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Everything posted by THEDarkTyger

  1. I don't think it's fair to presume that you can speak on behalf of all LGBT - I'm LGBT and I feel that it's the people who can't accept LGBT who should need to segregate themselves into a safe space. We exist, we're a part of Planet Earth, and they need to get over it and be decent to their fellow humans or go separate themselves until they can be. Should doesn't make is, unfortunately. There are still far too many bigoted idiots around, particularly on the topic of GRSM. Yes, the bigots should be the one having to seek shelter in their own little space. But they're not. As much progress as has been made, there is still a long way to go.
  2. Yeah, they do. Not full xp, but I have absolutely seen xp rewards when they drop.
  3. Oh yeah. I did play Champions for a bit. Tried to block that one out...
  4. Your subject line made it sound like this was something you saw happening all the time. What it comes down to is there are idiots everywhere, and encountering such stupidity only twice in six hours is actually an excellent sign of how good this community is.
  5. You....didn't say anything about playing for 7 years straight. You listed multiple in and outs, and, given the xpac ranges listed, none of which were 7 years straight.
  6. Two instances. Wow, what a pervasive problem...
  7. Pandaren first showed up in Warcraft 3. I don't recall them ever being an April Fool's joke for WoW, but I do recall after the first time they added new races ( Draenei and Blood Elves in the first expansion, Burning Crusade ), there were a lot of people clamoring for Pandaren to be next.
  8. Let's not insult people for liking a game that you don't.
  9. 43. Not counting early text MUDs, I started out with Everquest 1. I wasn't much interested in it, then one of my mom's ex husbands picked it up and had me play around with it a bit so I could explain it to him. I wound up hooked right away. I met my ex girlfriend through Everquest and moved out to California to live with her. While there, I got into the CoH open beta. I happened to see that applications for this new game were up and decided to sign up on a whim. It looked amusing, but not like something I'd pay a monthly fee for. Hooked big time. Over the years, I've spent time here and there in: WoW EQ2 SWTOR Rift Shadowbane Horizons ( Good god, there was a game that could have been great but was released in an alpha condition... ) The Secret World ( Decent game, SEVERE performance issues. Graphics were not optimized anywhere near well enough. )
  10. Slot up Swift and Sprint with 3 run speeds each and Ninja/Beast Run make a fair travel power in their own right. You can even toss jumps into Sprint and Hurdle. Though that's a big slot investment at that point.
  11. So did the rest of us. ;D
  12. Wow. You were too ignorant to learn how one mechanic work and just made assumptions, found out that things don't work how you assumed, so now you think the whole game sucks. Bravo.... You're a petulant child.
  13. That's the thing. Because 2 level 50 IOs can get you almost as good as 3 level 25s, that means you have a free slot to play around with. At that point it's about slotting efficiency and variety. True, in some powers it won't help because they only take one type of enhancer. And you should be focusing on kitting out with sets at 50. But in the mean time, mixing things up by changing out for level 50 IOs where you don't have sets yet can still be helpful.
  14. I know details aren't likely to be given, but now I'm curious what happened.
  15. Yeah. I I won't be buying any lifetimes before games release anymore. I won't be buying any Lifetimes before games celebrate their 1st anniversary, anymore. I REALLY feel sorry for the people who bought lifetime subs to Hellgate: London. Sad thing is, that wasn't a bad game. It was just released too early and, when it finally started shaping up, the Korean bank that gave Flagship their loan to get it off the ground decided to collect their collateral: The game license. And they shut it down.
  16. Not exactly a creative or original name, so it's no surprise someone got it before you.
  17. That's actually saying a lot, given how solo friendly CoH is....
  18. It's really not. You're implying that you feel it's selfish of people to ask that a trivial change be made to the game because of a physical limitation that caused them literal pain. That's kinda the very definition of being ablist. Ableist is the correct spelling of that. The definition of that is discrimination against people who are disabled. I hardly consider a headache a disability...but let's role with that. Then you're a jerk. I think you're grossly underestimating the severity of the pain people were being caused by this. It's a physical limitation, it's not up to you to determine what's not enough to be a "disability". You sound like one of those people who shout at someone parking in a handicapped space because they don't "look disabled"... Oh, and if you're going to be pedantic about spelling, it's "let's ROLL with that". You're whining about a change made to accommodate people with a physical limitation. That is textbook discrimination. And, no, many of them did NOT previously know they risked headaches playing the game.
  19. It's really not. You're implying that you feel it's selfish of people to ask that a trivial change be made to the game because of a physical limitation that caused them literal pain. That's kinda the very definition of being ablist.
  20. That's....rather ablist of you. And not even a remotely accurate comparison. It wasn't an "I don't like it" issue. It was an "It's causing me physical pain and illness" issue.
  21. Am I correct in remembering that there was a way to save your window setup from one character and load it quick on others? Did someone already give that and I missed it? What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
  22. This was exactly my experience. I'm baffled as to why he thinks more classes were solo friendly than that. Even the solo friendly ones took a lot more care than anything in CoH. Or any modern MMO. One small slip could turn a quad kiting druid into a dead druid FAST. A fear kiting necromancer whose victim ran in the wrong direction could equal a nasty train fast.
  23. Of course not, and literally nobody is claiming that they should. However, it does establish a basis of experience with the game when answering questions about mechanics and such. They can still be wrong, true, but it lends some validity to their statement. It's not saying "I'm a vet so I'm automatically right," it's saying "I'm a vet and I've more data on the situation."
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