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Posts posted by Grindingsucks

  1. While it isn't too late (technically) to do so, swapping completed rooms with the base builder is, frankly, quite a pain and (IMO) not really worth the trouble.  Putting a single security/Prisoner transport teleporter in the the Security room is  (again, IMO) a much more elegant and simple solution.


    I suppose, if I'm to be honest, I'm not too troubled by the problem, itself.   I tend not too think too hard about such things in comic-book genre games.  I do try to keep things at least somewhat believable, but in a game about people who can fly, throw tanks, and shoot lasers out of their eyes, it's not a particularly strong consideration for me.  Most classic hero bases from the comics don't really address it (prisons, and the like, perhaps being an exception) and a few (DC's Legion of Super Heroes Bases, come to mind) are positively absurd.  😁 🤷‍♂️

  2. @Steampunkette  On, no- your logic is sound. 🙂👍


    I also grappled with the  choice of whether or not to put weapons racks in the security station outside the detention area.  In real prisons, you typically only arm guards in perimeter towers (those running the cell blocks are not often armed, for fear of prisoners wresting away the guns).  I finally decided that 1) A lot of prisoners are going to be super villains, and will have built in weapons anyway, so I might as well stick them in there.  Also- it just spruced the place up a bit and made it look more ah... security-like to me.


    I do plan to add a separate teleport pad (similar to TemporalVileTerror's suggestion) in the area that I have the trainers at presently (which is the security room), to represent a means to safely transport prisoners in and out of the facility.  I just hadn't got to finishing that part of the base yet.  I'll need to move the trainers to a different area before I do that, of course.  The same teleport pad would be used to deposit and remove prisoners from the base facility, so they would be well isolated.


    While the base has relatively strong defenses (though I haven't mentioned it, the Vault is so well protected that IC'ly, our current group hasn't even been able to figure out how to breach it (the base is an old one, inherited from a now-deceased SG) since occupying the base).  Prisoners escaping and accessing the parts storage area or wreaking havoc by damaging essential base-functions IS a possible risk, and will probably happen (by design) as part of some RP event down the road.  Part of the fun will be letting the heroes handle the emergency.


    I will also confess that my base building is more commonly intuitive, than logical.  I start with the largest area plot.  Then I decide if the base will be above ground, below ground, or a combination of the two.  Then I block out "rooms" by raising floor/ceiling.  Once I have rooms blocked out, I'll snip tool a picture of the blank map and add labels as seems good to me (more often based on the size of the rooms and aesthetic, than sound logic- although I do make some attempt to consider logic when placing rooms).  Then I add essential functions, then whatever greebles I think will make it look cool.


    I will also skip around a lot, when I get bored of working on one area, and switch to something new for variety- which is why I get some partially completed areas.


    Anyway, thank you for the thoughtful and constructive feedback.  It's always useful to hear advice from someone good at thinking about these things.  😁

  3. I'm always amused by pretentious movie critics griping about the flimsy plot and character development in Godzilla movies.  Like Kaiju flicks have ever been about anything except the awesomeness of giant monsters running amok, beating each other up, and destroying cities.  What a bunch of idiots.  😆


    I haven't got to see either of the new Gojira movies yet, which maketh me sad.  🙁

  4. 14 hours ago, Heraclea said:

    To me the ATs divide into two even simpler camps:


    Has mez protection:


    - Tanker

    - Scrapper

    - Brute

    - Sentinel

    - Arachnos soldier

    - Kheldian

    - Stalker


    Sometimes has mez protection, based on level of investment with merits/inf and build stage:


    - Blaster

    - Dominator

    - Mastermind (not really, but can usually diffuse single target mezzes)


    No native mez protection:


    - Defender

    - Controller

    - Corruptor



    I fall fairly conatantly in the 'mez protection' camp.  Characters with mez protection avoid the single most annoying and frustrating mechanic in the game.  They are fun to play on teams and fun solo.  They are the money and merit makers that support the rest of the roster. 


