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Everything posted by Excraft

  1. I did do something about it. I made a suggestion in the suggestions and feedback forum, which to my knowledge is encouraged by the developers here. You're welcome to disagree with my suggestion, however the "I have a sandwich" and "suck it up" don't work and isn't helpful at all, nor is moving to another server or any of the other "solutions" you mentioned. I would appreciate it if what is or isn't a lot of work for the development team be left to the real development team instead of the gatekeepers like yourself. Gatekeeping isn't helping anyone and is more a detriment to these forums and community than it is a help. Thanks for your comments. Your solutions aren't helpful in the least and quite frankly aren't worth my time or effort to respond to anymore.
  2. That's absolutely correct which is why I'm asking for a simple QoL change to have people zone in a little further away from the portal so it doesn't get cluttered with bodies and pets. People could also have some degree of courtesy for their fellow players and move off the portal when they zone in. I know having to move their character a little when they come in is a big ask.
  3. The old "I have a sandwich, so you can't be hungry" excuse never works. When I'm on Excel it's a problem not just for me but for my family, friends and SG mates as well as others in the leagues I run with for iTrials and such. I get it, you don't see the problem. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
  4. Bumping this. Can this please get added to the list of things to do and addressed? Oro is basically becoming unusable because of this since it's where iTrial leagues are being formed. People are just zoning in and camping on the portal. Add in pets and its literally impossible to click on the portal to exit.
  5. The answer is play more, get more levels and better gear so you're all on par with each other as equals, not crying for nerfs because you can't keep up. Expecting everyone regardless of level or gear to be on even ground is a fantasy. The Devs are handling this the correct way by adding options, not taking stuff away. This hard mode they are talking about adding is more than likely to increase that gap between solid endgame IO builds and not.
  6. Exemplared 50s with full sets of IOs or even SOs really are always going to outperform lower level characters using minimal slots and lower tier enhancements. Same thing goes for a sidekicked lower level character. There's actually quite a big gap there.
  7. I'll reserve my judgement until this is on BETA and can be thoroughly tested. We've been burned badly before with promises of one thing that gets replaced with another thing that isn't at all desirable or welcomed. This sounds interesting, however I'm extremely cautious of the implementation. What you all define as "unfair" or "playing poorly" can be very different than what others consider it to be. I'm leery this is going to try and corral people into a specific, scripted style of play with specific team makeup to handle encounters. That isn't fun and it's what WoW is for. Also, parroting that support and control has no value at higher levels I think is an over exaggeration and always has been. I see a lot of bickering about setting TFs to hard mode or not coming with this.
  8. Super super annoying to try and exit Oro when there are piles of others just loitering around on top of the exit portal. Can we please have players zone in a little further away from it as they come in? Would be a super helpful QoL improvement. Thank you.
  9. How do you know for certain that's what the person the OP mentioned did? We don't know all the facts, just one side of the story here and we're only seeing part of the conversation. I don't disagree if that's what the person did, then they're a jerk. I've said that several times here, I guess you missed that. I'm not defending the person at all either. All I've been saying that jerks are going to be jerks no matter what and that someone 1 starring an arc really doesn't mean much of anything. Throwing a tantrum and wanting to revenge report people for 1 star reviews is a can of worms best left closed in my opinion. And no, I don't know any of the people involved.
  10. My reply that you're quoting wasn't directed at you, but if you want to inject yourself into it that's fine. I get it. The player who 1 starred your arc was a tool, but you're pretty much throwing as much of a tantrum as they did. People don't need to play through entire arcs to offer a rating. As far as them not playing through your entire arc, you only need 1 bite to know you don't like the food. Sure it's possible the person was a jerk, then again maybe not. Like I said before, you didn't suffer anything other than a bit of a bruised ego. Others can still find your stories and play them.
  11. I think you may want to go back and read what I posted. This isn't what I suggested at all. Whomever that player is was a tool, but you didn't really lose out on anything. People can still find your arc and still play it and still offer higher (or lower) ratings on it. Star rating really has no value other than ego and pride. You can advertise for others to try your arc and future positive ratings will negate that 1 star over time.
  12. Criticism and rating go hand in hand. Of course no one can agree on what a star means. Taste is subjective. No offense meant to you as your intentions are probably in the right place, but you're asking to change a system to only skew ratings one way. From the sound of it, you just want positive feedback. That's skewing things just as much as those 1 star reviews are.
  13. All that happens here is an author gets their pride bruised a bit. Jerks and trolls aside, negative criticism isn't a bad thing. A system that only allows positive feedback is completely useless in my opinion. Why bother with any kind of rating? Then again, this does sound like a match made in heaven for this server. No one here seems to want to hear anything other than praise.
  14. My point still stands. Making 1 star reviews reportable is a bad idea in my opinion. Whomever the jerk was that 1 starred did nothing but hurt the OPs pride. They were a jerk and a troll. Best not to feed them. If the content is good, it's pretty much given future reviews will eliminate that 1 star rating anyway.
  15. According to you, it's your content. You posted earlier that some of the arcs you wrote were 1 starred as "revenge". Yes, I read the portion of the conversation that you posted. I don't know what else might have been said as I'm only seeing one side of the story. There are jerks everywhere in the game, best to just ignore them and move on.
  16. Wanting to have 1 star reviews be reportable is not a good idea in my opinion. Maybe they really didn't like any of your content. It does happen.
  17. How does anyone know the 1 star reviews aren't legit? Reporting this a slippery slope if you ask me. People have differing tastes.
  18. Anything to be able to better transfer stuff to alts would be welcome. The game desperately needs account storage much more so than stupid travel power changes.
  19. Not sure this makes any sense. What's so hard about typing in a chat channel? How else are you creating teams if you're not using chat channels or Discord? Seems like a complete waste of effort to code something for this when you can accomplish everything you're looking for with a minimal effort right now.
  20. Sounds like you can accomplish what you're after with private chat channels and sharing base codes. You invite people you're familiar with and use that to form your teams.
  21. Insulting me isn't very compelling either. I know they work for free. They can pick and choose whatever it is they want to do and I've never suggested otherwise. I'm simply expressing a personal opinion there are better uses of their talents and time. Feel free to disagree.
  22. What awkward teaming issues? Finding people to team with is near effortless in this game. I could see raising or even removing the coalition limit so you'd have more groups in the coalition chat, but beyond that it's not necessary to belong to many supergroups. Sounds to me like this is a solution looking for a problem or someone trying to get around the base storage limitations again.
  23. I watched it. It still stunk. Snyder or no Snyder, the script and story are a turd and no different cut will save it from being a massive turd. More Ezra Miller and Ray Fischer are not a good thing. They've both got to be some of the worst actors ever and totally wrong for the parts. On the plus side, there was more time to flesh out some character backstory, so that's a good thing. The epilogue made no sense and they toss in Martian Manhunter why? Glad I didn't have high hopes going in.
  24. Some of us just don't see this as a needed, welcomed or necessary change. And no, the new Afterburner isn't the same functionality as the old one. It's now a click with a recharge instead of a toggle we can turn on and off as desired. I like how it works now. This is change for the sake of change. Travel is totally trivial now anyway.
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