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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. There is an ebb and flow to my game play build in part on time in RL.  Some days or weeks I have lots of time and will clock big hours.  Other times I will go days without even logging on.  Now I don't have hundreds of alts.  In fact I have a grand total of 17 level 50's and 17 more ranging from the mid 20's to the high forties.  A few were when new powers came out (Seismic Blast, Symphonic Control, Storm Blast).  Others were because I liked DP and tried several other combos of that.  A few were rebuilds of characters from Live.


    I do not farm.  if that works for you, awesome, I am not trying to start a thing.  But I don't so that means I am able to gradually level up due to the aforementioned not on all the time thing.  Once there as others have said I can find more than enough ways to be entertained.  Only two 50's are full-on Tier 4 Incarnates, the rest are all over the map.  I have One Badge Hunter but also try to work the general content badges on all of the as time passes.  Recently it was a two week binge of soloing all of the 50's through the Maria Jenkins Arcs and Tinas "Other Praetorian badge need" missions for Portal Doodle.  Others do Flashbacks thematically, one magic another tech.


    Then of course there is the team action, with the Nukems or with a PUG or speed runs with Blapperella.  There is more than enough content to keep me from being burned out.


    And then I start writing stories; six books totaling more than 600 pages per book based on my Munitions Mistress and her evolution which includes those characters I play in game.


    Its why I will never find myself in a position where I cannot think of anything more to do.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. Oh yeah, a lot of bugs smoothed out.  much better.  Export is so much improved including data chunk.  Secksi time is coming.  Thanks to all on the Mids Reborn project for their hard work and seemingly infinite patience with all of us.

    fistful of dollars hat Hot Sale - OFF 72%


    Please Note:  Using Windows 7 on a Laptop that might be 10 years old.

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  3. With very few exceptions, I always take a travel power.  Of those travel powers I take flight (including the Mystic Flight variant) the most, probably 5-1, followed by Super Jump then Teleport.  I have zero Super Speed though I have one character with that super speed from the Experimentation pool which is super faster than super speed (feels that way).

  4. 58 minutes ago, cranebump said:

    Yes they are. You get enough of them all kitted out, all running on the same team, it's just a snoozefest. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! (my turn again?) BOOM! (Hey--someone wanna snipe that runner the...thanks...)

    And sometimes, never use your alpha, anyone.

  5. My technique with my DP/MC Blapper is target the Boss, use Burst of Speed which is slotted with Procs, then unload Hail of Bullets with the defense buff.  Then snap off Burst of Speed two more times to get extra bump damage, then execute Eagles Claw while flipping backwards out of the mob then unloading Empty Clips then Bullet Rain.  Very little remains standing is at all.  With Ninja, I don't have BoS but its generally the same, swapping Eagles Claw with Golden Dragonfly.  Very defensible especially with Set IOs and leveraging the +DEF from Hail.  Di Di Guns and Two Gun Trixie have very few problems.

    • Like 1
  6. 45 minutes ago, Lusiphur Malache said:

    Popular opinion back then was that blasters stayed at range and melee was in case of emergency if a mob ran up on you.

    I was of that philosophy on live and even HC initially until I rolled a DP/MC and a DP/Ninja and they are Blaptastic and super fun.  Blasters are by design meant to fire primarily from range, their primaries mandate that.  The Secondaries and play style is where Blapping comes in, as well as Set IO slotting.  Some have more melee attacks while others have some attacks and some tools to enhance melee attacks, those are Blapper-centric.  Others, they are not conducive to mixing it up and now we are in the "only in an emergency zone".


    MC for example is all powers awesome on the secondary for melee engagement and survivability while Devised is the opposite end of the spectrum, the Anti-Blap.

  7. 1 hour ago, Rinwen said:

    Ya know, I thought the few comments about Symphony were some kind of joke, only to look it up and see that it's a real set 😲


    I then looked at YouTube and saw visuals of the powers... OMG that's my next toon.


    I  play Bards/Minstrels in every MMO, and Tyroc from the Legion of Superheroes is one of my favorites... so time to make an homage to him 😁

    Don't judge it by the sounds, they are wretched.  It is a good set once you become handy with the mechanics, especially once you get your pet.  Lots of cones but lots of proc opportunities and I enjoyed my Blue Aria all the way up to fifty and beyond.  I was however kidding about the S Class part, she aint that strong, more of an A in my opinion though others mark the set down further.

  8. As for the Old Community.  I don't know, Pierce Hawthorne was butt annoying and diminished several episodes.  The last season was pretty wretched to boot except for Keith David being added.


    Still, a bad episode if Community is better than the best episode of Big Bang Theory.

    • Haha 3
  9. I was a career blaster on live and somewhat on HC and I used to say that Debt was like a warm blanket to a blaster, you always knew it would be there and that in itself was comforting.  The Babes of War used to say my Epic Power was debt.  I should find my old sig graphic that had an odometer style counter spinning to measure debt.

    • Haha 1
  10. Again I totally agree with the first post from @Greycat.  The Shard is a very panoramic place that while a PITA to navigate around has a sense of wonder to it.  Let villains get in, absolutely; its not like they don't have dimensional portal traveling shenanigan ability (Technician Naylor, and of course Aeon).  It makes complete sense.


    The suggestion about tightening up the Task Forces is spot on . . . so many Defeat on the complete opposite side of where you are then afterwards the opposite side of where you are.  More missions, I mean there are a number of other aspects of Rularuu besides Faathim and Ruladak represented.


    Story content - Maybe they get into what the Factory Cubes are, or what creates the Reflections.  Chularn the Slave Lord , or Aloore the Watcher (I cannot remember the others offhand without digging around in the Wiki) would make for nice additional EB or AV enemies to fight.  And if you consider the AMA Lore coupled with the aspects and ramifications of the Who Will Die SSA, the Shard will have played a significant role in the Incarnate vs Battalion Coming Storm (TM) shtick.  Plus there is always a Nemesis Plot (not available in all locations, sorry Tennessee).


    as for Kora, the only Kora I know is CORA, the AI computer that helped Starbuck deal with that abandoned Colonial Prison on Proteus . . . but I digress.

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  11. I am not a marketeer (lack of patience, skill or desire to improve either), yellows are the ones I actually sell the most.  Most of my recipe crafting demands white and orange so that's what is in the lockers less 5 of each yellow type.  All of my alts restock the bins as they get and sell what remains.  Yes the slowness and impatience does occur with me, becuase when I am on my crafter, I dont want to wait very long to complete my crafting so I will put a higher bid in at times.  But its not that slow so its rarely an issue.

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