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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. 7 hours ago, smnolimits42 said:

    Ok i saw a character named Cruel Summers.  What would be some power options ??  Now he had Rad/Energy blaster.  

    I can see a whole slew of capes using the Bannanarama theme


    Shocking Venus (their cover of Venus by Shocking Blue)

    First Degree a fire anything (Love in the First Degree)

    Waterloose water balst of aweseome (they covered ABBAs Waterloo on a 25th Anniversary album also the Erasure cover on that album was also good).

    • Like 1
  2. I saw it, it was fine.  3.5 out of 5.  There were some funny moments but the thing is it was different than what's been shoveled out as of late.  Sure there was a message but I didn't feel bludgeoned to death by it.  America Fererra actually had the best written and acted character followed by Robbie.  Not enough Kate McKinnon and too much Ferrell (totally agree on the Mattel scenes less the part with Rhea Perlman's character).  Gonna see Blue Beetle this coming weekend because friends said while its average from a story standpoint, the characters are fun and funny and there is heart like the first Shazam.

  3. 1 minute ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

    Hate the MMS if you want, but you haven't lived until you and your flying formation of killbots swoop down on some foes.

    Oh no I don't hate MMs, have 4 myself (not bots though).  But yeah, flying robots are like like freaking Robot Apocalypse Now with Wagner playing and Colonel Kilgore saying I love the smell of Pulse Lasers in the morning.



    • Like 1
  4. Funny I wasn't ever bothered by it because I had almost never seen it used, probably as much as Whirlwind, I never needed to see Null the Gull for it.  Then I read this thread then do a Numina Task Force with a Bots MM who pretty much had it on all the time and it totally messed me up.  I asked them to turn it off at least in mission and they did so, but damn.  When I got done I brought all 32 of my primary alts to Null to get it turned off.

    • Haha 2
  5. The Hellions are straight up fodder.  The Skulls used to be like that until they added the Superadine RIng story arc which gave them more depth and a bit more menace to them.  Their revamp to include the Death Dolls and Death Walkers and the story's to go with it made them step into the playable story enemy realm.  Conversely trying to shoehorn a second low-level fodder faction into a content change seems like a wasted effort.  Plus when one understands that the Circle made a pact with the Prince of Hell, the Circle gets to be the increasing level devil lovers.


    The Warriors, if you do the Redemption of Alexander Arc you get some details form them and when coupled with Mortimer Kal TF, they have a little more depth.  I still think they are lame; they need some powered boss types like the Tsoo have (magical warrior artifacts or maybe even getting small doses of low powered incarnate energy).  Or lean into the mthology a bit and add some female flair (stolen from say Cimerora template) with Oracles and such like they did with Girlfriend from Hell.


    Outcasts.  Hollows.  Nuff Said.  Boring and I am tired of dealing with Frostfire . . . everywhere.


    Trolls . . . me have body by Superadine.  We are given a little more troll flavor in the Lords of Death Skull Arc.  And if you do he Hollows and the Cavern of Transcendance a little more.  But really they are essentially drug addicts.  So unless someone wants to lean in and go hard on making them rage-filled murder thugs who rip arms off and beat you with them, move on.  You give them say an unrelenting pursuit thing like those Ghouls in Praetoria but capable at resisting and regenerating, or you create some unique bosses.  Or at least give us some depth story wise.  I used them as a minor plot device in book one of the Munitions Mistress series (edited somewhat due to liberal use of the F-Word):


    For a second or two I thought I had made a mistake asking, he looked like he was going to go off, but that lasted only a few seconds.  “Freaking Superadine.  Freaking Trolls.  They was bigger and stronger so we got our asses beat.  But unlike the old days, those green fuckers didn’t stop.  Billy was stabbed through the chest with some freaking rebar.  Manny, Man Hittin they freaking cut his head clean off.  The Brawler almost made it, almost had that freaking Troll leader, Grondor or Gundor or whatever the hell his name was.  But crazy guys like to fight in groups, so they ripped him apart . . . literally pulled his arms and legs right out of their sockets.”  He wiped his eyes a little and looked up at the ceiling. 


    I actually felt bad about asking, “Sorry Jimmy, I didn’t mean to.” 


    He waved me off.  “Nah, nah, the Doc says it’s good for me to deal with my issues.  So anyways, me and the Islander escape, but we are pissed so we do the only thing we think we can do.  We get us some Superadine.  We figure, it gave those mooks powers, it should increase our powers right.  Of course, we weren’t doctors, hell most of us didn’t graduate high school, so we had no idea what would happen.  Oh, but that first hit was freaking fabulous, I mean I dead lifted a freaking Mack truck and tipped it over like it was a freaking Tonka toy.  And the Islander, forget about it, that guy could already knock a Rhino out, and I mean literally, we got drunk, went to the Bronx Zoo and he knocked a freaking Rhino out.  So now it’s on and we head back to the Trolls turf, and we murdered them all, like a freaking hurricane."

    It's all about story with all of these factions.

