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Tenkay Volts

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Everything posted by Tenkay Volts

  1. Hmm, did you happen to turn on chat logging after already logging into the character? The program looks for the system message that says "Welcome to City of Heroes, YourName." as soon as you log in so if that wasn't recorded it wouldn't pick it up. But if you did, or you at least logged out and back in, that would suggest a bug to be looked at. DM me the log file if you're comfortable doing so and I'll have a look.
  2. Release v0.1.0 Well, 7 months on but I finally pushed out an update. The program is a bit prettier now, there's now the ability to sort your damage per enemy along with a slew of calculation and display inaccuracies that have been fixed. check out the releases page over on GitHub to download - https://github.com/dorematt/coh-combat-parser/releases Some AVs may still report false positives mainly due to this being written in Python and compiled, especially those that bluntly flag any .exe built from a python compiler as malicious. I've obviously not added anything nasty although I leave it to you and this scan report to make your own call. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/b047cd818846e053c4e8af4a97d6115da06fd19571be17909ca1ba15f36001ee/detection Alternatively if you're techy, you can simply pull down the source code, run a virtual (venv) python environment and operate it that way as well.
  3. Yeah, we should add a cooldown to Addy for the monstrous aether for the purposes of consistency if we're sticking with the 18-hour cooldown for conditional GMs.
  4. Seems like just for Scrappy, but yeah if addy can be farmed once every hour that does make this a little heavy-handed. Probably better to roll this across all GMs, and maybe bring the timer down to once every 4 hours or so, roughly in line with non-conditional GM spawn rates
  5. I get the feeling this would go against the thematic of Sally if she was actually aggressive. Though, then again, there isn't exactly much lore on her anyway so who knows, could be up for debate. But yeah, if if there isn't attack animations held in reserve for her then that would be a bit more of a task to implement.
  6. Oh and also at Loc [3683.2 205.8 5529.1] There's some misaligned geometry on the war wall and some z-fighting textures
  7. Location: 55648.9 46.6 5503.8 The retaining wall holding up the southern war wall is floating, players are able to tp outside the map from here. EDIT: Ok while I'm at it, here's a bunch of others, not sure how many of them were already reported, but figured I may as well try and be thorough Loc: [241.0 206.8 5163.2] Misaligned war wall allows tp outside the map Loc: [265.4 63.0 5141.7] This car is floating off the ground Loc: [240.0 206.8 4011.2] Similarly misaligned war wall piece that allows TP outside the map Loc: [5260.3 206.8 -963.8] Some more misaligned geometry pieces on the war wall pillar Loc: [5644.3 206.8 -963.0] Same story as above here Loc: [7000 200.4 -941.6] This war wall panel's forcefield particle FX extends below the bottom of the forcefield
  8. Thanks for flagging, I'll have a dig into why, seems a couple have flagged it on VirusTotal.
  9. Liking the revamps so far! I do wonder about Sally however, now that she has a chance to drop her own mini pet players are going to have more reasons to hunt her beyond the two times for her badge. Since she's a one-hitter, that could very well make it a little harder for players to get said badge if every time she appears it takes just one person to quickly go and murder her for recipe drop... doubly so if said recipe starts selling for a pretty penny on the AH (which could be likely given I expect there'll be way less players involved in her kill compared to other GMs). It might end up being nothing, but maybe something to keep in mind, I'm not sure what her spawn rate is currently, I do recall it was buffed to be a little more frequent in comparison to other GMs a while back, but she may need to get pushed further.
  10. Actually, just an update to the above, I this isn't undocumented as we first expected, in the patch notes they did include this under Arachnos adjustments: So this ability is very much part of those changes. You'll probably just have to start hard mezzing any mistresses you see to suppress the power.
  11. Thanks for all the insights! I love being able to hear what's going on behind the curtains, it's all fascinating to hear how it all ticks.
