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Everything posted by CU_Krow

  1. Agreed. Just adds value to the CoH community honestly. Not 100% familiar with other MMO groups, but I doubt many are as die-hard fans at this one.
  2. Thank you for the kind words, Twozerofoxtrot!
  3. #1 spot: Black's Lagoon Redside's version of Striga Isle. Parroting off what others side, an island with a underground expanded area. The site can be historically relevant to Red side's history in terms of a dwelling place for Blackbeard when he sought respite, stored his treasures, or a general home base. It is now overrun with other crooks, goons, and unsavory critters.
  4. Dear HC team, Honestly, I was planning to post this after Christmas and near the 2023 New Year date, but with my schedule being pretty packed near then, I did not want to waste sending this! HC team, you guys are amazing, and even after few years of HC CoH being in existence, I just want to express my heart-felt gratitude of the merit you guys deserve! For those in the HC community, allow me to remind you what this wonderful team has done for the CoH Survivors: 1-They brought this game back to us, building a platform & community base to enjoy this game again. 2-To best of their ability, developed a working system for it to be playable and enjoyed by all 3-MANY, MANY computer updates, the likes which I can't fathom 4- MANY, MANY bugs/glitches/patches fixes 5-MANY, MANY answers to customer forum questions and complaints 6-MANY, MANY responses to in-game questions and complaints 7-MANY, MANY in-game interventions, mission fixes, and to get us out of buggy TF/SF/trials 8-MANY, MANY tweaks to powerset/AT balancing (the likes of which I cannot fathom) 9-MANY, MANY server-wide costume contests and events 10-MANY, MANY instances joining player-based events to show support & add to the fun 11-Adding new powers 12-Adding new enhancement sets 13-Adding new costume pieces 14-Adding new badges 15-Adding new map zones 16-Making changes to the currency system (another task which I cannot fathom given its systematic complexity) 17-Creating/giving out community titles 18-Giving out prizes at events 19-Creating new story arcs 20-Creating new missions 21-Creating new characters 22-Creating new TF/SFs 23-Keeping up with weekly maintenance 24-Keeping up with weekly updates 25-Keeping up with in-game weekly trial updates and scheduling 26-Doing the research for the software/hardware/licenses 27-Research on different companies to work with in keeping performance optimal 28-Negotiating with NCSoft 29-Keeping up with the constant communication of updates with the community (to best of their ability, trying to find the balance in that) 30-Keeping organized of the financials to keep this game up month-by-month (and being 100% transparent in this aspect with the community) 31....and MUCH, MUCH more that my limited mind cannot think of at the moment. This is bit a tiny portion of the work that this incredible team does for us. And HC community, do not forget that this team does it FOR ABSOLUTELY FREE. PURE VOLUNTEER-BASED TEAM. Sometimes when I'm roaming YouTube, I'll see random stories of videogame developers/teams who raise a crapton of money and they do not deliver on what they promise, they do not keep up with game updates, they poorly communicate with their community, or they just take money and run. Many companies and teams out there lack integrity and commitment to the players who supported them. HC team is not one of them. Dear HC team, I just want to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023, and most of all, THANK YOU! ==================================================== SIDE NOTE: This took place in 2020, but I remember it as one of my favorite interactions with the HC team. The team was doing one of their usual server-wide CCs, and while I was waiting in line at the CC, I remember one of the GMs making his rounds looking at the different costumes. Me, being my impulsive and snarky self, couldn't help but make a friendly, jestful jab at the GM. I remember it clearly, the GM types in local chat "WHO SAID THAT?!?!" and my fellow "heroes" next to me, being the betrayers that they are!......jumped away from their spots as to purposefully single me out, as if to say "IT WAS HIM, HE DUN DUN ****ED UP NOW!". The GM strolled on over, looked at my character in the face for like 3 seconds.....then turned me into a trashcan. XD It was a hilarious moment and I love that GM for that. If any HC community members have any fun interactions with the GM team, please feel free to share! Would love to hear them!
  5. Everlasting!!! Also, I hope someone seriously turns those 12 days into a song hahaha.
  6. Yes, correct! No PVP, etc. This game is set up in a fair way where all players have equal chance of winning (e.g. no needed build, enhancements, powers etc)
  7. UPDATE: Edited first post to include additional information about early invites.
  9. Yes 100% accurate.
  10. Yes, just as Cien posted. I don't reserve spots, but I do allot a certain amount of time before the event to send out early invites for a 1st come, 1st serve basis,
  11. No AE. Nothing to do with Halloween, but if you want to wear a costume, go ahead lol
  12. One player gets all 4.5 bil.
  13. Reserved post
  14. This is fair. I'm glad me and my co-host put this out a month in advance, because we're still nailing out some minute details. I can share this much (and later on, ill update the OP with this as well), there will be a total of 4 "games," This event is a CoH version of the show Squid games, and just like in the show, the games will be secret until the moment they occur (only small select few will know the games in advance, primarily the event runners and volunteers). The games themselves are purely based upon survivor skill, maneuverability, luck, patience, outside-the-box thinking, and patience. Archtypes/enhancements/levels will not put one person above another , as it might in events like PVP or other. And no, no trivia in this event lol. Some of these games will be introduced for the VERY FIRST time in CoH history. w00t w00t, Angel! 😄 Thank you, Blue ❤️ No PVP lol
  15. lol definitely dont have 45bil to give. Its 4.5 bil, which is 100m per person. The games for the event will not be released until the day/time of the event. I can share that the games will be balanced/equal/fair amongst participants.
