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Everything posted by Arcanum

  1. Hey there, Like Oubliette_Red said, try and grab a screenshot for us so we can help you out! This is an unusual error to be getting! Let me know 🙂
  2. We had a great time over on Excelsior! Thank you to the amazing community for hanging out with us and exploding fireworks! Happy New Year, everyone!
  3. What a wonderful way to ring in the New Year! 😄
  4. Yes! /keybind "right click" info window /keybind "left click" open A.K.A - I'm afraid not 😞 You can, however, set to have all the cards auto flip open after opening the pack. That should save some time!
  5. It was fairly minor. We were just providing a little New Year's Gift to the players! (Check out your temporary powers when logging in) ^_^
  6. Hi Felix! Sorry for your troubles! Make sure your manifest entered is: "http://patch.savecoh.com/manifest.xml" The game should update to the newest patch! If you're still having issues, feel free to message me (either on here or the Homecoming Discord). I'll be happy to help you out! 🙂
  7. If you refer to the Homecoming Discord - GM_Miss typically pins SG Recruitments in each shard channel as well! Never hurts to ask! I, personally, don't mind the use of KB (when its aimed properly), however, I do know some players get super frustrated by it. I typically don't play melee, so I haven't experienced it to that degree. Another solution is to make a Controller friend! So long as everything's immobilized, hitting it with KB will typically convert the attacks to KD (Gravity/Electric Control being the exception)! Just bring them along everywhere...all the time...anytime you do anything.... Yeah, just find a SG. ^_^
  8. Yes! Tuesday the 31st is the last day for the Winter Event 🙂
  9. Hey Myndwypr, Try what Tahquitz suggested and let me know if it doesn't work! I'll pass this along to my team. We'll get you back defending Paragon City. 🙂
  10. I enjoy both power sets! Thermal offers a more traditional healing set - with an aura, a 'heal other', "Thaw" and "Forge". With some shields/debuffs thrown in! Nature is a little different as it includes healing/regen location toggles, shields, Heal over Times, etc. I also like the 'Bloom' mechanic to maximize your nature output! They're both excellent, though! I would decide if you enjoy focusing on some extra mechanics; or if you'd prefer to be a straight 'healer/buffer'! I am currently working on a Fire/Thermal Troller - and already have a Plant/Nature. Can't go wrong with either! ^_^
  11. Let me tell you - as a book - I am a fan of a good story. I too feel the pain of fitting in my whole backstory within the character limit. Sometimes it helps me trim out the 'excess', though!
  12. Hi there! Are you playing on a PC? Have you tried closing tequila, re-opening and validating the files? There's currently no server downtime, so the game should be accessible.
  13. I've actually been on several task forces where people will message me afterwards to inform me they moved 'team chat' into its own tab so they don't have to read it. Seems a bit odd, personally, when you're doing a Task Force. However, to each their own. ^_^
  14. Hmm, I don't recall that being a possibility, either. The tech in CoH typically doesn't allow for that so I'm not sure how that could've been done. Sounds like it'd be fun, though! ^_^
  15. Galaxy Brain is right, but that is a nifty idea!
  16. As someone who plays both Storm Characters and an Energy Blaster - I would love to see some changes made to KB that make it an actual in-game mechanic; as opposed to an instant "slot everything for KD IOs to make it viable". Or the immediate reaction upon seeing a KB powered character "If you don't have KD IOs, we're kicking you". *sighs*
  17. That's true! Never underestimate what a good build can do - regardless of what archetype you're playing! Really the best quality in a 'solo' character is making sure its a play style/power-set you enjoy! Whenever I've tried to play a power set that was the 'best' - if it wasn't my play style - I often found wouldn't matter as I'd end up abandoning the character, anyways.
  18. Hey Hjarki, I'm sorry for your troubles! I would try closing out of the game and opening the 'Safe-Mode' client! This should help alleviate the graphics issue and allow the game to run properly! If for some reason your game is 'zoomed in' and you can't access the settings/etc you can always adjust your computer's graphics settings to match up with the game! I had to do the same thing when I was playing on my laptop for a bit. ^_^ Let me know if this helps!
  19. There were some SUPER amazing costumes at the contests! I'm endlessly impressed with the creativity of the CoX community! Thanks for always making the judging so difficult! ^_^
  20. @MTeague - I've been dabbling in the PvP scene recently and let me tell you - you are right! That Plant/Psi dominator is NOT to be trifled with! *rubs bruises* Oof.
  21. Hi Giovanni! I too would love to see Base Raids return some day! I use to love the feeling of invading an enemy base and hunting down their IoPs - but also planning my base around an actual defensive strategy as oppose to just the aesthetics! So fun! I too feel that PvP can get a bad rep in-game, hopefully that's something that can change in the future! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! ^_^
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