  12. Might have been a one-off (i've not yet gone and run it again) but one of the "defeated" DE monsters in the hamidon mish weren't properly dead
  13. Looks like there has been an addition, Tarantula Mistress now has Tactical Training: Leadership which is granting that confuse protection Captured this snippet while using Power Analyser I went back over to live to check a few groups of arachnos in there and I wasn't seeing any similar buff come out of the Tarantula Mistresses there. So yes, this would very much be an undocumented/unintended addition.
  14. Small graphical bug: Buckshot has no hit/impact fx on hit enemies
  15. Bravo team! The efforts to bring this game back is exceptional. I pray that this process, all the sweat and tears from everyone involved helps to be the catalyst that sees many other sunsetted games out there return to the surface as well, since this is very much a first for the industry as well! Thank you all!
  16. I don't think the added legitimacy is going to supercharge the expansion of the dev/artist team anymore than its current pace of expansion. You have to keep in mind throwing more and more bodies at a task doesn't necessarily make things faster, every additional dev/artist adds additional communication overhead especially if they're more junior, and for an unpaid/community project with the size and scope that this game has, that can get out of hand real fast. That's not to say it's a bad thing to bring on interns and juniors, just that it needs to be well managed and paced out.
  17. Just pushed out a fairly significant update (v0.0.5) with several additions (a settings menu for one) as well as fixing the handling of damage with additional flairs such as Critical hits. There may still be some inaccuracies in some edge cases. I'm also putting together a list of powers that employ pseudopets that don't make much sense splitting out into their own character/pet. powers like Caltrops or Chain Induction for instance. If you have others that you come across let me know, or if you happen to have or know where a list of all the pseudopets abilities in the game are, that'd be amazing as well!
  18. So I’ve had a little project for myself going over this holiday break that I thought I may as well share with whoever’s interested. This—as the name suggests—is a combat log parser program for CoH, to help give you a calculation of your DPS, Acc, EXP & Inf earned in addition to some other data. Features are fairly basic right now but otherwise it should more or less do what's written on the tin. Again, this is still ALPHA and testing done so far is pretty limited so expect there to be some occasional inaccuracies or crashes from edge cases. What it can do Standalone program runs as a .exe Live-monitor your damage as well as those of your pets Calculate overall DPS Split DPS into individual abilities and procs Calculate the average damage per hit, per ability Process an existing log file Log hit accuracy, xp & inf gains and some other basic data Automatically split logs into combat sessions The session duration is based on the first instance of damage dealt to the last instance Persistent settings for the timeout duration of sessions, associating procs under their parent powers etc. Limitations Regen is not traceable in any way through logs so the relative DPS gains from -Regen or -HP abilities cannot be tracked Anything not logged to the chat log Damage/Healing from other players that didn't impact you directly Buff/Debuff numbers - the combat log almost never gives hard numbers to buffs/debuffs and status effects. Planned Features Player Damage Taken, Healing Taken/Received Maaaybe some more advanced data displays such as graphs/charts. Installation and Operation Head on over to the GitHub https://github.com/dorematt/coh-combat-parser and head to ‘Releases” on the Right-hand side Download the CoH_Parser.exe file, ignore the rest as this is source code. (There is only Windows binaries at the moment) In-game, check your ‘Combat’ Channel and add in all combat related channels Right-Click to edit channel Move over all the combat fields if they’re not already there (Most likely, the pet combat fields won’t be included) If you don’t want to mess up or clutter that tab, you can make a new tab and put all the combat info in there. As long as all the combat data is being collected by at least one of your tabs, that data will be logged into the file. Save settings Make sure you have “Log Chat” enabled in the Options This is found under Options > Windows > Chat Run the .exe and browse for the log file Open up the directory where your game is installed to Then go to /accounts/_YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME_/logs/ Choose the log file you want to process or monitor (you’ll want the one dated to today if you’re running live) Hit 'Start Log' to begin monitoring live data or 'Process Existing Log' to process the logfile's stored data. How the Parser will operate New sessions will begin automatically from your first damaging power to the last and will automatically end