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  1. <chuckle> Yes! Though, it might be more fun if you had no control over when it triggered, and also had a chance to go off when you selected "revive at hospital"
  2. Unless they've changed it for some reason, I believe that Tankers and Brutes actually have a lower regeneration cap than Stalkers and Scrappers, something like 1500% vs. 2300%. That said, actual regeneration scales with maximum hit points so if you compare a Tanker and Scrapper with the same power sets and same slot bonuses, the tanker will regenerate health faster. (If I remember how regeneration works probably, I think it's "You heal x% of your maximum health per tic, and higher regeration scores make the tics faster)
  3. Of course not. The ideal Tank version of the set goes: Revive Vengeance Resurgence Restore Essence Unrelenting Victory Rush Self-destruction And two new powers; Came Back Wrong Self-sacrifice (passive, allows you to cast Vengeance and Victory Rush while defeated, using AV modifiers for Victory Rush)
  4. Best you can do is Titan Weapons/Ninjitsu Scrapper. I went with "Silent Thumping"
  5. This is voice of a person who has never spoken to me.
  6. I tend to treat every run like a badge run. First step of the heist is asking everyone if they need a walk through, and calling out badge requirements as they come up in the arena.
  7. It varies. There are people who swear by putting the Tanker archetype +resistance proc in damage auras because you won't forget to use it, there's no animation time, and with enough enemies in melee, it'll stack a lot. It does make it harder to stack when you're up against a single enemy, but that only really matters against Archvillains and builds for soloing archvillains are a different consideration.
  8. So, if you use the auction house, an attuned enhancement shares the same pool as an unattuned enhancement. If someone puts a level 30 Touch of Death Acc/Dam on the Market it can be purchased as an attuned Touch of Death Acc/Dam or a level 35 Touch of Death Acc/Dam or a level 40... soonandsoforth. If someone puts an attuned Touch of Death Acc/Dam on the Market it can be purchased as a level 36 soonandsoforth. So, the advantage of attuned and boosted: Set bonuses: Once you have an enhancement slotted, you are eligible to receive set bonuses from it. If you have a level 25 Luck of the Gambler: Defense and a level 30 Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Endurance Reduction slotted at level 27, you will get the 10% Regeneration. If you exemplar down to level 25, you will lose the 10% regeneration because you are no longer high enough level to equip a level 30 enhancement. If you are level 32 and have a level 25, 30, and 35 equipped, you will get the regeneration and the +health. If you exemplar down to 30 you lose the +health, if you exemplar down to 25 you lose the regeneration. This is not true for all sets. Purple Sets and PVP sets will provide set bonuses at all levels one to fifty as long as you have them equipped. (Archetype sets and Winter sets also work this way, but since they only come in attuned versions it doesn't particularly matter) If you equip an attuned enhancement, you will keep the set bonuses to the minimum level of the enhancement. So three attuned luck of the gamblers will give you +regeneration and +health as long as you're level 22 or higher. Attuned enhancements are good for leveling in as much as they increase in efficacy as you level and they don't need to be replaced. I typically have three-ish sets of five attuned enhancements (Acc/Dam, Acc/Dam/End/Rech, Acc/Dam, Dam/End, Dam/End/Rech) that I store in e-mail and use on low level characters until I'm ready to respecify them.
  9. Adrenal Adjustment caps at level 20. +5 boosted acts as a 1.25 multiplier. A level 20 Adrenal Adjustment Endurance Modification is a +25.6% enhancement, +25.6% * 1.25 = 32% You have happened upon the case wherein a +5 boost is the same thing as +5 levels. Below level 20, crafting an enhancement 5 levels higher is more effective than boosting an enhancement. Above level 20, crafting an enhancement five levels higher is less effective than boosting.
  10. That's a name I've not heard in a long time. Probably because this is not a spoken medium.
  11. ... No? You've confused Preventive Medicine with Impervious Skin. Preventive Medicine only has a "Chance for Absorb Proc" and it works perfectly fine in Click powers like Dull Pain even if you never end up using Dull Pain. Impervious Skin has a Status Resistance/Regeneration enhancement. The Status Resistance portion works all the time, as long as you're above the minimum slotting level of the enhancement, the +25% regeneration portion of the enhancement only works for the 120 seconds after the power has been activated.
  12. I think it'd be a nice little bit flavor, it would give new players an idea of just why Praetoria is. I think giving them the chance to be absolutely destroyed by Hamidon would really be an educational experience.
  13. It's just the Underground Incarnate Trial except you can enter it as a level 2 gold side character.
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