    Characters lacking mez protection are team specialists for specific purposes.   Those characters need teams to be fun to play, and are built to be useful on teams, providing things like debuffs to help the team take down difficult targets.  My poison/dark defender comes out whenever anyone wants to run the Kahn TF, for instance.  She is fun because she makes the TF much faster and easier.  Not great for soloing, IMO. 


    You have a great point.  This is also an important consideration when choosing an AT (and how you build them).  It's also one of the reasons that I really enjoy certain sets.  Willpower, for example, gets very broad mez protection, so it's a great choice if you find yourself frustrated by geting mez'd (I confess that I do.  Then again, who doesn't?  Maybe blasters, since they can still hit back via their T1/T2 powers).


    I must confess (and yes, this is a bit off-topic, I suppose) that I've always thought choosing a particular powerset as your Primary should give you some mez protection against effects deriving from that particular kind of attack.  For instance, a controller with Psi as their primary should be protected from being confused/stunned/whatever by mez from psionic attack sources.  It just doesn't feel quite "right" that a powerful psionicist should still be vulnerable to being stunned by a psionic assault, when a simple bare-knuckled brawler can shrug it off.

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  5. Quote

    Troo, you do PVE content in PVP zones by yourself.

    A bit off topic but... there's pve stuff to do in the pvp zones?  🤔


    Also, rush to 50 IS the current meta- at least on Everlasting.  Do a search at any time and 3/4ths or more of the characters are lvl 50.  Teams typically hand the star to the highest level toon in the team, which is very often a lvl 50.  That's neither bad nor good, in itself, just a statement of fact (although I do admit I'm looking to enjoy mid-level play, personally).

  6. I had no idea they were that much trouble to organize and run.  Granted, I've only been on 3 MSR's and have never run one (I don't like them, myself, so that's something I'll never have to worry about).


    When I see the doppleganger zone pop up, I do generally try to use the 2nd one, because I don't want to cause lag for the people running an MSR in RWZ1.  I've never had it impact me as a player doing other stuff in the zone, though (and I've never experienced being "forced" to join an MSR.  Not even sure what that means, tbh 🤷‍♂️).

  7. 23 minutes ago, oedipus_tex said:

    There is a sort of balance rubric for archetypes although it isn't rigidly defined. You can generally divide the into Multiplying Force and Raw Force camps. 


    Multiplying Force archetypes are generally:

    • Defender
    • Controller
    • Mastermind
    • Corruptor

    Raw Force archetypes are generally:

    • Blaster
    • Brute
    • Stalker
    • Scrapper
    • Tanker
    • Dominator
    • Sentinel


    This doesn't mean no Raw Force archetype has Multiplying Force powers or vice versa, its just a general design parameter. 


    In general, Raw Force archetypes are allowed to do things for themselves and Multiplying Force archetypes are allowed to do things for others and sometimes also themselves. Where you get into an arguable degree of brokenness is when 1) the Raw Force character no longer has a need for the Multiplying Force character (Force Field e.g.) or 2) the Multiplying Force character is so good at Raw Force in addition to being a multiplier that it obviates the Raw Force version (e.g. Gravity Control on Controllers v Dominators, certain Illusion Controllers, OG Fire/Kin builds) or 3) the Raw Force character doesn't bring enough actual raw force to justify having traded away being a multiplier (Sentinels v Corruptor/Defender).


    You can quibble about some of these specifics, e.g. is Dominator control actually "force multiplication" (I'd argue usually no) and is tanking really a raw force mechanic (I'd argue that both ways). But just in general it's a rule that holds true about who is allowed to have what.


    This is broad and general, but really about the best categorization I think I've seen since I've been playing the game, and largely describes my own experiences playing the various AT's.  It's also relatively easy to grasp for the new player.


    Of course, there is vast granularity in how each powerset plays- even the same powerset within different AT's- so a more focused categorization is needed for that.  But I think answering the question of whether you're more interested in playing a raw force character or a force multiplier is a great place for the new player to start.

