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  1. I will miss you, V. I have learnt much from you and have really enjoyed your leadership. I completely understand your decision, though. Five years of commitment to leadership is a long haul. Well done, sir. May whatever comes next treat you well.
  2. I'd love to have buffs not break my pose. I sit on the rock and wait for Hami and some twit just has to buff me over and over because sitting on the rock is just so super dangerous. I get really tired of typing ;lotus. So please make it so that buffs don't break poses. It'd be nice if buffs would change to my color scheme. I have dark blue as the dominant color, and this idiot's buffs are lime green.
  3. For fun, I banged into the magic store sign in Talos, to see it swing back and forth. It swung to its maximum up position and stayed there. I could hit it again and get it to the other maximum stuck position, but it would never return to normal. A truly trivial bug but still a bug, so I figured I'd report it.
  4. If I use /showbind shift+z, I get Key shift+z binded to: camdist 25. It should be "bound". "binded" isn't a word.
  5. That worked. Thanks.
  6. The Power Recharge Timer setting (Menu->Options->Windows->Powers) and Recharge Timer Format (same location) keep resetting every time I log out. I have to reset them each time I log in.
  7. Cool. That came out really well. Thank you very much. 🙂 In case folks wonder, that's my dark/dark 'troller, Monita.
  8. I just had to leave a zone. I was waiting for a friend to spawn Kronos, but I get attacked constantly. A couple days, fine. But this is out of hand. STOP IT.
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