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Everything posted by Dahkness

  1. When you power on mighty leap you get a server tray pop up for takeoff. I can’t slot things into that tray. It seems pointless to have! I can move takeoff to a different tray... please add a disable button for it or is there an efficient way to use up that tray? I don’t understand the reasoning for it. OCD... sorry 🙂
  2. I main an empath and unlike SB I still have to individually buff everyone. I currently play on a 13inch screen and with all the powers and buffs it just eats up my entire screen. The question that brings me here today is... Is there a slash command that will make it so it only shows my buffs on the players and not there individual buffs or other player buffs?
  3. There is always something harder
  4. Actually I am a solo empath. I can send you my Ill/emp build. I’ve been working pretty hard on it.
  5. I love you ❤️ thx
  6. Awesome! Good to know! Thank you
  7. I have the option to slot the chance for recharge in my pet. When the recharge does proc will I get it or will my pet get the buff?
  8. This is true. Tried setting a TF to +2 and two instantly replied “are really trying to use this for leveling”. And that swayed everyone to agree.
  9. You right though
  10. Do I just keep teaming with random Uber teams or is the game 10x easier then before? I love the game I just remember it being a little bit more challenging then what it is now
  11. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  12. I’ve looked on the forums for this topic and I can’t find it. Is there a way to set up mids on a Mac?
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