after a certain amount of time spent without any damaging powers being used(default 30s) Session duration and DPS calculations are based on the first instance of damage to the last instance (so the downtime either before or afterwards will be discarded) You can name sessions by typing in Local chat ##SET_NAME session_name, or simply start a new session immediately alongside naming it with ##START_SESSION session_name My AV software is flagging this program! Some AV software will report false positives due to the program being compiled python code, which is a popular method employed in virus creation. Obviously I've not added anything malicious into the program and I am hoping to work out how to avoid these false detections for future updates. For now, you can check the VirusTotal scan for full details. - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/b047cd818846e053c4e8af4a97d6115da06fd19571be17909ca1ba15f36001ee/detection (v0.1.0) What about the other parsing programs out there and future development? There's a couple other online-oriented tools out there (shoutout @Carnifax and @KaizenSoze) which are absolutely worth checking out and will likely have way more options as far as how you can visualise your data. This is a bit more pared-down, more to be something you can keep open on the side to see stats in more real-time. As for future development on this, it really depends. The GitHub page is available for any other contributions, otherwise I may or may not add to it when I feel the urge to and have the time 🙂 Changelog 10-Aug-2024 - v0.1.0 Dark theme added Enemies tab added to enable sorting damage by enemy name Several fixes to some calculation and display inaccuracies (there may still be instances where procs end up under random abilities especially when there is a lot of pet damage in the mix, but should be overall more reliable) Ability list shouldn't reset the collapsed/expanded state of your abilities and damage components on every refresh/update Some checks and other error handling for crashes. 15-Jan-2024 - v0.0.5 Added Settings to UI for adjusting some parameters such as combat session timeout Session names can be renamed in-game by typing ##SESSION_NAME name in Local chat Associated procs with powers Capturing and separating flairs indicating bonus damage such as Critical or Shocked
  19. AFAIK you won't be able to execute any more than 1 insp per macro press/click at a time, I usually just mush the button several times to combine and pop a few off every so often.
  20. I'm glad for top 50 at least, especially given how late I jumped on the train
  21. Yeah same here, have tried cycling a few servers, same result.
  22. May have already been mentioned but I'd love to have the ability to customise maps, maybe simply having the ability to port what is effectively the base editor over into a mission-map design tool. I fear it'd be a huge workload since it requires figuring out how to put a decent enough UI around processes like creating navmeshes, spawn location etc. and enforcing enough boundaries for all of these, but given the creativity on display in bases everywhere, I think it wouldn't be hard for people to make something very workable. but yeah, the suggestions of updating custom critters with the latest powersets etc. would definitely be great. Also so would the ability to determine a spawn location for a glowie or object so you may be able to better chain mission objectives together without them being kind of arbitrarily spread out all round the map.
  23. I caved and abandoned the LTT team to come join HC, add a couple more 1080s and a 12-core CPU to the mix!
  24. So am I, however suggestions like removing the level disparity between you and your lower tier pets, normalising their hp across the different tiers or having upgrade powers autoapply on summon are probably more measured responses, set bonus sharing is just going to make everyone build for softcapped defenses I feel. In fact, with the more recent changes to pet AI I've been finding it waaaay easier to actually keep your pets grouped up and remain in your buff circles. It's not absolutely perfect, they still like to sit around and twiddle their thumbs a bit after you issue them an order, but I've certainly been able to get a playstyle working that keeps them up majority of the time. Only trouble is the Tier 1s have about the firepower of paintball guns at +4 and I feel like I'm rivaling a controller as far as damage output is concerned, and that isn't going to really be addressed with set bonus sharing either.
  25. This has been brought up a few times before and I think the result of previous discussions is that it's probably not likely to happen. MMs are somewhat OP with even-level content but their effectiveness falls off a cliff when dealing with the purple patch at +3 and +4. if there's any changes to be made to MMs at this point it has to target that whilst doing everything possible to not shift the needle even further into OP territory with even-level content.
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