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  1. We know that the line is wishy-washy here so I don't want to really type about this too much. Clearly, the red line is closed when you make a character that looks like the character and has the same name. And we know we can get pretty close to looking like a great many comic book characters. As far as the name goes, even if there are spaces, no spaces, or numbers mixed in that is going to cross the line. A big green guy in purple pants and no shirt is obviously going to get someone in trouble. I have seen far too many of these over the years. I have no idea what color pants Red Hulk wears. Change the color scheme, the name, and the bio and you can head into homage country. It is easier said then explained. Give me a (one) character (just one. I'm just going to make one) and I'll make a homage that I think won't be considered a rip, but close enough that it will "feel" like you are playing the same/similar character. As far as homage goes, I would kind of say that Nightwing (Dick Grayson) is a homage to Robin (Dick Grayson). Nightwing is also kind of a parody of Batman as it was a name that Superman used when he and Jimmy Olsen (as Flamebird) ran around as superheroes in the bottled city of Kandor. Apparently in some continuity variation, Nightwing was actually some historical Kryptonian hero that was like Batman. Superman told Robin about it and that is why he decided to use the name for himself. Red Robin, however, is a restaurant chain (founded 1969).... and, yeah, a DC character (created 1996) .. named after the restaurant chain? The comic book creators probably will never tell.
  2. You could load it in here to see if anyone can help. Are you having problems with other games crashing?
  3. Your character(s) can have day job powers and START powers that can get you to supergroup bases and then use the teleporters to move your character(s) from zone to zone. Not good enough? They add the Long Range Travel Power. That is after already having the START Mission Teleporter and Team Transporter power. Running scanner/paper missions mean that you don't have to zone to run the next mission. You don't ever have to zone if you want to run on AE missions to avoid having to travel anywhere. I like racing across zones myself. I used to love watching other teams race by as they headed to their next mission. Kill-Alls are to clean out all the enemies. I really don't have an issue with these unless one gets stuck in wall. You can always autocomplete it if it isn't in a task force if it bothers you so much. Players can have it, so why can't the enemies. Honestly, if you think that is such a pain, you have two options; beat them down before they can use it, or phase shift and go after them. Moment of glory is no different than when the Master Illusionists (or whatever go desolid) or those dudes that pop the shield that make them invincible. wow. you really aren't enjoying this game at all. Can you taunt them, immobilize them, sleep them, or slap a hold on them? What like creating bio? Or maybe making multiple costume? Building a base? Designing an AE mission? Power customization? Crafting? The /AH? Picking powers and slotting up? These are all other aspects of the game.
  4. Well, it is a "chance for" 3 times a minute. What is the recharge time on Dark Regen? I remember it being kind of long. It would only have a chance to trigger each time that dark regen was used. When it is in health, it is getting triggered far more than 3 times a minute so you are likely to get all 3 "time a minute" every minute.
  5. I play leveling content I tend to stay in defense mode, stay with my pets, and jump into the middle of battle. Lately, the best secondary I have found to keep pets (and teammates) alive is by far Electrical Affinity ... https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Electrical_Affinity I'm a character conception player, so it really doesn't work for me to use it with Beast Mastery, Demon Summoning (unless going petless), Mercenaries, or Thugs. Using it with Necromancy, Robotics (come with the power https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Robotics#Maintenance_Drone), and petless Demon Summoning (when treating teammates as pets), it does a really good job. Usually, I will target all powers through whatever highest level henchman I have out. The electrical heals and buffs jump from one character to the next. So if you are near the targeted henchman there is a good chance that you will get healed and buffed as well (as well as all your nearby henchmen). Quick-recharge heals, buffs, and a static forcefield that you drop where you and your henchmen will be standing. Also, I also must add that there are some critical enhancements that can help keep your pets alive. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Command_of_the_Mastermind:_Recharge/Pet_%2BAoE_Defense_Aura https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Mark_of_Supremacy:_Endurance/Pet_%2BResist(All)_and_%2BRegen_Aura https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Edict_of_the_Master:_Defense_Bonus https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Commanding_Presence:_Taunt/Placate_Resist (don't think I ever bothered using this one, but it might come in handy in some cases)
  6. Yeah, well, tight-knit community we are, there aren't all that many of us posting.
  7. Or maybe because you are a member of this club ... ... and maybe even dream about it more than you consciously think about it ..
  8. I was confused because you necro'ed a thread from last October to post the info. Other than that I enjoyed your post.
  9. I think this is more due to the fact that the Kheldians are complicate to play. I'm not knocking the people that want to play them, but they seem overwhelming for many players ... on one level or another. Having color customization is always nice, but I don't think that color customization will attract players to play Kheldians.
  10. The red car down at the end goes to the villain side. ...and a slot of one vehicle out of a set for another base ... I built these a while back after someone was talking basically along the lines of "Avengers Assemble!" to try to get teams to go to their base and then using the Quinjet to go to missions. Kind of a cool concept, but hard to get others to get involved with the plan .... or so it seems.
  11. You can't one-shot Sally. Sally is eternal. Someone may try to attack her, but she simply swims away.
  12. yeah. Make it work like the change that happened to https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Concealment#Phase_Shift
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