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Everything posted by Dahkness

  1. No longer a S/L/E/N/R set up. I’ve learned the ways of the poison. (Build is out of date) will update with new build soon)
  2. Just one promted window not several. Like the enhancement prompted window you can disable that on the same window with no need to search the menus. And that’s why I asked for it to have the option to disable it. For people like you. Who don’t want to be bothered. Your ignorant response was kind of rude
  3. Elder scrolls online does a good job doing this. Just saying.
  4. Allow the option to enable or disable a prompted menu in the auction house before finalizing your bid.
  5. Maybe after vet lvl 99 every 3 lvls you get more space or something like that. I hit Vet 99 on my main without farming and I’m kinda bummed there’s nothing I get when I lvl.
  6. I just PL mine to 50. I’m working on one atm. I’ll try to post it when seems okay
  7. Didn’t know you could disable inspiration ha
  8. I’m looking for a macro that will turn my inspirations into red ones! 🙏
  9. Would be cool to have a way to upgrade my invention salvage/recipes storage to 500/1000.
  10. Not sure but the builds are dated back before the influence nerf. Do those builds need updated?
  11. What does S/L/E stand for?
  12. Do you use AE maps or a Maria Jenkins (battle maiden) maps for fire kin farming? I haven’t farmed since live so not sure what the go to fire kin map is now
  13. I’m working on a blaster/brawler build for my Ill/emp. Trying to make a solo 54x8 build. I don’t have a lot of lock down to work with on my chosen AT
  14. Dahkness

    DEF goals?

    I play an emp and I want to try and give my guy some more DEF but none of my powers offer me DEF. So by using Maneuvers/combat jump/Weave and IO's what should I try to hit?
  15. While making my way back to the detective, I’ve had people rage quite due to being shot down by the rikti invasion ships 🛳. Sometimes o have to travel across the other side of the map when this is happening. It’s just annoying when this is happening
  16. Still would be nice to have them in radio missions. It’s easier to pick up a radio team
  17. When you hit the limit on radio/paper missions you should have the option to call the detective. Or maybe have it be a perk at lvl 50. Add different enemy types in lvl 50 radio/paper missions?
  18. So I’m running an Ill/emp and I am trying to make a secondary build for those Garbage/pi radio missions. Its not gonna be my main build. Something fun. For those steam rolling teams. Im just looking for any fun tips I should keep in mind with Soul.
  19. You have to go out of your way to make it harder.
  20. I did it! I have saved enough to get a gaming laptop! But I need your help heroes! I have been mislead so many times into buy electronics when I do go to Best Buy or places of the sort. I try to better myself as often as I can to learn about what I am buying. I come here to ask for recommendations for a school/gaming laptop I have a limit of 1500/2000. I am trying to stay away from Apple computers. I am currently running on a 2010 MacBook. And it is not fun ha. Thank you for taking your time and reading this <3. I LOOK forward to what you have to show me.
  21. Whatever dude. I was just saying it sucks that one has to farm in AE to earn this much money that fast. Sorry I’m not a Chinese farmer
  22. Didn’t ask you to acknowledge it in the first place
  23. Sure after I farm in AE. But I choose not to
  24. Oh wow you make that much money a run? Man I’ve been playing this game all wrong. That’s so unfair for people that don’t want to farm. Feels like HC is catered to AE farms. I struggle to get that much money. #CityofFarms 😞
  25. Thanks for this info I was always so confused when I saw pocket D RWZ groups. I just ignored them cause I thought it was a joke that’s been going around as a big dance party. Thanks for the info! Definitely joining one when I see it next time!
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