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Posts posted by DougGraves

  1. Guide to Controller Ice/Time while Leveling with Teams


    This guide covers the powers for an ice/time controller while leveling with teams. How to use them, how useful they are, and how to slot them. It completely ignores end game and IO sets. It also mostly ignores soloing as soloing with these sets is just too painful.


    Why Ice/Time? Arctic Air and Time's Juncture are both pbaoe debuff toggles. With them both on, foes around you are confused, with -recharge, -dmg, and -to hit. So you have permanent control in a large circle around you. Ice Slick around corners let's you prevent an alpha. And Ice Slick and Time's Juncture do not require to hit, so they are reliable. Time Stop gives you a second single target hold with fast recharge. And Time Crawl gives you -regen to take on AVs and GMs.


    Why not Ice/Time? It uses up a lot of END, locks you in place, and can therefore be boring. Because it uses so much END just to run AA and TS, you do not have a lot left to use your other powers. You need to slot for END in the powers you use. Also, you must stand in the middle of the foes. You cannot move over to heal an ally, etc. as if you move away from the foes your debuff goes away. You also have to get to the middle of your foes.


    Overall: Ice/Time is great early. You have AA and TJ at level 6, giving you great constant control. At level 13 you have Ice Slick 3 slotted for recharge. It does not get better than that. Given that it is terrible at soloing and in a team you have to stand in the middle of your foes, it takes dedication to a certain play style to love this combination.


    General Note: This recommends slotting one for accuracy. If you want to take on higher level foes than you, you will probably want to slot a second accuracy in your powers. This generally will not be a problem while leveling unless you sidekick up to level 50 teams.


    Ice Control


    Chillblain is a single target immobilize and DoT. It is one of your highest damage powers, so you need this for damage, but I rarely use this on a team unless it is full of controllers and lacks damage. Slot 1 accuracy, 3 damage, 1 end reduction - add 1 recharge reduction if you solo.


    Block of Ice is a single target hold and damage. As one of your two high damage powers you should slot this for damage, accuracy, and END. As you will have a second hold and END is an issue, slot for hold not recharge if you want more control. I use this every time it is up, targeting a lieutenant if possible to hold the highest value target I can. Slot 1 accuracy, 3 damage, 1 END reduction, 1 hold.


    Frostbite is a AoE immobilize with minor damage. Against a group of foes it will do more damage than Electric Fence and will set up containment if you get an AoE damage power from somewhere. I skip this power, if I were soloing I would take it. Slot 1 accuracy, 3 damage.


    Arctic Air is a pbaoe toggle. It gives foes -Recharge and -SPD and will Confuse them if it hits. It costs over 1 END per second so you need a lot END reduction. I keep this up constantly unless I am waiting and recovering END. Slot 2 END reduction (3 if you can afford it but you don't get much out of the 3rd).


    Shiver is a wide cone which gives foes -Recharge and -SPD. It has a recharge of 30 seconds so it is up a lot. I do not use it because it uses a lot of END I cannot afford and while theoretically powerful you cannot see the effect since you have so much other -Recharge. Slot 1 accuracy, 1 END reduction, 1 recharge.


    Ice Slick is the best power in the set. It is a ground targeted aoe that creates a long duration ice patch which causes foes to be knocked down repeatedly and they have -SPD. It can be targeted around corners, so you can use this to prevent your foes from getting off an alpha. I use this at the start of almost every fight. Flying creatures such as CoT spirits and multi-legged creatures such as Arachnos bots are immune to knockdown so this power is somewhat situational. Slot 3 recharge, 1 range.


    Flash Freeze is a targeted AoE sleep. It does a tiny bit of damage up front so it will not stack with other sleeps used before it, but the damage is too small to be meaningful otherwise. This is only useful as a panic button and most teams will wake up the sleepers immediately, so it is skippable. Slot 1 accuracy.


    Glacier is a pbaoe hold. It also gives -Recharge and -SPD in case they are not held. This is a great panic button since you need to be in the middle of your foes anyway. Slot 1 accuracy, 3 recharge, 2 hold.


    Jack Frost is a pet that does some damage, which is better than nothing. It may also hold a foe. Slot 1 accuracy, 3 damage.


    Time Manipulation


    Time Crawl is a single target debuff to recharge and regen. A target with this on gets slightly more debuff from Time's Juncture. A target with this gets +1 magnitude on the hold from Time Stop. So use this on bosses and then hold them. Or use on AVs and GMs for the -regen. Slot 1 accuracy.


    Temporal Mending is a pbaoe heal with additional healing for 6 seconds. Slot for healing not recharge to keep your END cost down. It is problematic to use because you want to stand in the middle of your foes but to heal you have to be next to your ally – so let your allies know to stand beside you. Slot 3 healing.


