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About WunderBex

  • Birthday 09/19/1973

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  1. To resurrect a dead topic, I use whirlpool as something like a temporary hurricane- it pushes mobs away and damages (hurricane does not) but doesn't last long. I can even place it near some squishy allies or those rezzing unsafely, to provide them more coverage. I find it very useful, just not always in every fight. I would not skip it, personally. YMMV. As a defender, I do use the Defense Debuffs, at least one, to get that added protection. For a corrupter I go for more damage.
  2. I tried a build with afterburner... personally, I found it a waste of a power. I just respecced last night but will do so again to remove assault, which I decided to try. I also went with Ghost Widow's patron pool and capped damage resistance, but defense (14%) could be better, so I will use maneuvers as a proc mule to gain that (hopefully). Something could be said for the Scorpion shield in that respect, but I want more of a theme set. I also took tough and weave. How did you find this build?
  3. No travel power? Ninja run and sprint is nice, true, and you can buy a fly power... is that the idea? I personally would not do Veng and Scorpion shield. I may (for thematic purpose) go with soul mastery instead. Not sure about CJ, I may try for a proc that gives KB protection. I can't add anything now, mine is only to level 14. Thanks for posting this though! Good food for tought.
  4. I just ran a few SBBs back to back with my most recent controller, plant/poison. I have to admit, I was impressed! The debuffs for Poison are not toggles but clicks, and this made it very customizable. Plant with carrion Creepers, Strangler, Roots, Paralytic Toxin (FABULOUS hold that never ceased to freeze the AVs) and of course the toughest little Fly Trap ever as a pet, made short and amazing work of the Casino baddies. Let me put in perspective: we had my troller, 2 defs and one blaster for SBB. The blaster fell off, leaving just us squishies to fight. The defs were rad/ and time/. The biggest damage came from my pet and carrion creepers. Confuse made the Rikti Monkeys and ninjas very easy. It DID take us a while to finish, since the blaster dropped before the 2 final end bosses in the Casino Heist, which left us all of the Arena to do without real damage, but we did so much better than expected! A few faceplants, yes, but less than I usually get running with 'bigger guns' like brutes and scrappers. The debuffs were fantastic and kept us safe and we did eventually whittle them all down and get the badges. Now I don't suggest having a 3 person team without damage, but it's doable and fairly safe and feels just EPIC when you finally finish! I am a big fan of plant/poison now, two sets I never played on Live. I think I was missing out! I also understand many might think that rad did all the work (and I HUGELY like rad), but I have run my little girl without others too, and Poison is a great set. I really like the way it plays, while plant does some decent damage and wonderful control.
  5. Wind control! I'd love to see that! Been adoring the water control set/s. I thought I had started around issues 3, maybe issue 5 in the Hey Day... but I remember the Hollows opening and running around them brand new and capes and auras being a big deal (and how anticipated wings were... oh see the birds now? They're practicing wing animations for heroes soon)- I'm older than I thought.
  6. I do!
  7. I think I had at least one Lethal Ladies member, but can't recall who now... Snowfyre?
  8. SG: Infinite Alliance (and a few others with alts) A few main Cs were Aerik Winters, Beti Hott, Chalyss, and Power Curve
  9. Stability. Just be here and be accessible. You have no idea how much I have missed this game and community. And what everyone else said. 🙂
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