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Everything posted by Kaelit

  1. Title says it all, I'd really love it if we could get this stance as a hold pose emote. Honestly, it's not that we don't have enough stances, but most of them are very stiff and formal, I think a more casual variant would really benefit roleplayers and since it's already in the game files.. The stance is achieved by using /e vendor and waiting for the pause between two cycles of the emote. Not sure how hard extracting it would be, but I'm hoping it's a simple tweak 🤞
  2. I'm not suggesting that Combat Teleport is the reason of Teleport's low popularity, however, I do think that it would somewhat soften the gap between teleport and the other TPs. I'm also vehemently against adding +def to TP's powers, not sure where that came from. I agree that Fold space and Teleport target are excellent additions, however, they don't solve the problems of the actual Teleport power itself, only buff the pool. I'd argue that people who take Teleport Target and Fold Space don't really overlap with people who use Teleport for travel. The fact is, two powers that are NOT Teleport-based (Speed of Sound and Mystic Flight) have an objectively better TP power due to the fact they don't waste a power slot on it! Hell, Translocation even offers the same distance for 25% less END! + you get Flight! - Yes, TP does have the 50% discount while its hover is active, but you can cross entire maps with both powers before you run out of END. Powercreep can be a problem, so can homogenization, but I fail to see how bringing a power up to Speed (pardon the pun) with the others pushes the creep further.
  3. It's all in the name. Not only would this increase the popularity of Teleport (the least used travel power), it'd also even the field with Jaunt and Mystic flight - both of which recieve what is basically the same power for free (at a somewhat higher End cost and no +Hit, which, I would say, is still worth less than a power slot). Also, it would balance out the fact that teleport is the only TP with no bonus power. Hit me with your cons!
  4. +1, being able to custom tailor more stuff is always a plus.
  5. Any chance we could have these two emotes available to NPC proliferated to players?
  6. Wow! I thought just having them on our back would be enough of an ask, but I love the enthusiasm and glad to see I'm not the only one who needs a STOP sign slung over my back! My only problem with the aura idea would be if I used two sets of weapons (DP/Kat) I'd have to pick which one I'd want displayed since I doubt there'd be options for each of your weapons - then again, the same goes for a back detail weapon, which is why I propose a secondary change: Use the tail slot for weapons that hang from your belt!
  7. Since we've already got the models, I'm wondering how hard it would be to stick a static weapon slung over back instead of a cape. I'm guessing it wouldn't work with all weapons (some TW options are just too ridiculous), but some of the simpler ones might work: rifles, one handed blades, axes, maces. C'mon, Suggestions. Tell me why it can't be done 😜
  8. The thing is, the same issue was brought up when CO went through the discussion - however, the argument presented there still stands - if someone really wants to make a costume that clips, they will. It's easily achievable even with the options we currently have. I guarantee you most will try to make something that looks good, though, and will use the clipping to their advantage. Case in point, I'm attaching a screenshot of my character from CO. Notice that the gauntlets he's wearing have blades - neither of these blades are original pieces of the gloves he's wearing. They're only there because the devs allowed for clipping and let us use both "Long gloves" and "Gauntlet" categories at the same time, despite those being exclusive in the past. Now, there's tons of pieces that don't mesh as well and - with a few notable exceptions - people generally don't use them. You don't want a toon that's got two different sets of tubes and wires sticking through their chest (or maybe you do! Who am I to judge?). Still, it's nice to have the option. I do agree with you on the missing texture issues, though, those are a whole 'nother story and should not be included in this change as they are, like you said, poor quality products.
  9. As the title states, I'd like to see tailor restrictions removed. Champions Online's done it some time ago and I've only seen positive feedback on the change from the community. To be clear, I understand some categories can't go together due to engine restrictions, like if they use the same internal slot (though I'd appreciate a workaround if possible), but I see no reason for others to exist - wouldn't you love to use ACTUAL gloves while wearing jackets? Or have armored chest items AND all chest detail pieces available? More freedom = more creativity! I can't even begin to imagine the creations we'd see considering the ingenuity of the game's playerbase! Hopefully you're on board!
  10. Yeah, sorry, forgot to mention that - make 'em just like the others available 1mil each and only affect self. will add it to the main post.
  11. exactly what it says on the tin, I'd like to see these two powers in the store as perm powers without the 30-second limit (EDIT: the usual 1-10mil price and only affect self apply!). here are my reasons: 1. I see no possible argument against this 2. It'd look damncool on a character of mine ty for reading
  12. What I'd like fixed/changed is the way mobs path whenever my character lifts one leg off the ground. Generally, after using the first ranged attack at their disposal they all seem to agree the best strategy to proceed is to group up under my character's feet and continually run in circles with the occasional jump. Not only is this visually annoying, it's also affected the way I use AoE attacks. I have almost given up on cones due to them requiring strategic positioning on the level of a tactical mastermind. While this is beneficial for the mobs I'm targeting, it's also made one of my powers rather useless. I'd very much appreciate some feedback as to why this is and how it could be fixed. I'm attaching images of what me fighting mobs looks like 90% of the time.
  13. I dunno the exact rules for necroing threads, but I figured better to bump this one than create a new one asking for the same thing. This has really become a pet peeve of mine and I'd really like to know if it's something that's being discussed/worked on since it doesn't seem like that big of a fix, if I'm in the wrong do let me know. In the meantime, I'll just.. keep flying at low speeds in a pose that suggests I'm mach 3.
  14. And I asked for a larger radius >.< Think the middle ground would be sort of a slider you can set, just like the /camdist command. It'd limit/expand the range at which you pick up local. I like it! EDIT: I'd also love to see a power or emote stance that would allow you to keep your weapons out without them disappearing after a set amount of time. It could be a toggle like walk and you wouldn't even have to disable all other powers since the animations are already there. Someone ingame suggested calling it "Brandish".
  15. I think you could safely circumvent the concerns by allowing players to modify their own PvP tag at will. I think this would also be a cool addition to AE.
  16. Captain Mako showed up at Joker's Wild last friday, was a rather fun little distraction. However, I'm not sure if I'd want to see that level of power in the hands of ordinary players, if that's what you're suggesting, Terminal. I did like the interaction, though, and am definitely in support of GMs showing up to RP events. What I would like to see is an increase of /local's range. Kinda bothers me when I can't talk to someone that's 20 yards away without the use of PM or /team (not sure if it's actually 20y, just had something similar happen to me recently). And yeah, a huuuuge +1 on the character cap increase for bios. EDIT: Not sure if this fits into the roleplaying category, but I'd love to see different flight poses being implemented into Flight's customization menu at the tailor. Right now, you can only use them with autorun and have to reactivate the emote whenever you do anything other hold the forward key.
  17. Hah, I was just about to make this thread, then noticed yours pop up! I'd like to see some existing NPC sets ported over to the tailor. First one that comes to mind is the Wyvern set. Really dig that chestpiece and the quiver's not too shabby either. More robe options also wouldn't hurt, we're lacking in the Man of Magic department, if you ask me - having the ability to put on a long robe (GASP, a crossdresser!) would really boost my mage's confidence. Right now, best he can do is a short skirt like some sort of apprentice. Pff.
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