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Posts posted by Excraft

  1. 11 hours ago, SaintD said:

    Who cares? What's your actual problem here? That you won't get the very specific bunch of names you want and presume them to be locked forever on some old account? All basically abandoned names will be freed up, and if the ones you want aren't in it.....tough. Get over it. You've been making characters just fine up until now without them.


    LOL!  Absolutely hilarious how far off the mark you are here.  Like, not even remotely close.  My "actual problem" is that this effort to code this nonsense was a colossal waste of time.  Seems like quite a lot of folks here are getting their hopes up that the name they're hoping for is going to get freed up and they're only going to be disappointed.  Chances are very unlikely they will get the one they're looking for, and there's more than likely going to be even more complaining once this goes live when by chance someone else grabs a name first.  It's great to say "2 million names!" will get freed up.  How many of those names are gibberish?  If they aren't words people would be looking for, they can free up 200 million names and it won't make a difference.  You're being dazzled by numbers without knowing all of the information.


    In all my years playing this game, I think maybe once there was a name that I tried was taken, and at that point I used this little known thing called a Thesaurus to come up with something else.  If by chance a name I tried here, I'd do the same.  I certainly wouldn't come crying on the forums about how my life is over because I couldn't name my character SuperCoolMcShooterGuy and demand that the owner of it release it to me because I THINK they may be inactive. 

    • Thanks 2
  2. 14 hours ago, Astralock said:

    Live and here are apples and oranges.  When they ran the script twice on live, the game was paid, and accounts could only have a maximum of 36 characters per server (which you had to pay additional money for past the first twelve), for a total of 468.  Here, you can make as many accounts as you want for free, with up to one thousand per server, for a total of 5,000.


    Ok true but how many people are making dozens of free accounts and filling up every character slot on every server?  Pretty safe to say there's less than a handful if any at all doing that. 


    14 hours ago, Astralock said:

    IIRC, Telephone stated that they expect about 600,000 names to be freed up below level 6.


    How many of those are "desirable" names and not just gibberish?  

  3. 3 hours ago, ZemX said:

    Which my response to that response would be, "Read the whole post".   Impervium mentions not wanting to get into more detail.  That means they HAVE more detail than the four words you clipped.  The post ends with a guarantee that a LOT of names would be freed up.   We can infer from that that a lot of those names are either on sub level 6 characters who haven't been played in thirty days or they are sub-50 characters who haven't been played in a year. 


    Yeah this is true, but you can infer a lot of things based on that post. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Ghost said:

    2 million accounts.

    I’d bet that if you add up the total players so far in 2023, it doesn’t equal 2 million.


    It's not 2 million accounts.  It's 2 million character names.  There's no mention of how many individual player accounts are in that number.  You'll note they won't tell anyone how many of those names are on accounts that haven't been played in over a year or more.   If the name is attached to an account (not character) is still active, the owner can easily be messaged to negotiate the release of a name.  If the account hasn't been logged into for a year or more, by all means free those up.  More than likely the player isn't coming back.  There's also mention of how many of these "2 million names" are actual words and not just random jibberish.  Nor is there any mention of what defines a "big deal" as stated in the post.



  5. On 2/4/2023 at 10:32 AM, JasperStone said:

    Like typing the level of a TF when announcing is so hard.


    It isn't.  If you actually read and understood what I wrote, I said the leader forming that TF could've communicated better too.  That still isn't an excuse for not asking basic questions if you aren't sure when joining a team. 


    Nice try though 😉


    On 2/4/2023 at 10:32 AM, JasperStone said:

    If no level is listed, the expectation is it is at 0


    That's your expectation which others clearly don't have and why people should communicate with each other if they aren't certain.

  6. 5 hours ago, Albion said:

    whenever a difference in views pertaining servers pops out, if you express anything favorable towards HC, the trolls hiding jump on you, and there is a chance one of the biased mods simply erases your stuff.


    Different opinions and viewpoints aren't exactly welcomed with open arms here and the mods here absolutely hide stuff all the time.  They have since the beginning.  Not saying they shouldn't do it, it's their server so they can do whatever they want.  Just pointing out that this kind of behavior isn't unique to reddit.

