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Everything posted by RufusPentecost

  1. You guys really did put on a fun event. That cannot be said enough.
  2. That was a blast! Hydro-Power and my Hobotech character just met and teamed up on this. I couldn't have been more surprised and pleased to have got 3rd place. Hydro absolutely carried me, though. He is the man!
  3. Oh. I will show up to play, but have no chance of winning this.
  4. Since it isn't out yet, I can't say whether or not this board game about Spectre is any fun, but sure looks cool... https://icv2.com/articles/news/view/48966/no-mr-bond-i-expect-die-spectre-the-board-game
  5. I suppose anything could happen, but there isn't really any indication something like that is in the works. Everything appears to be business as usual. For an entire year after the sky was supposedly falling, DC kept making physical comics, just like they've always been doing. They sell less than Marvel, which is normal, but they still made up almost a third of comic shop sales in the first quarter of 2021. https://www.statista.com/statistics/438242/comic-direct-market-share/ In May 2021, they had half of the top ten sellers, including the number one title.
  6. I started listening to iFanboy's Pick of the Week podcasts. I find their tastes run similar to mine, and some of their recommendations have steered me to good comics.
  7. I am still a nut for the Hero System (Champions). I have a pretty extensive set of even the most recent edition (sixth) books. Some friends and I still play it on occasion, but it comes out to only about 2 or 3 times a year. Being an adult will do that to your roleplaying.
  8. I'm still reading comics, after all these years, still buying new comics on Wednesdays when I can make it into the shops. There are a lot of things I like nowadays, but my current favorite writer is Mark Russell, who has a pretty sharp satirical edge. He mostly does independent stuff, but he has done some work for DC, though most of it is outside their superhero canon.
  9. I was just talking about The Private Eye in another thread, making me think of Marcos' Martin's fantastic art from that story. I love detective stories, especially the weird ones.
  10. Almost a year later, after the original post: DC Comics never stopped publishing and doesn't appear to be doing so in the immediate future. I buy new DC Comics every week. The solicitations for the upcoming months keep coming. New mini-series and new series keep getting announced. DC Comics didn't die. This thread was a sky-is-falling situation. Some things did shake up. People did get fired. The line of comics did shrink. DC Comics, though, did NOT die. Here is a link to their September 2021 solicitations.... https://comicbookdispatch.com/september-2021-dc-comic-solicitations/ Here is a link to their October 2021 solicitations.... https://www.cbr.com/dc-comics-solicitations-october-2021/
  11. Brian K. Vaughn's The Private Eye reads very cinematically to me. I would love to see a nice animated version of that, hopefully in Marcos Martin's style.
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