    • Like 1
  8. Okay, cool.  Wasn't anything going on anyway.  We still haven't got a big enough player base to have more than two people on at the same time, it seems.  Hopefully I'll manage to get a few more members at the faire tonight.  Keeping my fingers crossed! 🤞*


    *(This emoji that looks like a fat, yellow, rabbit with tiny ears, is actually supposed to represent crossed fingers).

  9. A little update on our base.  As before, green labels represent completed areas.  I've also added an orange label representing partially completed areas (the portal room is the only area in a partial stage of completion right now.  It's usable, but I still need to add the various greebles to spruce it up).  Still a fair bit to do, but I feel I've made quite a bit of progress:




    • Like 1
  10. 21 hours ago, Darmian said:

    See, what we have here is a situation where Lord Recluse is, to paraphrase ...ahem...the hero that Paragon needs, not the one it wants, but he can take it. A Dark Knight, a watchful guardian, a beacon of hope against the Battalion.



    (Goes and has a lie down) 

    Well, the good guys would be fools not to at least ally with them until the crisis is past.  Even Grant Creston has stated plainly that Arachnos soldiers are more highly skilled fighters than Praetoria's elite D.U.S.T. troopers.  Probably tied with Vanguard and Malta Group as Primal Earth's best warfighters.  🙏


    Then there's Longbow.  Kinda dopey and useless, but they don't mind hurling themselves to their dooms, so just toss 'em in there somewhere as a distraction.  😆

  11. I know you're looking for a detailed analysis, my cheeky Nosferatu friend, but the first thing that popped into my head when I read this was, "HULK SMASH!"  😆


    I'm suck at builds anyway, so a blueprint for how I make my characters would not be particularly helpful to those looking for maximum efficiency (which I don't care about, in any event) anyway.  What I typically do is slot for damage, resistance, and endurance.  I want to dish it out (dmg), take it(resist), and be able to keep the pressure on (endurance) to keep my rage bar full.  I also find room for the  two AT procs as soon as I can afford them.


    Works for me.  HULK SMASH! 🤷‍♂️



    • Like 1
  12. Most of my characters (where I have room in the description field) have the following in parentheses  (All RP except ERP welcome.  Walk-ups and tells welcome).


    Having said that, I totally missed that this was not allowed (Not that I object.  ERP has never been my bag).  I guess I need to refresh myself on the rules again.

    • Thanks 1
  13. I'd like to see some folks tackle it as a series of AE missions. 


    I know at least one person has attempted this (I tried their arc, and was not a fan, to be honest).  I don't think the concept is terribly dumb (at least, no more so than most comic book story arcs- many of which have involved invasions of sort, be it otherworldly, dimensionally, or what have you) but given that the Rikti have already survived a war with the Battalion, it's necessary to establish how and why they're a genuine threat (and accurately convey that threat in the missions- which was one area where the author of the mission I played failed to convince me).


  14. I also usually ignore clues.  This is because the mission generator does such a poor job of investigation/detective type play.  If it is possible to do a good detective story in AE (or if anyone knows of an existing mission that has managed to pull it off well), do let me know.  I would love to try it!


    I always look at the description of a custom mob/npc.  Sometimes an interesting description is there.  Sometimes the author hasn't bothered.  I'm always a little disappointed when there's no description.  Even 2 or 3 sentences is adequate, if it's flavorful.


    I notice good writing.  By this, I mean interesting dialogue, plot exposition, and humor.  Most of all, I mean correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.  I also notice bad writing.  Particularly poor and/or badly editing writing sends my level of immersion into a tailspin.  I will often abandon a mission if it becomes too pervasive.  I don't expect perfection.  After all, I make plenty of mistakes in my own writing.  But it has to be readable; the written word is the means by which we're experiencing the story and the world it takes place in.


    I don't care about souvenirs.


    What I'm looking for are interesting characters (especially the villains), stories, and a classic "comic book feel" I got from reading solo and team books from marvel and DC, back in my youth, in the 80's.  These can be self-contained one-shots, or a series of connected missions.  I also want them to be challenging; not too easy and not teeth grindingly frustrating.


    I'm sure accomplishing these things is easier said than done, but that's what I look for. 

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