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Posts posted by BurtHutt

  1. I really like Storm Blast - I've just started with it but it's interesting and has some new wrinkles.


    I did not enjoy the Rogue arc. I really struggle to read all material if I'm not team lead. It was also way too long and just a mess at times. This is similar feedback I gave for the last arc and the Aeon SF. I guess I must be in the minority because the Devs keep following the same/similar template. I am quite sure I won't be playing that arc again - it was painful. 


    The rest? Meh. 

  2. 23 hours ago, wjrasmussen said:

    I would love to build on this.


    I think there should be tools available for the players to build zones.  The results should be added to a test server after some kind of review.  If the beta tests go well enough, then add to the game.


    Also, this could go for other aspects of the game such as the costume tools.

    I don't know if there are tools to build zones? That seems like a whole new system.


    I've been asking to add the AE player created content for years now. I just ran through the new Rogue arc with a team and I think it's even more important to have players generate content (I absolutely did not enjoy that arc at all - too long, can't really read all materials if you're not team lead, same old boring enemies and so on).


    Anyway, I hope these ideas get used one day 🙂

  3. 21 hours ago, Sir Myshkin said:

    It takes a little getting used to for those first jumping into the build, especially on the level-up, but once at 50 there's a pretty poignant pattern to things. Your first full bar of endurance is part of the management plan, once it starts to dip into the lower 25% is when hitting Conserve Power starts the cycle; for the next 90's you can do literally anything in the world, and when it drops, you should have a relatively solid blue bar still, use it up some while you look for and kill a Lieut or Boss (or better if you're that lucky) and pop Victory Rush. Watch the world burn beneath you for two whole minutes!


    And by then, Conserve Power is going to be loaded back up again, but Victory Rush will need 300/s, so your next fallback if you need it will be Unleash Potential. to cover. However, if at any point Unleash Potential gets popped and you're tailing off or outside CP or VR, then of course you don't need to hit either of those because UP will be covering you for its 60/s duration.


    Eventually get the Hybrid Support Radial because it'll act as a secondary UP for defense as well as gives a global End discount to everything (which actually really helps).


    The biggest way of knowing or becoming a bit more subconsciously aware of your endurance bursts comes from when you start cycling Lightning Storm and Nova more. If you're dropping three LS a minute and three Novas every two, you'll be at the max mercy state of your end drain because that's about 80 end right there.

    Have you tried to Mad King the new power set released today?

  4. I think a CoH 2 would be cool but I don't think there's much I'd want that we couldn't have here. A v.2.0 would have better graphics, options and so on but it'd be a lot of work and wouldn't be done by just volunteers. I have no idea if a lot of people would buy a CoH 2 and that is the key element with making it.


    Anyway, let's not worry about that malarky!


    -As I said before, graphic upgrade would be a given as would the upgrade in other areas of game tech. Then we might have the ability to add more powers like running up walls, elasticity and so on. 

    -Maybe give us the ability to make characters that have multiple arms, legs, different torsos (centaur, mermaid etc). These could also be NPCs


    Honestly, I do like the current game and am fine playing it but it is getting stale and I play far less than I used to. I feel the Devs should try and think outside the box more when adding to the game and not roll with the same old.

    -Yes, put in my AE/players create content for the regular game and do most of the work.

    -Add something different...or kinda different. The Nemesis system (based on CHAMPIONS) but better. The key would be the players get to make the nemesis from the costume creator etc.

    -Add a pool power like Sidekick. Again, players get to create the look and powers of the sidekick. Not crazy different but the strength of this game is the toon creator so let's make this a strength based add.

    -New TFs/Sfs/Trials


    All of these can go into CoH2 but since that's unlikely, put them into the current game. I truly appreciate the Devs but adding the same old is a good way of losing players.

  5. I know this has been suggested and detailed before but I'll say it again: power armor.


    Most sets in game are just re-working old stuff. This can work for some of power armour as well. 


    For Power Armor, I'd like to see the same type of look/style/animation that you see in game already which may mean less Dev work. So, the missile attack can be taken from the Kronos Titan and Praetorians that use it - you know, the wild, strafing missiles that fire out from some type of housing/shoulder casing etc. There could be other launch position options (chest, gauntlets and so on).


