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Everything posted by EmmySky

  1. In game...under options you can scale all the windows uniformly (last tab on options I think) then save them: /wdwsavefile desktop For your desktop /wdwsavefile laptop For your laptop In your bindfile or with /bind in the game <key> "wdwloadfile desktop" <key> "wdwloadfile laptop" It might be easier than individually setting them.
  2. Wanted to try the 64 bit. I open it through tequila and log in...even choose my character. Then about a third of the way through loading it lags out and after a few minutes returns me to the log in screen...rinse repeat. Win10 and only other program running is notepad to edit bindfile on the fly. Any ideas or should I just go back to safe mode? Edit: lowered graphics didn't help....same thing happened trying to load regular Homecoming, Tequila downloads every time I open it even 10 minutes apart....going back to safe mode and hope someone can help me fix this.
  3. I read the forums from my phone and my phone browser changes default text to a slightly larger size that my over 40 eyes can more easily read. This forum overrides the browser and forces the small text that I have a hard time reading without zooming and then scrolling side to side. Is it possible to allow the user's browser to control text size or alternately soften the margins so they wrap to fit (or both would be awesome)? Thank you all for your time and hard work on making an awesome forum where we can explore the game when we aren't in the game!
  4. Mini ended up fantastic at 50..powerful for a team, but grinding that kinda made me hate storm.... Right now I am enjoying scrappers, brutes and sentinels...dealing massive damage! But I may revisit storm in a controller when I feel brave lol
  5. You're welcome! My bindfile is extensive so I had to learn a couple tricks.
  6. Try /windowscale chat 100 That should only change the scale of the one window and leave the rest alone.
  7. Ahhah! You were a tank on blueside I was @MiniatureMenace and a slew of alts....nice to run into some familiar names! I now return you to your regularly scheduled program! (Sorry to hijack the thread)
  8. Call Me Awesome sounds familiar....were you on Guardian server?
  9. Thank you!
  10. I have an extensive bindfile for my unique playstyle and squiddy form is bound to i (but this also happens when clicking the power). Every time I go squiddy it opens an unnumbered tray with the 5 available attacks....can I make it stop that? I don't want more than 2 trays open it obscures my view. Thanks for your help!
  11. From 2005 to 2010 I ran a storm/energy defender. Had to solo to catch up to my (ex) hubby who was maybe 20 when I was 1. Nobody wanted me on a team cuz 'not a healer' and melees hated me for knock back. It was miserable. Then I figured out how to play her well and people figured out I could play her well but...still miserable to 50 amd beyond. Will never take storm or energy again on any char ever!
  12. Peacebringer JaqMacPratt My tribute character I think is quite clever but I may be alone in that. I am a huge RDA (Richard Dean Anderson) fan. Jaq is for Jack O'Neill in SG1 he played from 1997 to 2005ish (changed the spelling so the A would be in the middle like the other two names). Mac is for MacGyver he played 1985 to 1992. Pratt is for Ernest Pratt in Legend which is a one season show (94-95 I think) but hilarious with him and John De Lancie. Ideally the A's would all be Stargate A's but it is what it is. I am easy to please and this pleases my clever tribute center of my brain 😁
  13. My most played character was MiniatureMenace (storm/energy defender) and my favorite alt was SpitfireFlash (MA/regen scrapper). Never really enjoyed villains much. Left the game in 2010 due to divorce but so glad its available again! So many names I recognize on here but since I mainly played with my (ex)hubby or soloed I am not sure anyone would recognize me. If you see @EmmySky on help chat, gimme a hand because I have forgotten half the stuff I knew!
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