    Time's Juncture is a pbaoe toggle. It gives foes -Dmg, -To Hit, and -SPD. Only the -To Hit is enhanceable. It costs over .5 END per second so you need END reduction. I keep this up constantly unless I am waiting and recovering END. Slot 1 accuracy, 2 END reduction, 3 To Hit debuffs.


    Temporal Selection is a single ally buff that lasts for 2 minutes and has a recharge of 2 minutes. With enough recharge you can alternate between 2 allies. It gives +dmg, +recharge, and +regen. It is best used on a damage dealer such as blaster, scrapper, or brute. Slot 3 recharge.


    Distortion Field is a ground targeted aoe that leaves a field for 45s that debuffs -recharge and -spd. Foes have a 20% chance of a mag 3 hold. This also can be dropped around corners. Use this if ice slick is not up at the start of a fight or for foes that are immune to ice slick. You can save this for long lasting fights or to take on adds. Slot 3 recharge.


    Time Stop is a singe target hold with no damage. It can hold a boss if the boss has Time Crawl on it. So use Time Crawl on a boss, if you hit use Time Stop to hold them. If TC misses, use TS and Block of Ice to hold the boss. Slot 1 accuracy, 1 end reduction, 3 hold.


    Farsight is a pbaoe buff to you and your allies. It is a slight To Hit buff but a significant defense buff and perception buff. It has a 4 min recharge and 120s duration so you can make it perma. This is your only constant team buff and you should have it up all of the time. Slot 3 recharge.


    Slowed Response is a targeted AoE that gives foes -Def and -Res. This is how you contribute damage to a team. Slot 1 accuracy, 3 recharge.


    Chrono Shift is a pbaoe heal and +recovery for you and your allies. It has a 6 minute recharge and lasts only 30s, so this is a panic button not a regular use feature. You can slot it for healing or END mod. Slot 3 recharge, 3 heal/END mod.


    Edit: Added END reduction to chillblain and time stop, removed 1 end reduction from Arctic Air for better END management.


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  2. Are you looking for most powerful powerset combinations or actual builds?


    This thread tells you the most popular primary and secondary sets for each AT.  Just know that Fire is used for farming so it is vastly over represented compared to how good it is in the regular game.  Except fire/kin controllers are the best controllers.



  3. 3 hours ago, siolfir said:

    This has stopped me at the last screen on character creation for 3 different Stalkers in the past month. I still haven't created one because of a lack of a good name. 😞


    You can create the character and park it in an arena or pvp zone for a day badge and then rename it for free when you think of a name

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  4. 51 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    The best gift you can give in CoH is helping someone with a badge. Nobody cares if you like their costume or bio. Help them get Really Hard Way or Avoids the Green Stuff. Then you've made a friend.


    Glad to help you.  If you select the chest detail type "Over" then you can select a star (I think it is star 2) and it shows up on your vest.  Color it appropriately and you have a nice badge for your western marshal (pic 1).  But, because it is the chest detail, you cannot have it and a bolo tie.  A solution for that is to have your vest open with a bolo tie showing, and using the retro belt with the star belt buckle acting as a badge (pic 2).  Of course, as everyone knows, bolo ties were invented in the 1940's and are not period accurate for western marshals.  So you should probably just go with the badge on your vest.





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  5. I've been trying out stalker and was thinking of trying scrapper, since I haven't played one since coming back.  I'm thinking of making a Tsoo so I am going with kinetic melee.  


    Naturally ninjitsu makes sense for a ninja so I was looking at that.  One of the powers gives stealth - is that stalker level stealth or just superspeed type stealth?


    And how is kin/ninjitsu on a stalker - or is there a better pairing for kin/ that would still work with a Tsoo concept?

  6. On 12/17/2019 at 3:24 PM, Troo said:

    and yet, here we are still playing and replying to this clickbait topic.


    DouggieGraves has earner the title 'Flamer'.


    • What would you make to play each Enemy group?  - 1 reply

    • When do you want villains scattered apart in a fight?  - 17 replies

    • The problem with stalkers - 21 replies

    • Soloing red side I can see again how good the solo game really is - 9 replies

    • this thread - 170 replies


    I create a wide variety of threads.  Don't blame me for which threads people decide to reply to. 

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  7. What the redside contacts need is to act like your minions.  At low level you are kind of ordered around and threatened, and for low levels it makes some sense.


    But really it should be people coming to you wanting to be your lackeys, praising you and saying how only you can do something.


