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Posts posted by DougGraves

  1. Dark Melee is being buffed on beta.


    Sands of Mu is free, so it will not be made better.  It is supposed to be only good at low levels until you get your real powers.


    I have spoken.

    • Like 5
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  2. I installed civil v, played it for 16 hours straight and never played it again.   I can't have that sort of time suck in my life.


    With coh the time waste that I hate is standing with my recipes checking the ah to see if I have purchased all of the salvage yet.  I am sure just another minute and I'll have bought all 87 salvage 

  3. 1 hour ago, roleki said:

    That's SuperJump, for me.  Whatever math they did to smooth the ascent and descent, it's just perfect.  Just like on Live, as soon as I was able to take a travel power in HC, I grabbed SJ and bounced around for a good half hour, probably smiling like an idiot the whole time.  

    Yep, every character gets superjump because it is just so much fun

    • Like 2
  4. I don't have a standard backstory.   They all have a unique background and look.  Trollkin Recruiter is green and mutated from taking a drug at a rave.  Outcast Recruiter is blue and just a normal mutant.  Warrior Recruiter is just a normal who is very good with a sword.  Freakshow Recruiter was just a rich woman who decided to try cybernetic implants that control electricity.

    • Like 2
  5. Mostly unrelated, but as a reward mechanic it is crazy that dfb and dib are used to power level and skip low level content but give buffs only for low level content. 


    You would think it would be story arcs that gave the low level buffs to the characters that would really use them for an extended amount of play.

  6. 50 minutes ago, Troo said:

    220+ posts in a couple days?!


    Looks like I'll be adding 'Inequality' to all new subject titles.


    'Costume Inequality - Post your favorites here'

    'Power Inequality - Energy Transfer'

    'Archtype Inequality - Scrappers'



  7. The problem is not an influence divide.  It is a power divide.   


    Other games have special gear for end game dungeons but that's the end game and you progress through it.  CoH just mixes the godmode characters with everyone else for missions, TFs, etc.


    If people want to grind for gear that is fine.  The game just needs to recognize them as being more powerful and give them a higher challenge and reduce their power when exemplaring down.

  8. 1 hour ago, VileTerror said:

    Yeeeeeah . . . I'd honestly like a fix to the Inf-per-level.  As it stands, the Inf rewards are so heavily weighted to level 50 only that it's essentially pointless to even try to earn Inf before then.  That seems terribly wrong-headed to me.

    I don't care about earning influence.  Selling one rare salvage problem makes as much influence as all of the missions earn you.

  9. I went to city hall and got missions from 3 contacts.  I did all 3 missions, then returned to city hall.  Since you have to go back to the contact for several missions before you get a phone, this was efficient and worked well.  I did accidentally get a patrol mission and dropped it.  


    I think I will start doing that instead of Matthew for my starting missions. 

    • Like 1
  10. Guide to Defender Dark/Sonic level 19


    If you want to play low level content as a support character that does enough damage to solo and helps take down the toughest foes, a dark/sonic defender at level 19 is a good choice.  You will also be fine if you join higher level teams.  You can help take down AVs and GMs of any level.


    Why a Dark/Sonic: You can fear a group every fight, stun a group and rez allies almost every fight, hold one foe frequently, heal, do decent single target damage with a lot of stacking -RES. You can do significant -Regen debuff on AVs and GMs. You have group stealth. And you can buff your teams damage and accuracy and counter blind for your team.


    Why level 19: At level 19 you still have some inherent accuracy boost and can have the DFB accuracy, damage, and recovery buffs. This saves you several accuracy slots on characters. And your enhancements will only be slightly reduced doing low level content.

    You do not get much better for several levels – dark does not get Worm Hole until 26, and Sonic gets Amplify at 20 but it is mostly a to hit buff, and Siren's Song at level 28 is good for normal sonics but is a weaker duplicate of fearsome stare.


    Why not a Dark/Sonic: You lack AoE damage. You have no resistance and tiny defense. You need to hit to heal, and you have to stand next to someone to heal them.


    Team Tactics

    Drop Darkest Night on a boss or lt and Fearsome Stare on the whole spawn – which you do first depends on how clumped they are. If they are clumped use FS first, if not use DN and wait for them to clump to use FS.

