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Everything posted by Excraft

  1. There's a Dev response in this very thread - one that makes perfect sense btw... Sure that can happen, however the same handful of people keep doing it despite being called out and questioned on it repeatedly. Maybe it's just me, but that speaks to intent other than honest mistakes.
  2. To my knowledge, there is no Dev post saying this topic is closed or is forbidden to discuss. It's a non-suggestion for you and there's nothing wrong with that, just don't try and say it's that for everyone because it definitely isn't. ^ What @Troo said. Definitely isn't speaking for me neither. I don't think it's really needed either, but I do agree there are a couple of ideas about it being some kind of an unlock instead of a straight inf cost are interesting and worth discussion. Sadly, more and more this is what's happening on these forums and the forum mods here really don't seem to care or want to do anything about it. There's a select few forumites (yes they do whiteknight and gatekeep regularly) who've taken it upon themselves to speak for everyone and/or for the Devs. Anyone who disagrees with their point of view has to be shouted down and bullied. It's a sad thing to see really. It doesn't foster any sense of community at all.
  3. What you're suggesting to do doesn't give it any more useful information especially since most of the metrics you landed on are definitely misleading. Active supergroups who are recruiting are advertising here, in game, on Discord and other social media. That's reaching a broad audience and those people are much more informative a resource about a particular group than any info screen in game would ever be. I'd also wager that given how prestige was removed from the game allowing for people to make solo SGs for their alts, these are more prevalent than huge SGs. I don't have any hard data to back that up, it's just my personal observation so take that with a grain of salt.
  4. No, you didn't read what I wrote and you're incorrectly assuming what I meant and attacking me because I disagree with you, which to be honest doesn't surprise me on these forums anymore. Instead of asking for clarification or trying to engage in discussion, you took my disagreement as some personal slight against your idea, assumed what I wrote and then accused me of not reading your post. You saw the word prestige in my post and ignorantly assumed I meant the old in game prestige system. I did read your post and I wasn't discussing prestige as in SG currency at all. I know your suggestion has nothing to do with the old prestige system. I was addressing some of your suggestions on what you were considering to show measures of activity. People with several accounts farming or running alts through TFs isn't going to be an accurate measure of activity. Those kinds of things can be farmed or can be misleading and arbitrary measures of activity. Also, bigger/more members doesn't always mean better and doesn't necessarily tell you anything other than the group plays a lot or a little. I also don't think PVP or RP flags are necessary either. At least to me, it seems like a lot of work on something that in my experience gets little to no use. The forums here are a much better place to advertise and showcase your SG/VG in my opinion. Were it up to me - and I personally think this a better suggestion - remove the registrar window entirely. It doesn't serve much of a purpose and never really has in my experience, even when prestige was a thing. Next time, try engaging in discussion instead of assuming.
  5. I did read it. It's not something that I personally see as needed, so I'm going to disagree with it. If that's ok with you of course?
  6. None of this is needed in my opinion.
  7. Defeat badges can be snagged by defeats from others on the team. But to be fair, I can't see people cheating these all that much just to unlock a level 50 token when it's easier to just farm it up in the AE.
  8. So you are speaking for everyone then? Pretty sure you don't.....
  9. Hard pass on all of this from me. Pride and prestige of a supergroup should be coming solely from the satisfaction of its members and the joy/fun they have in playing with their fellow SG mates. We do not need some arbitrary set of numbers on a screen that people are only going to farm for and do not tell you anything truly important about the group in my opinion.
  10. I'm struggling to understand where/how you got any of this from my post. Never said one word about the ingenuity of the player base Never said there would never be speed runs, nor do I care what power gamers can do on base settings as it's not a crowd I run with Never said anyone is forcing me to do any content Were you to actually go back and read what I wrote instead of knee jerk reacting to defend this new content from some incorrectly perceived slight, you'd see I made several compliments about it. I also specifically mentioned running it on higher (as in not base) difficulty taking too long for my (as in me personally, not anyone elses) play schedule. Reading comprehension skills go a long way.
  11. Right so you mean you. Got it. Again don't think this is needed since it's pretty easy to PL to 50, however the excuses for how it would destroy the game and the economy don't hold a lot of water either in my opinion. There's MMOs out there that offer these under certain caveats so it's not like it's a foreign concept.
  12. Who's "we"? I don't think an insta 50 token is needed nor would it be something available to brand new players. With that said, the suggestion of making it unlockable after achieving certain things in game like badges and such plus an inf fee isn't such a terrible idea either. As far as it impacting the market, not entirely sold on that idea either. People are transferring stuff to alts anyway.