    I'd also like to see mini guns - something that may pop up on the shoulder and just fire large bursts. These could also be hand held (maybe pick an option at character creator screen etc).


    There are lots of other powers in game that can be re-worked and made into this set.


    I don't know if there's much appetite for this but I think the visuals alone would be a draw. We do have a ton of powers that're a bit of a re-hash of older stuff. This might be a bit different as we don't have some of this stuff on player characters - just NPCs.



  6. On 4/7/2023 at 12:11 PM, Astralock said:


    You do realize that two different developers have already told you that that is a no go for technical reasons, right?

    I am also wondering if you could provide a link to where Devs said this wasn't possible? I don't want to go chasing waterfalls, if you will, if there is some hard evidence here. 


    I efforted to DM a Dev and he told me it is possible but involves a lot of front end work then it could turn into what I suggested. 

  7. 36 minutes ago, Astralock said:


    You do realize that two different developers have already told you that that is a no go for technical reasons, right?

    Actually, they said it is possible but would be a lot of front end work. So there's that. 


    Also, I do appreciate everything the HC team does. I really do. But I will say adding new powers and the odd mission really isn't what I would like to see. So, I am providing my input and feedback.

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  8. So no new costume pieces? Like under arm wings etc? 


    Also, can someone point me to the section of the new material that has my idea of players using AE to add missions to the actual game and CoX canon? 🙂



  9. On 3/28/2023 at 10:54 PM, Mjolnerd said:



    Synapse gets a lot of hate, and it deserves most of it, but I maintain that any problems it has, Citadel has too but worse. It's just the exact same mission over and over. Synapse at least has the decency to ask you to do the same thing over and over again on slightly different maps.

    Citadel is just defeat all Council in base, defeat all Council in an identical base, defeat all Council in another identical base, defeat all Council in literally the same base you just left, defeat all Council in base, defeat all Council in base, somebody asks how many more times we have to defeat all Council in base and nobody is sure because the whole TF has blurred together into a single monotonous megamission, defeat all Council in base, defeat all Council in base, defeat all Council in base, defeat all Council in base, defeat all Council in base plus a bland uninteresting boss fight.

    I couldn't agree more. It is an old design that wanted players to stay logged on and playing. The Shard TFs are hell on earth too. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Marine X said:

    It's sometimes not as much fun to be a Hero in the real world, but it matters a great deal more. Glad to see there are still some out there.

    Very nice of you to say. I guess the positive piece is now that I won't be going out as much...I'll be playing more... lol.


    I think I will be cutting those fiends at Netflix as well. So even more time to CoH! lol

  11. I don't play much these days and want to thank Homecoming for all they've done. 


    This will be the first month, in a long time, that I won't be donating. My brother has put my elderly parents in financial ruin and I have to help as much as I can. It has caused a lot of hardship and problems. 

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  12. Completely disagree with the OP. Power creep? complaining about the XP/farming/PL? I don't really see what you mean by power creep - it seems we all have different ideas on this. The rest? I am quite sure that was there on Live. You may not have seen it because you could go to different servers and the players were spread out more than here. 


    I feel HC is close to Live. Hence why I prefer it. Having said that, I don't play much because there is some CoH fatigue so maybe a break is where I'm at. This game feels the same and seems like it is on a path that is similar to where Live would have gone (Live would likely have had more innovative stuff since they were paid etc). HC could be much more but there is a lack of innovation and originality but I can't complain - it's a volunteer crew. I appreciate them!


    Anyway, OP, maybe you need a break? 

  13. On 12/31/2022 at 8:08 PM, Snarky said:

    Today i slipped my new crawl toon Rogue. I went to Atlas and badged. Got a duplicating gift.  An Ouro portal.  4 DFBs for the up to 22 buffs (will do DiB 4x to extend them to 30).  Now am currently at 14.  I have completed all Redside 1-9 content.  The DFBs took me from 9-14. 

