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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. Most of the time its Flight.  Straight Flight with Hover, especially with my Blasters.  Magic themed characters or ones that I am leveraging Rune of Protection on go Sorcery because Flight.  I have a handful of Super Jumpers.  I have a few with teleport but not as a travel power.  Interestingly enough I have one with that speed run deal from Experimental Pool.  Seems so fast, faster than Super Speed which I also have zero characters possessing.


    Part of the deal is that with flight I get other utility taking hover for hover blasting as well as a LotG Mule (also maybe a Karma KB).  Sorcery gives me the bonus rune option if I also take enflame or bolt.  Ironically I take Hasten all the time.

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  2. I am looking forward to it hoping that they give Ms. Marvel some of her joy back.  The absence of fan girl joy in the series and a lot of episodes of not fun really wrecked a great opportunity.  Seeing the Bollywood-esqe dance scene in the trailer and knowing the interaction with her family seen in the trailer and the end credits of the finale of Ms. Marvel says some excellent fun.

  3. Sadly my fondest memory was the shutdown.  Let me explain.


    I started playing right out of Beta, I wasn't a Beta person but started playing days after it went live.  I had tons of fun and have hundreds of great memories, most of which were with the Babes of War on Freedom server.  I made many friends in game and had thousands of laughs.  Glorious fights against evil and silly moments doing pool parties in Steel Canyon.  Friendship and fun was what defined things.


    But about six or seven months before the shutdown, shit got real ugly in the SG and certain people's negative personalities and general hatefulness began to erode things.  This caused some to stop playing on Babe teams or avoid those that were the troublemakers or just outright left.  I was a senior leader at the time and myself was unable to fix it, and to a degree I was part of the problem.  More and more the senior leadership was openly tearing each other and thus the group apart.  And I stopped having fun so I stepped down, and it hurt because I was leaving several good Babes at the mercy of the one truly toxic Babe.  My play time decreased and even though I stayed in contact with the ones that were my friends that were still in the Babes, that began to stop too as my bitterness would infect them.


    Then the announcement of the shutdown and the fondest memory.


    I and others who had left were re-invited to the SG as we all congregated in Atlas Park.  We digitally hugged it out and buried hatchets and even if some of the words said weren't fully sincere or even forgiven we all chose to go out as friends, thinking about the good times we had rather than the bad times.  Just writing this now makes a knot form in my throat.  Its just a game yet it really did impact me; then and now.

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  4. A lot of my choices are on this list though I disagree with others..


    Baldwin as the Shadow worked, great movie with a bad rep.  Plus the Rondo Hatten look alike guy. Glorious.

    Stewart as X absolutely, even if Stewart wasn't known for the bald look he was still the best choice.

    Reynolds as Deadpool (the good Deadpool not Origins), had my doubts until I saw it.

    Hemsworth as Thor, straight knockout.

    Bernthal as Punisher.  Absolutely. Hate him in every thing else he's done but he nailed Frank Castle.



    Snipes as Blade; well 1 and 2

    Michael Colter as Luke Cage. He nailed it, Ultimates style.  Cool as hell.  Him and Bernthal are the only two I really think got their characters in those Netflix runs.


    And I know this was supposed to be best but sometimes I cant help myself.  The problem is, the two most iconic super heroes I feel they have never gotten right totally, in large part due to the dual nature of their identifies.


    Superman - Never worked, regardless of who is playing and this includes the old TV show.  Nerd glasses and clumsiness isn't enough which is why Christopher Reeve wasn't that good (sorry but he isn't).  George Reeves was doughy and while he was probably the closest to how a Clark Kent should be, when he was suited up I was like . . . wrestler.  Nick Cage!  Thank god it was just that small cameo in The Flash.  Henry Cavil is terrible as Clark and average as Supes, supes is not a brooding mook, that's Batman; stay in your lane dammit.    Honestly Brandon Routh really sold Superman side (the airplane rescue is still one of the best superhero scenes of straight heroism ever), and was a decent Kent.  Honestly if they could mash G. Reeves Kent style into Routh's Cape style that would work.


    The GD Batman is harder still.  Look from a nostalgia standpoint I love Keaton, but as Wayne, not good.  The whole you wanna get crazy scene as Wayne in the original, is so forced and all of the Wayne scenes are that bad.  He's still my number one but they didn't get it right.  West was camp and that doesn't make it bad since Batman comics of the time were camp, the villains, the ones in or not in the comics were camp, the joker being the top of the list.  We only give them depth now in hindsight and decades of tweaking and retcons.  But his camp wasn't good.  Plus doughy and not intimidating.    Kilmer.  His Wayne was okay, but his bat was sub-par.  Clooney had perhaps the best Wayne, the dark and brooding has to be switched off when not the Bat otherwise people start to really suspect.  Clooney pulled that off.  His Bat... meh.  Bale's Wayne is terrible because of the aforementioned blurring of the brood.  His Batman was pretty good, perhaps the best if it wasn't for super gravel voice; unnecessary.  Affleck.  Wow.  How many superheroes can you eff up.  Stop casting him.  He was Wayne more than the Bat in his outings and to be blunt, his Wayne wasn't good.  So again, Batman would be a hybrid of Clooney Wayne and Bale Bat with less gravel voice.


