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  1. which? Add a corpse as an object or "enemies" eating animals?
  2. Sounds like a "corpse" might be a good addition as an object. Suggest it in the suggestion forums. There could be some reason that a corpse can't be added as an object, but I'm not trying to suggest there is one. It is definitely how it is used to portray corpses being "handled" by the Vahz. Often in the story missions I create, the dead have been consumed by the "enemies", and all that is left is a pile of bones.
  3. I can never tell if someone is going to create a character to play the game or if the intent is to simply power level to 50 and then "install" a build. These are two very different routes and modes of play. Myself, I not planning on power-leveling and then picking powers. I'm creating a character to play that character through the game (leveling content) and pick powers as I go. I also pick the powers based on character conception as much as possible and on where they seem to be lacking as they level. I'm going to throw in power pools that work toward the character conception as I feel that I'm able to do so. On my dominators, I'm not worried about perma-dom. I generally save it for boss fights once I'm low on end. Honestly, on some of my doms I do a costume change when I set off domination - keep the macro in the tray directly next to the domination button. ... but I'm playing for character conception and the comic book action ... and not for the end-game.
  4. I'm coming into this late, so sorry about that. Reunion is the server that is in Europe, so if you are having lag issues I would use that one. Yes, Everlasting is the RP server. It is also the second most busy server. Excelsior is the busiest server. It has all that goes along with that. When you come to the forums, you can see the server populations toward the upper right. If you are going to solo, I would play on Reunion due to your location. If you want to team, - of course - the more populous servers are the way to go. Population fluctuates during different times of the day. We can make 1000 characters per server, so don't feel bound to one server. I have characters on all of them and jump around as I feel like it; based on my feeling to play a certain character, play a certain archetype, play a certain level range, seeking for enough players to play at certain level ranges, or a higher chance of finding someone else that wants to recruit for something. Also, the players on the different servers often have their own server-based flavor. My suggestion as well is to make character(s) that that you think would be cool to play. Don't worry if they are going to be OP or not. Just make what creativity leads you to create. Lots of powers to try, tons of costume parts to choose from, and plenty of power customization options. If you need help in game use /help (make sure it is visible in your active chat tab!) You can use the menu to quit out of the game or use /quit, but make sure you leave your character someplace safe. I would suggest a day job location. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Hero_Day_Job_Badges Welcome to THE CITY!
  5. So the main differences between contact missions and radio missions come down to: 1) Radio missions will keep you in the same zone. Contact missions will not. 2) Radio allows you to pick from 3 missions. You can figure out the enemy type on most of them. 3) You won't get any Kill Alls or Hunts from the radio 4) The Radio has no story unless you make up your own. (you can build your own mission arc in the AE and there are plenty of already made story arcs there as well ... it is what it was designed for) 5) Contacts give you merits if you complete their story arcs (the little book icon). 6) Contacts send you all over the City so you can race around and check out the City. (It used to be a real adventure traveling to different places in the city. Not so much any more for most of us) 7) You can easily outlevel contacts. With police missions, you can outlevel zones. There are those that only level through radio missions. Without the Kill Alls, Hunts, and Zoning the leveling usually goes faster (often times leveling teams even avoid the bank missions because some players think that slows down the leveling). Have you done any of the Origin story arcs that start from the contacts in the basement at City Hall in Atlas? The Origin arcs go from level 1 to 50 with a line of contacts for each origin. In the end, the Origin arc explains the origin of the origins and where your powers truly come from. It is also easy to bypass the contacts in the Hollows, Striga, and Croatoa. As an alternative to the Police scanner, there is always Tip missions. They can be a lot of fun. Honestly, I mix it up. I do contacts, police missions, AE mission, tips, street sweeping, giant monster hunts, task forces, SSBs, etc. Sometimes based on my mood. Sometimes based on character conception. Sometimes based on those I team with regularly. Sometimes just because I see something that catches my eye in the /LFG.
  6. Honestly, I sell all white and yellow drops I get for 1. But I always by whites for 1000 and Yellows for 25,000. Of course, the one that is posted at the lowest price is always the first one to be purchased whenever a bid is placed.
