7:28 PM, Robothenri said:

    I need to find my pencil...

    I suggest looking in your small thermal exhaust port... right below the main port. E9rkOkuW_o.gif


    On 8/1/2019 at 5:01 PM, Caemgen said:

    ......................... I never thought I would "adopt" but I actually saw one of Cathrine6Mirror's outfits that just totally said "Fenian"

    in my head and wouldn't go away so I snatched it up. 🙂  ....................................


    I took a quick scan through the thumbnails until I saw the green/red

    one with the hood and I was like, yep I bet that's it.


    Yep it was.




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