  16. WHEN: November 5th, approx 6-8pm eastern (early gatherers/invites around 5:30pm) WHERE: Meeting spot is in Atlas, under Atlas statue PRIZE: One winner will receive 4,500,000,000 inf! INFO: This event is limited to 45 players only, toon must be lvl 35+ to participate. Come join the Krow Games! A huge payout is within your reach!!!!! ===NOTE==== THIS IS A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE EVENT!!!! Event will start promptly at 6pm eastern, but if all the spots are filled before then during the early invites time period, we will move forward with those who showed up early without any extended invitations to those who show up later (except in the case of someone dropping out before the start time). NOTE #2: I'm aware this is the Excelsior section. Naturally, any member is welcome to switch to Everlasting this day to compete! I have heard a rumor that Everlasting tends to have more competitive folks. I wonder if the rumors are true. 😏
  17. WHEN: November 5th, approx 6-8pm eastern (early gatherers/invites around 5:30pm) WHERE: Meeting spot is in Atlas, under Atlas statue PRIZE: One winner will receive 4,500,000,000 inf! INFO: This event is limited to 45 players only, toon must be lvl 35+ to participate. Come join the Krow Games! A huge payout is within your reach!!!!! ===NOTE==== THIS IS A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE EVENT!!!! Event will start promptly at 6pm eastern, but if all the spots are filled before then during the early invites time period, we will move forward with those who showed up early without any extended invitations to those who show up later (except in the case of someone dropping out before the start time).
  18. You're so awesome, Trix XD <3
  19. Bump. Still no takers? Guess forum people dont care as much about inf/games as in-game lol. If no participants by Jan 1st, ill close this thread.
  20. lol no Cien 😛 UPDATE: Tonight is the event! Hope to see you all there!
  21. Thanks for spreading the word 😄 Bump. FYI, this event is happening tomorrow @9pm EST.
  22. No takers? C'mon, Krampus ain't that scary. Also, you get free money!
  23. You slowly open your eyes. At first, things seem quite bright, but as your eyes adjust, you notice white all around you. You make out what seems to appear white snowy mounds and hills, even some trees guarding around you. You find yourself in a tundra wonderland. You notice different objects around you, broken parts of what appears to be a crashed airplane. You remember now. You were in an airplane flying to your destination, when all of a sudden the turbulence was too much and the plane could not handle it. Before you gather your thoughts together, something in the distance catches your eye. A house. A run-down type of house, but you notice a faint glow of what appears to be a light in the windows. It is cold outside, very cold. You can feel your body becoming numb. What choice do you have? You make your way to the house. An inner chill fills up through your body as you make your way towards the house....on one hand you know you need to reach the house for your own survival....on the other hand.....you can't help the deep sense of inner-warning as you make your way towards a dwelling that seems more oddly peculiar and sinister the closer you get to it. ========================= Welcome to the haunted House of Krampus! This is a series of games I hosted on other chat forums, all which had great success. :} I decided to bring this to my CoH family as well. Was hoping to post this on the main channel for more views, but I noticed it was for CoH-content only. Hopefully this will catch enough attention in this section. I'm only hosting 3 spots for this game, usually I will do 5, but had to start this game late due to some RL busyness. House Guests (victims) 1: 2: 3: HOW-TO-PLAY: [1]- This game is limited to 3 players total (one at a time). Each player (house guest) will go through different scenarios (up to total of 10 per player), making choices and trying to survive through Krampus's house! [2]- I will NOT RESERVE SPOTS. After the current player is done, the first person to respond to claim next spot will get it. No holding or claiming of spots. [3] If a player does not respond within 72 hrs of the posted scenario, that individually automatically forfeits their play in the game and their participation reward. The spot will be open to a next available player. The player who forfeited their play is not allowed to re-participate in the current game's play (but is allowed in future versions of the game series if they choose). [4]- For each player who successfully participates in this game (w/o breaking rule #3), they will get a participation prize of 25m sent to their in-game email. Any player who survives up to 10 scenarios will not only complete Krampus's house for bragging rights, but also claim a reward of 250m inf to their in-game email! [5]-I will not transfer the rewards to other players. If a player chooses not to claim any reward, I will keep the inf for myself for my next game. To get the reward, you must be willing to type your global in this thread at the end of your run. If you're not willing to post your global in this thread, please do not participate. ===================== Who dare ye enters the house of Krampus?!?!
  24. Hello Everlasting! As we do every December, this upcoming 12/18/21 at 9pm EST we'll be doing a free PURPLEZ give-a-way to the first 50 people who show up! What does this event entail? Easy! 1) At 9pm EST, come inside city hall in Atlas and get in line to claim ANY purple OF YOUR CHOICE! 2) 1 purple per person/player. 3) There may be some extra side lottery chances for more prizes...thats the word on the street! C U there!
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