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Agent Canada

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Everything posted by Agent Canada

  1. I don't consider myself a gamer or at least I didn't at the time. All my friends were saying I should join them in "whatever game they were currently playing" and I usually deferred the request but this one time I said maybe if there was a Superhero MMO I might jump in. Now I had heard a little bit about CoH but not from someone I would want to game with regularly but a girl I know picked me up a second hand copy of the original game, one that still had the free time in it, and I would've been stupid not to try it out. I got wrongly busted during the trial run but was hooked and purchase a new copy of CoX went the free run ran out. I consider it "my game", I have played other MMOs at this point but I always come home. A big part of it is that I joined up late in the game's life so i never got bored or jaded and when it ended there was still so much I wanted to do.
  2. I finally went and installed the new Homecoming Launcher and quickly got sucked in to playing a bunch of old favourites for the rest of the night, Fortunately, my girlfriend is also a gamer so I wasn't alone or ignoring her. The launcher looks great, is very functional, and the prompts mean it practically does all the installation work. As far as I know, everything transferred over properly. Thanks Homecoming.
  3. Awesome, congratulations!
  4. These are all really cool. I love playing with screen caps but this is the closest I ever came to a news paper clipping.
  5. HAPPY VICTORIA DAY WEEKEND TO ALL MY CANADIAN FRIENDS, REAL AND IMAGINARY! This is a new piece I did over on Facebook, when I asked who was the most popular Canadian Superhero. The Chapterhouse Captain Canuck came in first place with Alpha Flight's Puck and I loved the way the doodle turned out. VDSpecial01:
  6. Wow, nice comic and beautiful work station. AC
  7. Sorry MattL1222, after loading in to the tutorial to take the pictures, I got rid of the character, so I don't actually have a costume file for him. No need to apologize for not being specific, it just meant that any attempt would be more a personal taste thing on my part. Feel free to keep the picture if it helps you make the character up. and feel free to tweak the heck out of it as well. AC
  8. You didn't ask for much directly but going with this statement, My take revolves around a street kid / gang member who hits it big time when it comes to superpowers but hasn't outgrown the gangbanger mentality. He wears modified clothing to make his costume and name stick out but it is really his physique and skin that makes him a super. Iron Horse: He would make for a good street level tank even though I made him a Brute. With a name like Iron Horse you could give him super speed as a non-traditional tank movement. and the name and concept would work for all alignments too. Just messing around here as I said you didn't ask for anything too specific . AC
  9. Hey PoitVok, this maybe too much of a hybrid but here's my take on your character. The Devoured Seer: It's a female with the height and physique made bigger, shoulders and breasts made wider and fuller - this is to emulate the more reptilian physique she would be evolving into. Widen the face a little and reduce the nose to suggest that the facial features are slowly disappearing. The visor already lends itself to being a Seer and rendering the face even more featureless. The Circle of Thorn gloves made to match the skin colour as much as possible to (hopefully) show the lower arms and hands are slowly widening and changing form. Clawed boots made to match skin colour as well to show the nonhuman toe configuration of the Reptilian body she is slowly turning into. The tights were tricky because I wanted something that would look like the Seer's uniform but show that even the body underneath was slowly changing configuration. Anyways it's just my take on your character but I do hope you like it or it gives you other ideas. AC
  10. I'm going to post another Bruce Timm doodle, a Champions Online one, as I went and remade the character here last night to try out Ice. Forgot how much I liked Ice so he's a keeper. Winter01: MWLS: The CoH costume still needs a few tweaks but I have always preferred the classic tights look anyways. AC
  11. Eve Ash looks awesome, way to go. AC
  12. I don't really use it anymore but you can visit my old dA page here. https://www.deviantart.com/agentcanada Here's the last two related coloured ones I have. clobberin_01_in_color: (The same artist that coloured the Alienix one also did this one up.) TseuWck: (This one and a bunch more were coloured for free on the Champions Oline forums as part of that whole Grand Prize attitude I talked about earlier.) That's it for now and thanks. AC
  13. More Doctor Presto doodles. Invader01: (During City's absence I would still offer Anniversary type lotteries. ) FMonsters02: (We are both fans of horror films as well as comic books so he loved the Famous Monsters lotteries, he finally won one too.) That wraps up the mariner stuff. One of the other cool things about Super Groups, forums and even deviantArt at the time was that people were actually very generous, I've had quite a few of my doodles coloured and reposted as kind of a grand prize for the community. This first one was an art exchange through dA, I drew one of his characters for him and he coloured my girlfriend's picture for me. alienix_01_in_color: I know nothing of this kind of colouring so this piece blew me away. AC
  14. He might've been before I knew him, as I said I joined up rather late in the game's life. His water guy that I knew was called War Trident at the time. Lol, yep, that was totally A Christmas Story and that was totally the Leg Lamp. AC