  7. When I run on an AE team on missions run by a friend of mine, they always cut-and-paste all of the contact dialog into team chat so everyone on the team can read it (if they want to). So usually I do that back for them as a favor if i'm the one that pulled the arc.
  8. I never looked to see how much vendors pay for whites and yellows. Do you know the numbers? I currently always pay 1,000 for all whites and 25,000 for all yellows. I'll up my bid prices if those are below vendor pricing. I do quite a bit of crafting. Selling to a vendor takes the salvage out of circulation.
  9. I kind of think of it as a somewhat sentinel like human form, a damage-dealing squid form, and a tank-like dwarf form. If I want to make a Kheldian that is a damage dealer (as I usually just dual form), go with human/squid. If I want to be tankery, I go with human/dwarf. Does this make sense? I honestly thought that is what they did but in a different manner. You don't flip back-and-forth between forms, but you pick one at a certain level - if I understand correctly. Honestly, VEATs don't excite me so I've never played them. I tend to always get the fighting pool on my kheldians. I can't remember what I did about kb mitigation in human form, but I don't remember it being a big issue, but I don't solo a whole lot. The same thing really goes for mez protection. I have characters that seem to get mez way more than the few kheldians that I have played have had mez issue. At any rate, I do tend to carry a column of resist effect inspirations on pretty much all of my characters (even if they are only there to get going quickly on the rare occasion that I need to use an resurrection inspiration) I'm not entirely familiar with warshades. I just made my first one on Homecoming a couple of days ago. I plan to be playing as human/dwarf so I have a good ways to go before I can get the dwarf form. As far as this part goes, it kind of reminds me of the complaints of some of the marine affinity set. I tend to play based on the team that I'm on. I can generally gauge pretty quickly if I should avoid using multi-target attacks or lean into the multi-target attack; if I need to back-off or if I can close; etc. So some of the power picks appear to be used when the situation allows and may not fit into the way that people want to use the sets. Okay. Sorry. I didn't understand it was the inherent. So yes, I can agree with that. Defender's inherent was changes so that it would help he defender if they are soloing. What do you think would thematically fit for https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Inherent_Powers#Cosmic_Balance when not teaming? Based on the earlier comments - though may not be thematic - it could increased knockback and mez resistance when solo? Would that be a fix? Maybe I missed what you suggested to be the change for Cosmic Balance for when solo. I honestly haven't noticed one way or another. I'm not looking to see what archetypes are on the teams I'm on and trying to figure out what perks my Kheldian should be getting from Cosmic Balance and trying to figure out how much of an advantage that they are. Then it seems like to me that the Kheldian player is supposed to switch to Dwarf form when getting mezed or knocked around is an issue. I am not an end-gamer. The Kheldians that I had previous to the warshade I recently made were all human/squid peacebringers. A majority of the time, the characters stay in human form. If the team allows me to go into "blaster"-mode or if I'm running low on endurance, I switch to squid form. As the situation allows which is sometimes when my character's endurance has recovers, I switch back to human form. So this seems to fit with the "increased knockback and mez resistance when solo" suggestion. I think that for the damage increase part, that is really covered by changing into squid mode. If you choose not to pick that form, then you know you are not picking the most damaging form. I think that is intentional as Keldians have the other forms to compensate one way or the other as I indicated earlier.