    Normally I would wait to do Posi until 19 and exemp down. An extra power, more slots.  But it is the weekly.  New Years eve.  The weekend.  Roll the dice.   And lose.  Just lose


    The Posi 1 was a PUG and I thought nothing about level 10 leader.  They will pass the star I thought.  You ever been wrong? Happened to me.  They also, as they started, stated they were running at +1 to ensure we got Ruin Mages.  It was not good.  There were a couple good players.  But we had team wipes.  We had a MM whose pets pulled everything from everywhere.  Which the team ignored and just split to do different things.  We get inside city hall and they go straight instead of taking the left group.  Finishing the center half the team races to the shadows (and I mean race, no wait/buff etc) and the other half pivot to the group on the left….   F that TF


    A couple hours later after doing some Winter stuff I joined a Posi 2.  I checked. A level 20+ leading.  Okay.  It started okay.  Not Cosmic Council crush things while making it look like a ballet.  But okay.  Then one of the players could not find Faultline.  I gave them the copy paste base macro.  They did not understand how to copy paste.  Meanwhile the team is down two players and are hurting.  I dive into combat.  The lost player is now in Perez and someone goes to get them.  We bumble along and are still not doing horrid, it’s borderline quite a lot of the time. We keep moving. Then we get one of the oddest Oranbega maps and cannot find the glowie in the next to last mission.  WTF.  That map never shows up.  Then, last mission.  A few people are acting like speed runners.  Which is okay, get glowie go.   But….we get inside the dam and parts of the team just start. I am not sure how. to describe it.  I did ask in team chat if we had 4 MMs running ninjas on the team that I had not noticed.  They agroed everything.  They went all around the room like they were Fing sight seeing.  Is this a dam?   Is the water in here?   What is that behind those ghosts?   The speed runners have went outside and the cutscene starts.   I am TPd. (Dead) and a few players race to fight Vahz while I am still kneeling getting my blue up.  I jump up there and burn team insp for the half the team that is there.  We defeat Vahz.  TF does not complete. WTF?  Oh, they didnt get the bombs.  *facepalm


    Happy New Year!!!  We have new players.  Or really drunk and stoned old players.  Anyways, back to soloing Redside.  I’ll send a postcard

    You must really have a lot of free time on your hands.

  14. On 12/14/2022 at 12:33 AM, UltraAlt said:


    I think that the DEVs should work on what they want to work on.

    I think that they will be more motivated to do that than to work on content that they aren't interested in.

    They are volunteers after all.

    I agree for the most part. And yes, they are volunteers. I am grateful that they're doing this. However, if you want to run this game and have players then it is essential that the players have a say. Otherwise players won't play here or they may have a lot leave. And that is fine too. All I'm saying is if you ignore the players then the result will probably be negative. 



  15. A few weeks ago (when Syn was the WST) I was on a PUG. It was the worst team I've ever run with. Ever. Most of the team wouldn't communicate and the leader didn't take charge. It wasn't going well and someone dropped quickly. A bit late another guy quits. Neither said a thing (I put them on my ignore list). For some sad reason I stuck it out and it took just shy of 4 hours. 


    I don't like to quit on teams unless there's no chance of finishing. Even then I will communicate something to the team. I am not a fan of people disappearing. 

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  16. Back on Live, I'd read some of the stories when I tried some stuff solo. When you team, it is tough to do so. I'll also admit I don't really have much desire to read the stories again - some I've never read. 


    I prefer the comments in caption boxes that appear on screen. This way the team doesn't get slowed down and you have the option to read the materials.


    Maybe this is why I don't really like much of the newer stuff?



  17. 18 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    Not as bad as the torrent of "xXxWolverinexXx" variations from back on Live that started about five femtoseconds after someone noticed that you could create almost perfect copies of the Marvel character's costumes in the costume creator. I remember using the stopwatch feature on my wristwatch to time how long it took me to see a Claws/Regen Scrapper with a 'Wolverine' ripoff variant name; is don't think I ever got past a minute until Cryptic got hit with the suit from Marvel.

    I really dislike that style where you add an x around the name or a hyphen in front or a period somewhere. Looks silly. 


    I said it before but giving each account 1000 slots was a mistake. The name policy change may help that and I think it's the only way to go. I am quite certain a ton of names are just being sat on and not being used. I'm not getting back into the way I'd like to see the name policy tweaked and this is good enough.


    So, when does this new name policy start?

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