    • Haha 4
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  7. 20 hours ago, Snarky said:

    Well I may be partly to blame for not doing an in depth interview of the person settings things up


    Oh please.  Like typing "Hi, is this a speed TF?" or "what diff are we running at?" is such a hardship.  If you can't be arsed to do that much, you deserve what you get.


    12 hours ago, Ghost said:

    See, now you’re just looking for reasons to quit TFs so you can come on here and thump your chest.


    Advertising a TF does not mean it’s set to +0, just like it does not mean it’s a speed run.  You should have asked the leader before it started.  
    You didn’t.  Why?  Because then you couldn’t come on here and brag about quitting another TF.



    ^ That's it exactly.


    • Confused 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Snarky said:

    Nope.  I am wrong a lot.


    That's true.  You're wrong on this topic for sure since you're partly to blame for your own predicament.  You (not the team leader) made an assumption on what other people think, how other players communicate and you got burned for not taking the time to chat.  You didn't take a few seconds before starting the TF to communicate with your fellow team members, ask questions or let others know what you were after.  That's 100% on you.


    This isn't excusing the team leader at all.  Of course they could've communicated better too.  Communication goes both ways though.  Since your thread title is "Quit Another TF", sounds like you've had issues joining teams before and maybe you need to ask yourself what you can do better to communicate what you're after to other people.  Maybe that'll help make your experience more enjoyable for you and you'll abandon less teams. 


    17 hours ago, biostem said:

    It all goes back to communication - are they running the TF for the merits?  For a badge?  As progress toward an accolade?  For the XP?  To get WST credit?  If they don't say, and you don't ask, it's not entirely on the fault of the one advertising said TF/SF...


    ^ Spot on.

    • Thanks 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    And as Dog Graves jokingly pointed out I never said I was staying for the entire run.  The team assumed it. No one asked


    We all talk in short hand in the channels.  Running X TF is short hand for X TF at +O.  You do not have to like that.  You do not have to understand that.  That is the convention.  

    I am not going to hand out a questionnaire everytime I join a PUG.  Is it +0, +1, +2…. Are you recruiting 8 before we start? Are we speeding where we can?   I join a PUG and roll with it.  Unless it is not as advertised.  Not listing the +1 is default to +0.  Again, does not matter if anyone knows this.  Game has been around a couple weeks.  That is the nomenclature.   So I did not sign up for a +mystery and I am not running a +mystery.  


    Right so it's always everyone else who's at fault and never you.  🤣  And who exactly is "we" in this case?  What about all of these mythical new players who aren't familiar with your approved version of "shorthand chat"?  People aren't mind readers.  Like I said, that person could've communicated better about how they were rolling but you also could've asked.  Instead you just chose to leave the rest of the team hanging because 7 other people didn't want to play your way.  That's not cool. 

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  10. 12 hours ago, Snarky said:

    I do assume it is +0


    Not defending the person who set up the TF, but you making assumptions about the setup is a you problem.  Yeah, maybe they could've advertised it better but you also could've and should have asked before joining the team to find out what kind of run it was.  Just ditching everyone else on the team is bad form. 

    • Like 3
  11. 17 hours ago, Captain Fabulous said:

    I literally had someone in Oro, in local chat, tell me the AT and powersets I chose for a particular homage character were not only incorrect, but then spent the next 5 mins explaining why.

    I was like "Bish, please go bother someone else with this nonsense."


    Yeah, sadly this happens more often than not.  There's quite a lot of people here who want to judge others.  It's doing more harm than good for player retention nor is it helping attract new people.  Word of stuff like this gets around for sure.  Sorry you had to experience it first hand.


    17 hours ago, Snarky said:

    I read this and I feel so judged.    It saddens me that I am such an old vampire I no longer care enough to belittle and badger those who disagree with me.  Sigh.   Where has the passion gone.  I am sorry.  I know I have let you all down.  But it is time for the truth.  I just dont give a shit about you.