  13. I've specifically said that using the graphics sliders and trying to use Suppress VFX when close doesn't work. I also said the game looks like total shit when turning the graphics down. So yes, avoiding teams with anyone using Seismic Blast is my only recourse. If you want to play a game that looks like shit, more power to you. My preference is to have some adjustments made to this at some point so it either doesn't obscure the field of view or have the suppress vfx when close actually work. Feel free to disagree.
  14. I'm totally fine with waiting for updates to it. I'm not at all demanding anything or that changes be made this instant. No idea where people are getting that from. I can avoid teaming with anyone using it for now. Unfortunately that's the only recourse until there are changes made.
  15. Encase or Entomb or whatever power it is that's enclosing the target in a giant rock that obscures the entire field of view. This is a real problem on teams with more than one blaster using the set. The animations are brief yes, but you have multiple people on the team firing them off in succession. It's real easy to lose track of what's going on and on Master of runs this is a huge problem. It's a big problem in caves and as @Tuft posted, large sized mobs. I totally agree it's great we are getting new stuff. It just seems to me how these couple of powers work could use some more thought and like you say ironing out. It's ok if there's only 1 person doing it. When you have more than 1, it gets annoying real fast. I'd really love a Null option to disable all buff VFX. Would totally solve the problem and doesn't change anything for people who like things as they are.
  16. If Jack Emmert is involved my expectations are very, very low for this. Everything the man touches turns to shit. He's great at making promises that he never delivers on. See STO.
  17. People should have expected this. The only way to make "support more useful" was to totally nerf everyone else or add stupid levels of mez, damage or -resists/-def to that you need outside buffs. Whether or not that's a good design decision is debatable. Personally, I'll be running this for the new badges and then never bother with it again. Don't get me wrong, it's a solid TF and definitely something different. The new environments and such are top notch and the team here did a great job with all of it. It's just that running it on higher difficulty settings is too long a slog for me. I just don't have a couple of hours to devote to running it when I can farm other TFs/iTrials faster.
  18. Those too. Sadly, I think this feedback is going to get completely ignored as usual. SB is a fine addition to the game, it just needs some additional thought put into a couple of the powers or even better, have a way to disable the VFX via Suppress When Close. Would totally love an option to disable all incoming buff VFX as well. We can already Null how speed boosts, group fly, tarot cards etc. affect us. A couple of the powers in this new set are super annoying and badly designed.
  19. There needs to be a way to turn off or disable the visuals for Entomb (and other Earth powers) that are totally burying our characters under a layer of rock. We are already getting buried under layers of colored VFX, this new power really takes it to another level. It's fine that it only lasts a second if it's only 1 player with it on the team, however with the amount of people leveling new Earth blast characters and firing these off in succession, your vision is totally obscured by this and can't see what's happening. This is a big problem on Master Of runs where seconds can count and totally exacerbated to the nth degree in cave maps. I tried using the graphics sliders and suppress VFX option when close, but no dice and the game looks like shit at lower graphics settings. Not at all looking to take away anything from anyone who are enjoying the set, I'd just love an option to disable those - and many others come to think of it - graphics for me. If the suppress VFX when close slider worked better, this wouldn't be so much of an issue. Appreciate the effort that went into it, however this new Earth blast set needs another pass IMO with consideration of how it obscures the action, especially on melee characters.
  20. Not that I think you're entirely wrong, however it's your responsibility to speak up and let people know that you're a beginner/novice at these Master of runs and have a lot of questions. Speaking up and letting others know where you're coming from doesn't hurt either.
  21. Absolutely need a way to turn off or disable the visuals for entomb or whatever power is totally burying our characters under a layer of rock. It's fine that it only lasts a second, however with the amount of people leveling new characters and firing these off in succession, your vision is totally obscured by this and can't see what's happening. This is a big problem on Master Of runs where seconds can count and totally exacerbated in cave maps. I tried using the graphics sliders and suppress VFX when close, but no dice and the game looks like shit at lower graphics settings. Not to take anything away from anyone who's enjoying the set, I'd just love an option to disable those - and many others come to think of it - graphics for me. This set needs another pass IMO.
  22. This is great. You didn't read or understand what I wrote, but it's great.
  23. Speak for yourself. Teams I've been on haven't been trying to zerg rush it and have been "playing as a team", whatever that's supposed to mean. There's a fine line here between encouraging a specific team makeup/style of play and turning the game into yet another WoW clone with heavily scripted dungeon encounters. I'd hate to see this game become that.
  24. I don't disagree with you at all. The AD settings are going to be more about this than increased in game rewards is what I was getting at.
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