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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. Love my Widow.  I didn't at first until I realized I needed to decide on what I wanted her to be.  From there things got way more fun.  Now my spider, yeah I have kind of stopped leveling her because when I look at the numbers in Mids, even stacked with Set IOs, she sucks.  I don't want a crab or a Bane I want a Huntsman and in choosing to go that route I also chose to gimp myself.  Se la vie.  So she got shipped to Everlasting at level 38 and sits there earning Day Job credit and played when Excelsior is down.  I know people can make these cats te ubar but not I because I don't do purple, unless its a suede bolero jacket or frosted tips but not recipes.

  2. If my memory serves me right didn't the badge for Zeus Titans (not Kronos) require it to be from when two Herc Titans combined? like you had to get two down low to get them to combine?  I mean I could have been drunk, or am drunk now but I mean MonkeyWrencher says combination of two damaged Hercs but then wiki says just finish 50 Zeus.

  3. Where I work, you cannot fathom the amount of Nerds, Geeks and Dorks there are, hundreds of them.  They outnumber the normies by a wide margin, like 20 to 1.  And they are in charge and its not a Tech company.  You will find people arguing over Space: 1999 there.

  4. I am a Geek by modern definition in large part because i have no issues with social interaction (Navy training sir!).  I have seen me a few true old school biting the heads off of chickens, hammering mails into their nose geeks at carnivals in North Carolina and Florida back in the seventies.  Trust me, you don't want to see those dudes in bustiers and platform boots.


    Also I still question weather or not they were truly qualified to perform routine maintenance on a Tilt-O-Whirl.

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Snarky said:

    yes I seem to recall an old history lesson where it was important for the Nile to flood the areas to revitailize the soil.  We have a similar issue in America now that the Mississippi has been "tamed" and the once rich land around it is deteriorating.


    Still, you could have spent the resources on ANYTHING besides a giant tomb lol.

    Well Davenport, Iowa always seems to flood whenever the Mississippi even coughs, so their soil must be super rich.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, srmalloy said:

    Ahh, another victim of careful photography. The Pyramids at Giza are nowhere near as isolated as most popular photos make them out to be. The Pyramids are surrounded on three sides by the city of Giza; the Oberoi Golf Course is a few hundred feet away, as is Mena House, an upscale hotel. The classic photo of the Pyramids is shot from the south, and typically includes a broad swathe of sand in the foreground to suggest that they're deep in the desert.

    Yeah that was a shock to me as well when I visited during Desert Shield.  Also couldn't believe the amount of graffiti and soda cans inside the pyramid.  Or the children rooting around the dumpsters several hundred feet in front of the Sphinx.

  7. 6 hours ago, Michiyo said:

    Has the wiki been stable today (other than the 2 minute server reboot)?  Just trying to make sure everything seems to have settled with the hardware migration.

    It seems so but I am at work so cant really surf my little Beamer heart out like I do at home when I am drunk and feeling silly. 🙂

  8. 5 hours ago, Charming Aloof said:

    Brighid Moreira the (City Representative) in the Atlas Park City Hall.  As she used to handle the cape and aura missions for heroes, she must of heard of a few stories.

    This right here.  She still does cape and aura and I can think of nobody better.  She's seen them all come in and out.

    • Like 2
  9. On 6/11/2023 at 11:04 AM, Oubliette_Red said:

    Um, Regen. My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the girl who overheard it talked about at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it’s pretty serious.

    Thank you Simone.

    • Haha 2
  10. Clearly there is a Greek Mythology thing going there as it is all over with the Warriors.  Golden Fleece, Plato's Books, Kraken.  SO factoring out a Pandora's Box which is in Talos already and a City of Gyros, there could be some fun Greek themed silliness.  Maybe a restaurant called Oedipus Tex-Mex, Spartan Furniture (word play is fun!), Olympic Tan.  Man I could do this all day.

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