    Hale Berry as Storm was such a wrong choice.  That should have been Angela Basset.  Do not use her Wakanda role as the basis for why I say this.  Look at Strange Days (a really underrated film).  She is tall, toned and in shape yet still feminine and captures Auroro Monroe's look the best, regal, commanding.  Berry's version was a team mate, an also member with a few quips.  And don't get me started on Catwoman, she is the Affleck of female super heroes.


    P.S. I didn't miss Pattenson's Batman; everybody missed Pattenson's Batman.  Wretched.

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  5. I don't have hundreds of alts so none are truly retired.  a couple (and I mean like 5) were moved to Everlasting because I wasn't into playing them any more but were at a level where shit-canning them made me feel bad.  So when Excelsior is down, I go to Everlasting and play my Arachnos Soldier, or that psi/psi Blaster that is still slow as balls even after the changes.  I have one (1) 50 who only gets pulled out when the Nukems do Creepy Children of the Dammed Illusion Monster Pull Events.

  6. Somebody didn't talk to the scientist first if you ask me.  I have never seen the meteors not clickable unless someone forgot to talk to the scientist (unless something has changed).  Honestly I always talk to science guy myself just in case.


    I have no input regarding posi 2.

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  7. 12 hours ago, Dona Eis Requiem said:
    • Ooh, imagine a huge mansion with all the defenses of a real crime boss.  Could be an interesting end-game of a 'Family' related arc.
    • Thrown in some 'Big Trouble in Little China' scale of epicness for an EB/AV fight with the Tsoo.
    • The Warriors? IDK why but I picture there main hub as an old tower ruins somewhere in Striga (maybe by the cemetary) that has ancient underground tunnels (not caves, more like old stone aqueducts in the Roman style) that they use for smuggling. 

    ANyone who references Big Trouble in Little China is okay in my book.  As for the Family, I could totally dig the Battle of Villa Requin

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  8. 2 minutes ago, GastlyGibus said:


    My main issue with the Magic Man arc is that it isn't specifically to do with the Family. You could just as easily slap the Tsoo, the Warriors, or even the Sky Raiders into that role and it'd be pretty much the same. The Family's involvement in that arc is purely incidental. 

    Or is it 🙂

    The Mano Nera is always scheming 🙂


  9. First off I know that both groups are Facists and that the 5th column now are not the original 5th Column who were agents of the Nazis (Ubelman the Unknown).


    It doesn't matter when I am heading for Paragon University, see that 5th Column span there right along the fence by Wentworth's.  I always stop to defeat them all then shout "Stupid Nazi's".  Its my thing and it makes me feel good because in large part, at least to me, anyone who spouts hate without reason, is a NAZI.

  10. To @GastlyGibus, the Family was clearly supposed to be the general organized crime family McGuffin like the real Mafia or Marvel's Maggia, but you are totally right about not having any real signature bosses.  With that said, the villain side content relating to the Family gives them a little more depth (Marcone, Verandi families) and of course Sebastian Frost.  But there are pieces of good Family lore and general "hidden hand" substance throughout including the Magic Man Arc from Sheldon and The Redemption of Alexander.  But yes, the could easily be upgraded in presence in stature in IP.


    The Mooks if memory serves me right were like a lesser rival organized crime family that maybe had former members of the mainline family (Falcone I think).  Ben a while there.


    To @Sakura Tenshi, the Sky Raiders really get a good deal of play especially in the Admiral Sutter Task Force.  CoV really upped their game with The Mantis SF and having the Sea Base.  Before that Terra Volta 1 or Striga all lame and having no good material.



    Although I still don't get the logic of Primal Duray siding with Praetorian Duray considering he defected and took most of Vigilance with him because he didn't want a world where super powered individuals ran things.  Then again the same could be said about Roger Vrabel's Malta Group siding with capes in certain mission content, it contradicts their canon but whatever.


  11. 15 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    Adding a story arc dealing with the 'disagreement' between the two groups over smuggling would be better, but that would take more development and would need a contact to offer it.

    You wouldn't hear me complaining.  I have always considered Striga to be a weird thing.  Hess was awesome the first few times and Moonfire is what it is, a way to quickly clock wolves and vamps.  Things seemed to be just shoved in there because they needed a place.  I mean Sky Raiders?  Banished Pantheon?

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