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Everything posted by Ferrous_Sapien

  1. I'm up to 1545 and wondering what I could be missing for the last two! 🙂
  2. It would be really nice if the Injured Vandal would lose the Detention Bubble power.
  3. I'm also missing the LTR power from a character I transferred. Striker IX on Excelsior
  4. Yay, I has tiny fame 🙂
  5. For those who don't have their overlays updated yet, I've put this together while getting my set. Happy hunting! BLOODY BAY What Lurks Beyond -1490, -23, -1883 Restless -792, 2, 459 Mostly Harmless -192, 96, 2064 Burger Meister 1948, -15, 1806 Accolade: Bad Blood SIREN'S CALL Hot Dog 1472, 0, -149 Still Standing -325, 191, -105 Volatile -634, -132, 300 Wasted Resource -324, 71, 1227 Accolade: Answered the Call WARBURG Nuclear 363, -57, -335 Forcibly Evicted 4, -64, -436 Disassembled -812, 18, -489 Game Over -1178, 98, -724 Hurculean 1955, 120, -338 Accolade: Warlord RECLUSE'S VICTORY A Scar In Time 552, 74, -1417 True Neutral 0, 16, 511 Sick of Time Travel -653, 0, 64 Watch Your Back -1346, -42, -1539 Accolade: Shattered Time
  6. Thank you so much for the helpful guide and continued updates!
  7. Title. The tf's are arguably "incarnate content", so I feel it makes sense to get your full +3 on them. By no means critical, but it would be nice. 🙂
  8. I dearly wish I could just completely remove mercenary and robot melee attacks entirely, or make them optional in some way. For the very same reason as a Hold Position command or immobilize toggle.
  9. I'm having difficulty with the weakened Hamidon on the Lady Grey Task Force. Even supplying the team with copious EoE's ended in failure when the tank's healing got nerfed by Hami. I would welcome any suggestions or strategies.
  10. Through Ouroboros, but only during anniversary month (May).
  11. Going strong on my badger, broke 1350 and starting to pine for the various event badges. I missed the anniversary ones by about a week, too. Would it not be possible and highly favorable to have a way to access these badges year-round, through Gull or Ouroboros?
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