  10. No, it isn't. Being on teams - and I do team - I don't remember ever seeing anyone complain about knockback was melee based characters and characters that were level 50. Reading these forum - obviously I do - I have read post by players that said that it was disruptive to their melee play-style and/or complaints about knockback in high-end content. Is the untrained/team-friendly content not disruptive to those that want to steamroll content? My statement about steamrolling teams seems correct. People have different styles of play. "steamrolling" is a fairly common term. People that steamroll even use it to talk about their playstyle so see no reason that using that term would be insulting. I'm not discrediting them, I'm indicating that they are the ones that are more likely to have an issue with it based on my experience. You are free to post your opinion of what archetypes and levels of characters are most like to oppose the use of knockback. Honestly, I have been on extremely few teams when anyone complains about knockback. I think I can easily say less than 10 in the several years that I have been on Homecoming servers ... it is probably more likely less than 5. And just to help clarify, I only very rarely play level 50 or level 50+ content, so that is another reason that I suspect I'm not hearing the in-game complaints about the use of knockback. Are they justified with having an issue with knockback? If they do, it is their opinion like I have mine, but I do think that is where most of the complaints about knockback come from based on my experience. In my opinion it is. Just because in your opinion and some other people's opinions it doesn't, does make it so. Then maybe you should learn how to use knockback powers so they aren't disruptive or slot knockback to knockdown in all characters' knockback powers. I seriously don't have a problem with using knockback or other players using knockback. I run in some teams where everyone has has knockback. Lots of fun chaos as far as I'm concerned. Clearly, you have no idea what you are talking about and making assumptions. I figure out how a team is operating and do what I can to either augment what the rest of the team is doing or try to fill in the gaps/help the weaker members of the team. It is no use discussing anything with you any longer. You simply attack posters that you disagree with and - apparently - think that other people shouldn't post opinions if they disagree with yours. Your opinions are no more valid than anyone else's. Everyone can state their opinions. I don't want the DEVs feeling like they need to waste their time working on something that already has a fix.
  11. I generally only create a dual-form Kheldian and not a tri-form one. I will also admit that I - I'm pretty sure - have only made human/squid Peace Bringers on Homecoming. I think the original concept for Kheldians was intentionally to make them difficult to play - sort of an "expert" mode if you will. There are intentional large advantages and large disadvantages for playing Kheldians over the various 3 forms. Having 3 possible forms to use complicates the game play. An attempt was made to balance those large advantages and disadvantages, and, though they may not make sense to some, I can agree that an attempt was made to balance the set of the 3 forms. And I think it was a fairly good attempt. And that includes limiting what powers are available in the various forms. I generally only create a dual-form Kheldian and not a tri-form one. I will also admit that I - I'm pretty sure - have only made human/squid Peace Bringers on Homecoming. I think this comes under the general idea of complication of gameplay and game balance that was intended when using his (h)EAT. It is entirely about game balance. However, how are you going (fighting pool) to punch or kick anyone when in squid form? - is probably one of the most blatant examples. So are any powers that only affect other members of a team. There are a bunch of them on other ATs. Rez (other) powers are an obvious example, but there are far more. It is supposed to be a complicated set - intentionally. You can use various builds and switch to one that is best for the content that you will be running. I say keep it like it is in regard to this, but make it clearer in the game messages (especially when picking powers) as to forms a Khelding can use a power. make it stand out more by making another color and/or having a note after each powers descriptions indicating "WARNING: Only use able in Human and Squid form" or something like that. Peacebringer Dwarfs get White Dwarf Antagonize, and Warshades Dwarfs get Black Dwarf Antagonize. These are both Taunts. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Inherent_Powers#Gauntlet is the specific inherent of Tankers. No other archetype gets Gauntlet ... not even Brutes. Kheldian dwarfs have an AOE taunt that they can use, so I really don't think adding taunt to all Dwarf-form-only attacks should be necessary. thanks for posting your ideas and thoughts about Kheldians.
  12. I stated my view. That isn't any more "crying" than the people that want to be able to forward this suggestion. As I stated in my opinion, there are already enhancements available to convert knockback to knockdown if you want to use them. Please leave personal insults out of your comments.
  13. Yes. It is. In regards to character names: Do you understand that those numbers are the number of characters currently online at the time you are looking at the numbers and not the number of characters that have been created on those servers or the number of characters that may be online on those servers at other times of the day?
  14. Katana/Super reflexes with the whole https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Force_of_Will power pool Power Level Effect Weaken Resolve 4 Ranged, Foe -Res, -Def, -To Hit Mighty Leap 4 Toggle: Self Long Jump, Special Project Will 4 Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psi/Smash), Foe Knockdown Wall of Force 14 Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Psi/Smash), Foe Knockdown Unleash Potential 20 Self +Regen, +Rec, +Def
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