  15. Well Mariner and I are both older fans, older as in I hit 50 last year, so that's pretty old skool to begin with. As for Seymour he ended up becoming one of my regular Halloween Lotteries, that and the Famous Monsters ones. I did a series of lotteries where you got to lose to the iconic comic book villain of your choice, it was run as a three round kind of event. The first two rounds were losses but the third round was a victory, the catch here was that you had to risk entering a loss round to qualify to enter the third round. MageWar01: (This was techinaclly a CO one but doesn't feature any CO IP.) Presto1: (A Christmas joke for you older folks.) SSketches02: (Flintstones Style) Thanks for all the comments and reactions. AC
  16. I ran the majority of my CoH lotteries while in the A.S.T.S. but opened it up to the allied super groups even if I wasn't currently on that individual team yet. so the lotteries got pretty big. The next couple were one-off lotteries but they are still Mariner's wins. Airboy-01: Guard-01: (This lottery was a funny one, I allowed people in the Super Group to "sponsor" one of their unaffiliated characters, and all they had to do was log in with their A.S.T.S. hero and earn some SG Prestige. I say allowed because one of my die-hard rules was that all entries had to be SG related.) The good Doctor here is probably Mariner's longest run or best known hero and I have drawn him a lot as he survived the transfer to CO and we both ended up on the S.A.S. team. I'll keep it CoH related here though. Zombie Bash-2: (I've drawn this villain many times as well and it was actually Mariner who named him Seymour Graves.) AC
  17. These aren't in sequence as they are primarily by character, but they are still pretty close to how the lotteries progressed. FOXHUNT-01: I liked to do comic book themed lotteries as I'm a huge fan obviously, but I also wanted people to think that their characters could be just as real as the published ones. One of the themes was "Team Uniforms", so a CoH Hero would join an established super group and be drawn in a hybrid uniform, and this is probably the best of those. Clobberin-01: Another comic book theme was the "Hero Throwdown", the winner got to fight an established hero of their choice. in this case Vixen. Girlfight_01: AC
  18. I'm going to post some of the doodles, both lotteries and freebies, I did for an old CoH buddy who used to go by the name of Mariner. I don't think he'll mind as he always says it your art, go ahead. If you are on these forums and want me to stop just shoot me a message. Mariner spurred me on and entered every lottery he qualified of so he has a lot of cool wins in my opinion. WTScan: (This is the first piece I ever gave away on a forum, and boy was it a shock.) Foxman-01: (I run with an old home office scanner so this was just to see if I could even do colours on the forums, it was pretty popular though.) Mariner-01: (Both of these are his characters.) The formats may seem a little strange, but I had never used a scanner (for my art), or a picture hosting site or even forums for that matter before I got into City of Heroes. AC
  19. The Bruce Timm ones were also offered as potential forum Avatars, so I offered to colour them as well. Pencil crayons as I have no real digital skills to speak of, but it was also to help me train myself to use my damn reading glasses. Adamo1: That's it for my characters. If I've drawn for anyone here on the forums who might want me to repost those pieces, just let me know. AC
  20. I also used Mayor Adam West from Family Guy as a reference when I realized he was already wearing Sector Protector's colours. IDFile1: Champions never really held my fancy so I eventually cancelled my subscription for the free to play option and had to kill off a few characters. She-Squatch was a pay only AT so sadly she had to go, this pic was her swan song. GoodByes01: I started having trouble with my eyes, nothing serious, just getting older but it was causing me to have trouble with double lines. I was told I needed reading glasses and should wear them while drawing as well, this worked but took a lot of getting adjusted to so I started offering Bruce Timm animated series style doodles instead. This was my example piece. Adam0001: AC
  21. The RP hook for these lotteries was that Adam had purchased an old curio shop, a haunted one, and he was slowly restoring and cataloguing all the portraits he found stashed all over the old building. These portraits were strangely prophetic and would often reflect in game or roleplaying elements, which in my mind was a clever way of offering up the themed doodles. SSTrike-01: (The theme was Big Threat, Small Heroes) STARRO-01: Buh-nnny01 (A Doodle done at work to show to my co-workers.) The biggest difference is the shoulder pads and the logo, but it's still clearly Sector Protector. AC
  22. Sector Protector is the weird one, he started off as a City of Heroes character on Pinnacle named Crystal Crusader, but gave up the name so that the super group could be called Crystal Crusaders. The group itself was a play on the Green Lantern Corps and needed a proper name and as I had just gotten rid of a hero named Sector Protector, I took that name for this hero. The one thing he always was though was a tribute to Adam West (Adam Westings in game). I played him till closure but never really offered up any artwork through him till I remade him in Champions. His RP Lottery hook was already in place though as it fit so well with his original CoH Bio. crusaderea5: Sector1: The reasons for posting these two pics is simply because the majority of the Sector Protector lotteries were held for the Silver Age Sentinels in Champions and on the official Champions forums and his costume looks a little different because of it. I won't post any of the CO lottery winners pics unless they directly involve Adam himself. SAS-01: AC
  23. Hey davpa. Nice to see both The Entropy Legion and The Union Supreme back in CoX. I'm also quite impressed to see that you maintain a forum for each team, I'm not a big fan of Discord. Just in case you don't remember me, I'm the guy who drew Radium Blight vs Iron Man. AC
  24. Agent Canada

    LSH SG

    I joined long after the Legion's heyday, but I do remember you. @Agent Canada I have alts on every Homecoming server.
  25. You've got some great pieces here Christopher, but I specifically love how you do eyes, the depth pulls you into the portraits. AC
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