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Everything posted by THEDarkTyger

  1. There are so many wonderful memories associated with the game that it's hard to pick a favorite. But if I'm forced: My first experience with the game back in open beta. I saw a link to the beta sign up and my thought was "Well, this looks silly. Still, it won't cost me anything to try it. I've got some time to kill..." Within my fist hour, I had decided I'd found my new home. It hooked me in that fast. While this memory in itself doesn't have much emotional weight of its own, it is the one without which all of my other great times with the game wouldn't have been possible. A simple whim on something that didn't really interest me, but I had some time to waste. God, I'm glad I "wasted" that time.
  2. Yeah, but he took it a step further and actually DID do a social experiment, basically proving what anybody with half a brain already knows. Which is that trolls are annoying gits. https://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/8108/random/playing-by-the-rules-of-twixt So because of him, we can actually say that trolls are scientifically proven buttholes. (Also, his conclusions in the actual paper show a staggering lack of understanding about how and why people play MMOs, which makes it even funnier/aggravating.) Which makes it sound like to me that his "research" was just an excuse to have his fun by being an annoying git.
  3. Honestly? "Social experimenting" is just a code word for "trolling" on the internet, especially in MMOs.
  4. I hope "that Korean company" sees this and figures out how stupid they were to close it. But I hope they don't see this because I'm afraid they'll try to shut it down if they do. Recent US laws, however, do make operating private serves of shuttered MMOs legal, so....
  5. Let's keep the snarky jerk replies to that OTHER game's forums, 'kay?
  6. I am with you, Tas. A lot of us are. I played since Open Beta and, aside from an absence in the middle due to financial issues I absolutely could not spare the sub fee during, I played til the servers shut down. I had begun to give up hope of ever seeing an active Paragon City again, resigned to only the Paragon Chat allowing me to walk empty maps. The news of this server nearly had me in tears.
  7. Virtue here. Minh Marcone, Thomas Darke, and a whole host of others. Member of the SG Codex.
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