    "I need you to hunt down Boss Nass.  Arachnos will kill us if you fail."  is far less enjoyable than "What a brilliant plan you have.  I have found Boss Nass as you commanded, now you just have to go take him out."


    One has you feeling like you are a pawn, the other like you are someone powerful and important.

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  8. 3 hours ago, Ael said:

    You totally don't have to play stalkers that way, especially not if it's boring. My husband and I regularly duo stalkers that play at max settings. No need to sneak, hide, AS, wait, hide, repeat.


    You play level 12 stalkers at +4/x8?  I am impressed

  9. 1 hour ago, alexanderk said:

    It's really rewarding to know exactly how strong your character is on their own.


    While I love teaming, it does give you a warped sense of your character.  My dark/dark tanker rarely has END problems but that is because there is usually a buffer with AM, speed boost, or another recovery buff.  When I exemplar down and am on a team without a buffer I find I run out of END in one fight.  It is tough figuring out what you can do and what the buffs and debuffs let you do

  10. I play CoH mostly as a super battle simulator.  I love the combat, especially on big teams.  It is just so different from other games.


    Solo is not the same.  I'm not interacting with other powers on the team.  There are only a few enemies at a time (at level 12 anyway).  It is not the same sort of fights.


    But as I am soloing I am reading the mission text and clues - something I never do teaming.  And missions are not just moving from spawn to spawn but searching for the objective - since fighting is not the objective itself.


    And I am using TO's and will look for DO's.  In a team at level 10 I would be leveling every mission, or 3 times in Atta or Frostfire.  But solo I might go through 3 or 4 missions for each level.  So taking the time to get enhancements makes sense - and they matter more.


    I am really seeing the older core of the game.  Not the original, but with the improved content of red side where arcs are stories and missions are interesting.  I just got a mission to fight ghosts and I got ghost grenades and a ghost rifle temporary power.  So the mission will play a bit differently.


    I guess when I tire of red side I will roll up a gold side character and try that again.  I think I only did gold side once and did not even get to 20.  It was a lot harder - so I'll need to pick my character carefully.

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  11. I just hit level 12.  I have TO's for damage but that's it.  So in a long fight END is my biggest problem.  I am playing without solo bosses, so I don't have a boss problem.  When I get to IO's I will take on bosses.


    I normally play a dark/dark tanker so he has stealth (not as good as stalker) as well as being tough.  So he can run right through  missions as well.


    With stalker at low level my biggest problem is missing.  With only a few attacks, a couple of misses really hurts.  The fast assassin's strike really allows stalker to work in a regular fight - so that was a great change.

  12. I have been playing a stalker to solo redside.  I'd rather team, but it's redside.  I have not played stalkers much so I thought it would be nice to try it and I could get through missions faster to see the content.


    The problem with stalkers is that their tactics and strategy are at odds.  Your strategy is to stealth through missions to do them quickly.  Your tactic is to wait to have stealth, wait for assassin's strike to recharge, and maybe wait for build up to recharge.  So your strategy is go fast and your tactic is to go slow.


    I have found that running through a mission and stopping to fight when my assassin's strike has recharged works well for me.  I still get through quickly but I have some fighting so it is not all just running around.  And I don't stand around waiting for recharge.  Although when assassin's strike misses twice when trying to ambush the boss I do stand around awhile waiting.


    So I have also found that having ST: TNG on netflix while I play helps.  When I need to wait I just watch the show.  Then 15 second later I can play some more.


    I am enjoying the content on redside.  I know I played it a decade ago, but Radio is still fun.  There is just so much flavor to the contacts and the arcs.

    • Confused 1
  13. 46 minutes ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

    That is about as lacking in substance as a statement as Ive ever seen on the forums. It certainly isnt answering my very simple direct question, why wouldnt you take a travel power? The reason they made them accessible sooner was because as was brought up over and over, for characters from supermans flight to flashes speed are the core of their power set. A character like Angel of the X men is entirely his flight.


    It's like trying to explain beauty to an accountant who looks at art only as numbers in a spreadsheet.  You say my answer lacks substance, I say your question lacks a soul.

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  14. 10 minutes ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

    And why do you want to take so much time between door mishes anyways? because again if it was some kind of pride thing sneaking slow across a zone like the hollow, well as I always say people should not ever feel things like pride nor take a sense of accomplishment from gaming. Play for fun, not to boost your ego.


    CoH is a set of mechanics concealed by visuals of superheroes, villains, and a city.  It only is fun for me as long as the mechanics are hidden by the visuals and I feel like a superhero.  So while I do not want the game to be a grind, I want the game to maintain the illusion that I am a superhero in a real city.  The whole game could be like AE - stand in a room and go through the same door to do missions - but it would lose its magic.

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