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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. 7 hours ago, Akisan said:

    That, and I'm pretty sure his fangs always do that sparkly, pretty guy smile shine... even in the dark.

    Like Steve Trevor from the OG Wonder Woman show first season.


    You go Lyle Waggoner!

    • Thumbs Up 4
  2. 1 hour ago, JasperStone said:



    OMG I cannot wait to get home and listen to this (No speakers or headphones allowed at work)


    then again reading video game forums are sort of not allowed either 😕

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. Well.


    First off, I enjoyed the movie.  Not perfect, had some slow moments but fun and definitely something different than the bulk of the crap that has been shovelled out there as of late.


    As for Barbie toons.  about 8 months ago me and a number of other Nukems created a goof supergroup called Barbie's Funhouse (Barbie's and Ken's welcome, sorry GI Joe) and had Barbie named toons, some of which were around even before we did it, Kick Fighter Barbie, Riot Buster Barbie, Ball Breaker Barbie.


    This morning when I logged to check on my market transactions I got the alert that she had been Generic'd.  Same for the bulk of the group (all of the ones mentioned above).  Does it suck.  Sure.  But hey, I get it.  But that kind of muddies the idea of the whole someone narc'd the names out (as alluded to above) because I hadn't logged onto her in more than 15 days.  But again, whatever, it was meant to be funny and it was and now I shall move on.


    Besides, life in plastic is still fantastic.


    Of course I need a new name.

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  4. Grandville.


    And Cake Room Caves


    But mostly Grandville.  When CoV came out and I was leveling up the Munitions Mistress I was enjoying the different feel of many of the zones.  I was willing to accept big long haul maps like Nerva, or jumble ruble zones like Mercy outside the walls.


    Then I arrived in Grandville and within less than five minutes I was like "I am never rolling another villain again", eff this place.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. Last night on Excelsior it wasn't subtle or minor, some cat popped on and dropped what amounted to a paragraph worth of racial slurs, specifically the N word connected to the classic stereotypical associations with that word.  I reported then blocked.


    For me its been about six months since I saw a blast of suck like that.  As others have said, its not common and the community reacts appropriately then moves on.


    The key is reacting appropriately before moving on otherwise the foolish assume that silence equals acceptance.  They begin to believe that more people than there actually are agree with their words and over time become further emboldened, and as is the nature of humanity as a whole but especially the online world, some will begin to believe that it is acceptable, that its no big deal, that its snowflakes getting butt hurt.


    Evil must always be challenged, fought and defeated and in a game based on heroes, it should be even more so.

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  6. 17 hours ago, Herotu said:


    If you'd have said sister, I'd have believed you.

    I have a two inch scar on my left buttock from the knife my brother stabbed me with fighting over the last Rice Krispies Treat.  Granted he also has a similar scar from the same incident.  True story.


    And in the end, the dog got the treat.  Mom was supremely unhappy with the mess.

    • Sad 1
  7. Back on live in the Babes of War, I lost a bet over something stupid and was required to make a Kheldin (which I didn't care for) and do so with the ugliest costume I could design with the dumbest name I could think of.




    Squid Markz LOL


    and the costume was wretched, made Clamor look like a beauty queen.  A lot of green and that silly tin crown.

  8. These special icon thingies, especially now that they have changed again, are omens of ill times coming.  I fear Homecoming will be going away soon because whenever a TV show or government starts doing stunt events or deploying shiny things to distract the masses, things never end well; Just ask the Roman Empire or any show that did the "the show is set in a different universe/time/job while the lead is in a coma" bit.


    Unless you are in the First Ward, where you can literally jump the shark 🙂

  9. On 7/2/2023 at 9:31 PM, cranebump said:

    (don’t get me started on basketball, either-bombs away from 3-land, even though you’re not Steph Curry) 

    And don't forget, foul your opponent as strategy because they suck at free throw shooting and therefore improves your chances.  Breaking a rule to win is cheating.

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