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Everything posted by hexadecimalwtf

  1. The type of damage a set has doesn't matter to me at all. I play what fits my characters concept. Question though. If a power has mixed damage types, say Lethal/Toxic, is the toxic portion resisted by the toxic resist stat or does it all count as lethal?
  2. Can the non-mallet animation of Heavy Mallet be ported to Blaster? I think this the only ability with possible alternates on other archetypes but if there are others making it available to Blasters would be nice.
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  3. It is an interesting idea but would it end up being fun or just frustrating? The travel powers in this game are fun but certainly do trivialize a lot of zones. I wonder if it could be themed into a zone event. Maybe even a raid like zone where progressing through the event adds more and more limitations on the players as a way of increasing difficulty. Inhibiting travel powers, lowering damage or healing or defensive stats. Theme it around radiation or some power sapping, whatever it may be.
  4. Initial thoughts on this is it seems great. Like the idea of the whirl pulling in. But I hope the sound effects are placeholder right now because they do not fit at all.
  5. Came here to report this as well.
  6. Seeing this earlier in the morning and then seeing the patch notes can't help but make me smile. There is nothing more satisfying than good error logs resulting in fixing a long standing bug.
  7. Thanks but I am not here looking for advice, as I'm not a new player just making a point in defense of new players. I was just here giving a viewpoint on a way that could improve participation in leading TFs. I would lead more if I could get some of the fun of getting enhancement drops along the way. It's no more complicated than that. Slight derail, considering the common advice is to just about DOs and SOs anyways it might be time the game considers just removing them. If the solution to a new player is to just avoid them and buy IOs why are they even in the game. Though this really falls into a philosophy of if IOs as designed are better or worse for the game. But we all know they are not going away.
  8. Yes, it seems like you do. I for one don't enjoy the farming or money market aspect of the game. I enjoy just making new alts every day, which leaves me strapped for cash. You fund a billion likes it nothing, I fund a few million. Maybe I am the odd one out these days and everyone has billions to throw around but I don't think we should hinder a new players potential experience in the game because veterans are rich.
  9. I typically don't transfer money to new alt until I get a few levels into them. So 1-20 is typically unenhanced because I level faster than enhancements drop and anything that does drop I out level. But I think DO's and SO's could afford to drop way more often than they do. Being a new player in the game must be a horrible experience if you have no funds to outfit yourself when everyone else runs around as a demi-god in the low levels and you miss every attack. The beginners luck that fades away as you level is also annoying because it seems to be a hidden attribute and then all off a sudden you just start missing more and more often, again it seems like a terrible new player experience because they will be unaware what is happening. You may say SO's are not that pricey but you typically can't afford to keep yourself up to date on SO's as you level if you are self funded. I always play with double-xp on so I never earn money on alts. Edit: To stay on topic with the thread my point is, and this is my personal experience and I don't know if others are the same way. If I am leveling up a new alt and going the grouping route instead of power leveling I run into mechanics that make me hesitant to lead a task force. Taking Posi1 as an example but this is true for all. I get to level 8 and want to run Posi1. I can host the team and we are all underleveled but I get enhancement drops. Or I can wait until level 15/16 so the group can run at max TF level and I sacrifice my own enhancement drops. Now most of the time Posi1 has someone join who can take the star that is above 15, but why rely on that? This problem just compounds itself if I want to run TF's sequentially which is pretty easy to do on the weekend as groups can easily level into the next one. As the leader I am either always over leveled to the point nothing drops or I am under leveled. I think a super simple solution to this is just have enhancements drop even if you are exemplar. just have them drop at the level of the enemies. So now a level 16 hosting Posi1 can get some level 15 enhancements which is better than nothing. Include a settings option to allow players to filter out enhancement drops below X level so a level 50 doesn't have to deal with the cluttered inventory. Given how the meta is these days where everything is IO or attuned there is no reason DO's or SO's can't drop more frequently.
  10. I recently got into leading TFs, at least the simple ones as I level up characters. One thing thing that drives me crazy about TFs, and this isn't limited to leading one, is that enhancements don't drop if you are exemplared down. This is a problem for leaders though because most of the time the leader needs to be above the max level of a TF so it gets run at the highest level. This means the leader never gets a chance at enhancement drops. You can join Posi1 at level 8 though and get enhancement drops but not if you formed the group as a level 16. It's a bit dumb in my mind. Now most people probably don't care about enhancements at low level and will say to just buy IOs but never getting drops take away some of the fun. It's also nice to get that little boost while leveling up. Most of the time I just spend the first 20 levels with no enhancements till I can start buying attuned.
  11. I support this idea. Agree that account status might be a better solution but this is better than nothing. As an altaholic this encouraged me to go back through my character list and delete old concepts that I no longer cared for and freed up some names.
  12. Better to bump or create duplicate posts? Anyways I agree with this. After playing Earth Control I just feel guilty that my team can't see anything. Putting holds on large Circle of Thorns demons blocks the entire path. The sound is also on the more obnoxious side but at least it has a good crunch to it. Seismic Blast is also the same and needs to be turned down. The blocks can take up an entire screen. Minimal options would be great or at very least let us turn off other players effects as suggested so those who are annoyed by it can disable it.
  13. Was able to spend about 45 minutes testing Reverberant and will hopefully get more time in later. I haven't tried Symphonic Control or not and not familiar with pet classes so not sure what is normal and to be expected. One thing I did notice is Rev seemed to use Hymn of Dissonance twice whenever I used it once.
  14. So far this has been happening to me for a few days and I have been working to find a consistent way to recreate it. I thought it might be caused by getting hit with a knockdown while hovering and it triggering the flip animation but it seems more random than that. I only have screenshots from two obvious animations but I have noticed this seems to change my skill animations to the alternates. The screenshots are of X-Ray Beam and Fly, but I have also noticed skills as such: 1. Neutrino Bolt and Cosmic Burst using both arms while normally they are set to the single arm animations. I believe these are called the Bright Radiate and Bright Cosmic Assault variations but I don't know for sure if its those vs a random animation. 2. Aim, switches to an animation of raising one arm in the air (Bright Aim Charge) This alternate animation state seems to persist for a while but eventually reverts and I haven't determined exactly why it reverts yet. For the fly animation I have stopped hovering and entered it again and it has sometimes kept the bugged animation or reverted to normal. As for the fly animation, it isn't static in this position, it twitches a bit with the arm being raised and lowered. I think these animations are kind of cool and wish it was possible to stick with them. It also made me realize having an option to have our attack animation rotate between multiple would be cool.
  15. Will Claws and Spines powersets ever be allowed with Stone Armor?
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