    Then use Petrifying Gaze on a target and your attacks to defeat it while it cannot fight back. Cycle through your foes. Watch your team's health and heal as needed, remember to move next to the person you are healing.


    Solo Tactics

    Use Fearsome Stare to fear the spawn. Then use Petrifying Gaze on a target and your attacks to defeat it while it cannot fight back. Cycle through your foes.

    If Fearsome Stare is not up at the start of a fight, use Howling Twilight.



    1 Twilight Grasp, Healing 3

    Healing is important at low levels when tankers and others are not slotted and have holes in their protection. You may want to slot 1 accuracy, 2 healing, because missing with this can let someone die.


    1 Shriek, Damage 3

    Basic low damage ranged attack with fast recharge and -RES. Use first for the -RES before you hit with more damaging attacks.


    2 Scream, Damage 3

    Basic medium damage ranged attack with fast recharge and -RES.


    4 Darkest Night, To Hit Debuff 3

    An anchored toggle to drop on a boss, makes all of the foes around them hit less and do less damage. You may not need this if you can lock down foes with your other powers, but it is great in tough fights and on AVs and the like.


    6 Howling Twilight, Recharge 3

    Stuns a large group of foes and rezzes all allies around you. It is tempting to save this for the rez, but use this for the stun when you need to (like when a second group is aggro'd).


    8 Shadowfall, End Reduction 1

    Limited stealth for you and everyone around you. Plus some defense. Use this going between missions and during missions if you can afford the END.


    10 Assault, End Reduction 1

    Increases the damage of your team. Run this all of the time unless you are low on END.


    12 Fearsome Stare, Accuracy 1, Recharge 1, Fear 1

    A cone of fear. Should be up to start every fight, but not more often. So use it when the foes are bunched up, but use it often. This is your primary control. If you solo more than team, slot for 2 recharge and no fear.


    14 Tactics, End Reduction 1

    Increases the accuracy of your team and increases their perception to counter blind. Run this all of the time if you can afford the END, if your team has trouble hitting (higher level foes, or foes with force fields or -To Hit). Remember this if your team is blinded.


    16 Shout, Damage 3

    Basic high damage ranged attack with fast recharge and -RES. Use last after stacking -RES from your other attacks.


    18 Petrifying Gaze, Recharge 2, Hold 1

    A basic single target hold. This has a short duration so you cannot stack it to hold bosses. Use on lieutenants.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Ilovetacos said:

    thank you I am heading back to kings row now 

    The easy way to play is a base macro.   There are several that give you a link in your power tray to teleport you to a supergroup base that is available to everyone.   It has teleporters to every zone and pocket d

  12. 2 minutes ago, Ilovetacos said:

    i try to ask around looking for a group but so far no luck so im solo so far 

    The only way to find a group is using the lfg channel.   Daytime it is hard to find groups.  Evening it should be reasonable.  U.s. time.

  13. 3 hours ago, Ilovetacos said:

    I decided on Excelsior. I got to level 4 already but am not going much further at the moment i find it not as satisfying as i would unless I had someone to play with. 

    There are sg's recruiting but they are basically all 50s doing lvl 50 content.   There are lower level teams.  If you do Hollows you can usually recruit a team to join you. 

  14. Here's what you should know starting a hero.


    The bonus powers you got like sands of mu are available from a p2w vendor by where you first appear.  You do have to look through their powers to see which ones are free - some attacks, a jump pack, and ninja run.


    You have 3 basic choices for starting content.   The game introduces you to Matthew, a story arc contact.   You can go into city hall and talk to the old starting contacts,  or you can join a dfb team.  Dfb is death from below. A 20ish minute team mission that many players do.  


    If you want to solo go to a contact. If you want to team do dfb.

  15. Some zones have 'instanced' sub zones.  Parts of atlas park change depending on your progress in the starting contacts.  An area can contain hellions or police depending on whether you have completed a mission. 


    Characters on your team in those sub zones appear greyed out in the team list.

  16. I have a semi-cure.  What I have done is determined which level to leave a character at (turning off xp so they stay at that level).  So I might level a character to 27 to play on Talos teams.


    That gives me a sense of completed for characters.  So when I make an alt, I level them up until I decide they are done and then park them.  I can come back and play them if the opportunity arises.


    I still create a lot of alts, but each has a bit more life to it than just level 1 and done.

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