  6. 45 minutes ago, cranebump said:

    And Whips and Chains as an (after hours?) attack set.:-)

    Totally down with a whips power set.  A short range Blaster set or I suppose it could port as a a control set.  Weapon customization would allow for things like chains, or barbed wire, or if you are being fanciful a feather boa or a snake (snake whip!).  Mmmmm . . . Whip Mistress Becca demands to be creeated

    • Like 1
  7. First an foremost I agree with everything @Greycatposted in their first post.  The Legacy Chain are a wasted group in large part becuase they were supposed to be good guys vexing Villainous players.  If they had been given the level of attention with regards to complexity that the Circle has, they could be something.  But as enemies, meh, they were the magical Wyvern and stopped mattering after I took down the Sea Witch.  BP got all that DA-Mot material so they can eat it.


    The Mu are interesting when you really dive into the Blood War regarding the Oranbegans and the Muvians back when Ermeeth and Hequat were pissing and moaning with each other.  We are talking real opportunities to broaden the mystical-occult aspects (including leveraging the Mot material since Teliekeiu (sp) is involved.  But the Mu as a group, meh, they are edge dressing.


    But I love the Circle.  Oh I hate them, fighting them is a pain in the hinder at almost every level.  Ruin Mages, ToHit Debuff, hard locks, early and often made them a challenge.  To be honest I would intentionally soldier certain characters (primarily magic origins) through the Circle content because I got a real feel of accomplishment.  Later they are still pains with the Succubus and Death Mages.  As has already been said, some of the missions are brutally annoying because of dumb crap like find the bajillion books but the stories are really well written, some of the best of the Blue Side content.  They are a persistent enemy that engages in grand evil schemes from start to finish.  And again, so much potential for additional work (i.e the previously mentioned Oranbegan-Mu war).  



  8. 49 minutes ago, Panache said:

    “F-bomb” isn’t a slur, it’s a sanitized reference to a swear word, curse word, whatever you want to call that kind of phrase, but it absolutely isn’t a slur.

    I am a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, the F word is a noun, verb, adverb, preposition, proper name, flavor of food, shade of a color and in general the best, multi-purpose word ever invented by humanity.  Use it.  Use it often and feel joy in your life.

    • Thumbs Up 6
  9. I have 30 on my main account on Excelsior (15 of which are 50s) and 5 on Everlasting plus 7 on my alt account.  I play all of the ones on Excelsior at least a few hours a month while others are more often.  Everlasting is dumping/full retirement so I only log to refresh the basics, generate Inspiration and sell and play when Excel is acting cranky.  And while I would love to get my namesake character name back on Excel, I do not expect to so I honestly don't pay attention to the name release thingy; the rules by which they would be possible released are too . . . stringent; no level 50 inactivity release would likely be what it took.

  10. On 8/2/2023 at 7:42 PM, lemming said:

    Used to be a cafe, but then a bunch of speedboaters kept splashing the customers, which caused the cafe to close, but their request for help still wound up going thru with the city putting the wall in.

    And maybe its not a jewelry store selling diamonds but fun cupcakes with shiny sprinkles on them.  Then the wall makes total sense because soggy cupcakes are as sad as clowns on velvet.

    • Like 1
  11. 13 hours ago, OmegaOne said:

    The main reason I would like to see Wind Control is that it would be a new Control set. Controllers and Dominators could use a little love. 

    Yep, Wind, Water, Time and Chaos, those are my top 4 Controller dream sets I'd like to see.  Three of them seem self-explanatory but Chaos is my dream.  Work with me here.


    The powers are random.  Yes they do follow the basic pattern; ST immob, ST Hold, AoE immob, etc. (with variance).  But the trick is the effect is random.  Fire the hold once and its ice, fire it again and its dark.  You can still depend on it to the degree where it will hold or immob.   BUT, every once and a while true chaos occurs.  maybe it doesn't hold but just immobs or maybe it clears a lock, or heals them.  Nothing crazy to where its play/team breaking but the aspect of variance would make the set very unique.   I have a ton of other things that I have thought about with this but you get the point, let your imagination run wild.


    And that cats and kittens, that ability so stop and "imagine if" powers or stories, that is why I love this game.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 34 minutes ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

    I think that might be part of the reasoning to NOT focus on getting a working set out of it, "it's already been done over there and we're not trying to copy anything, so we're going to do our own thing over here."

    I would think that since Wind was at least partly in the code at shutdown, the stance of "individual lanes of creation" wouldn't apply.  I honestly don't like that concept as a whole as is tantamount to simply giving up when it makes total sense to implement (synergy, comic booky, fun).  Thunderspy wasn't the only one that put in Wind Control, one of the others (maybe Unity) also had it sort of up and running (it was super broken though).  Now if there was like unique art (like the Knights MM power set on Thunderspy) then I agree with not copying someone elses work there.


    47 minutes ago, Scarlet Shocker said:

    The sound FX are awful - made my ears cringe

    Yeah, but that can be altered.  Then again that didn't stop the from deploying Symphonic (Symphony) Control with terrible sounds instead of sounds that were symphonic.

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