    Can't say I really give a crap about you either.  I do find your thread here hysterical though.  I mean, it's hilariously hypocritical making a thread criticizing a fellow player for their lack of imagination and creativity in making a clone of a favorite character while saying you "get as close as you can" to your favorite character.  "Rules for thee but not for me" is alive and well here for sure.  I get it though, it's only bad if someone does it.  😉

    • Thanks 2
  12. 4 minutes ago, biostem said:

    The question is whether to, or to what degree, you can genuinely attribute such characteristics to such people. 


    They are very, very, very, very easy to identify through their posts here on the forums when this topic comes up every so often.  They're also super easy to spot in game on various chat channels when they're criticizing another player for their character name or costume design or biography.   The rule gives them the bludgeon they want to force everyone to conform to their warped point of view.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  13. 10 minutes ago, Captain Fabulous said:

    I don't believe it's something we should be concerned about at all as long the devs continue to remove violations when they're found. It's in the TOS, they maintain a blacklist of copyrighted and trademarked names, and they genericize blatant costume violations and names that have found ways around the blacklist. We're good.


    You realize that I don't disagree with the rules here on this, right?  If not, I'm happy to re-quote all the posts I've made that stated that. 


    3 minutes ago, biostem said:

    So when you say that they are "using the rule as a bludgeon to get them to conform", who do you claim to be doing that?  It's not the violator, right?  It's the one(s) recognizing or reporting them for said violation(s)?  I mean, regardless of whether you like the particular approach taken, 1 party is in the right, and the other is in the wrong, yes?


    Depends on the motive.  You've got people here who don't care what others do - which I believe to be most folk, but they'll follow the rules (however silly).  You've also got quite a few anal retentive types who have absolutely no qualms about expressing their complete disdain of anyone who doesn't meet their utterly distorted views on creativity and originality and love to belittle and badger those who disagree.  They just can't help themselves from being total aholes. 


    There is a difference.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 minute ago, biostem said:

    I only ever report blatant copies.  That being said, why blame the one reporting the violation, (if it's a valid report), when it's really the violator that's at fault?  I mean, unless you can get inside someone else's head, or they straightforwardly tell you their reasoning, this seems just as much like fearmongering as saying that the big bad Disney or Marvel are going to come after our game...


    It's not fearmongering, at least not from me.  I'm just going by what I've seen for myself and have read here and through in-game chat.  I don't blame anyone for reporting.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Captain Fabulous said:

    I don't believe Disney cares about what's done in City of Heroes provided there isn't a rampant outbreak of Marvel clones and the devs turn a blind eye to them. As long as they continue to genericize characters that cross the line there should be no issues. Disney knows from previous court rulings there's a threshold that needs to be met in order to successfully win such a case. But, that being said, if they wanted to issue a C&D they absolutely could and it would be over, as neither Homecoming nor NCsoft is going to take that battle to court over a 20 year old game that doesn't generate revenue.  Extremely unlikely Disney would do such a thing, but it *could*.

    Remember, Disney is the company that sued a public school fundraiser after one of the dads popped in his disc of The Lion King at the event without having paid the $250 public performance license he wasn't aware was needed. No one knows how Disney even found out about it, but they somehow did. So yeah, never once for an instant doubt that Disney can be a huge dick when it wants to be, for no other reason than it can.


    Sure they can.  We could all get struck by a meteor too.  Doesn't make it something to be overly concerned about.

  16. 3 hours ago, Captain Fabulous said:

    Could they issue cease-and-desists? Absolutely. They have simply chosen not to, mostly because it would be a huge costly pain in the ass to identify them so proper papers could be issued.


    I don't at all disagree.  Personally, I believe companies like Disney take the same attitude toward things like this game and others like it out there.  They don't care.  All the pseudo care concern and hysteria some folk here have about people making homages isn't something to be worried about or make a big deal over in my opinion.  It's more about using the rule as a bludgeon to inflict their will on others to conform to their personal ideas of creativity.

  17. 22 minutes ago, tidge said:

    I'm not sure that SG names are the obvious place to look for IP infringements (see also "character bios" or "SG bases"), but hey... if you want the Team to look at those as well, I say let them have at it.


    IP infringement is IP infringement.  I'd say it's probably a good idea to address these and all of these groups should be renamed or removed.  Can't be too careful and better to be safe than sorry.  Rules are rules and need to be applied fairly to everyone.

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