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Everything posted by Jawbreaker

  1. Very cool name, power choice AND costume! That's a solid theme all around
  2. Wow thanks so much, Techwright! I would have never thought of any of those considerations!
  3. I know I know, you can run it on a toaster. The laptop I have now is on it's way out. It runs the game fine, but If I run with graphics settings maxed, it gets super hot. Also, even my max graphics setting don't look as nice as some other folk's screenshots. I'd like a new laptop that I can; 1. Run at maxed out graphics settings without it cooking the finish off my table ( again.) 2. Run multiple instances without heating up at moderate graphics settings for farming, RP and screenshot/video projects 3. cost under $1000 on Amazon as I will be using a gift card to pay for a good chunk of it. I'm computer illiterate with hardware so any suggestions would be best made with a link to an actual suggestion instead of a list of specs/graphics cards etc. Thank you so much in advance!
  4. If you tell me how lol. I'm computer ignorant
  5. Those look great, and I love the colors on Dimension Man! Great use of the cube chest design too
  6. Wow that's impressive! Can't wait to look around
  7. All the this. I for one would like more challenging enemy groups added, the kind that make you stop and think before going all Leroy J
  8. And yet another P2 name donation, Frightstrike. DM/Nin Stalker
  9. From day one of live to the last day, I never could find any enjoyment from an Assault Rifle character, but thanks to another name grab from Player 2, I might have found one that works for me. Battlezone, AR/Inv sentinel
  10. Oooh that's awesome! Look Ma, I finally inspired someone!
  11. Thank you! It's funny, I've tried this power combo a few times and never enjoyed it. But on Gypsy Moth it's an absolute blast, she's just fun to watch.
  12. Wow, that is seriously high praise! Thank you so much!
  13. Another Player 2 name donation, Gypsy Moth. DP/Martial Combat Blaster
  14. Does anyone know of an option for playing music on the go sans phone? My daughter is a music fiend but I need her to have the ability to carry it with her without any other internet access as she's struggling with social media addiction. I feel like I may be stuck getting her an MP3 player and having to purchase a ton of music
  15. Oh I can do that for sure, I've got quite a few of your donations in my list now.
  16. Plasmastorm (thanks for the name, P2!) Elec/elec sentinel. Inspired by everyone's favorite Spencer's Gift light from the 80's
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