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Would there be a way to make the toggle suppression dynamic based on how many toggles needed to be turned back on? Say, 2-3 seconds per power suppressed? Currently, 8 seconds is equal to, approximately, activating 4 damage auras. I understand that there needs to be some delay to prevent this change from being a straight buff, but that's a LOT of downtime compared to live if you're only retoggling one or two, which is a pretty typical gameplay experience. If the delay could be reeled back dynamically depending on how many powers are being suppressed, this would allow builds that rely on only one or two toggles to get back to fighting form faster while still keeping the delay so that toggle-intensive builds aren't being over-buffed by this change. If this isn't possible, I would at least reduce the duration of the lockout to something a bit closer to typical live timings, like 4-5 seconds. 8 seconds is heavily overcompensating and it feels like a number that was chosen with a small percentage of players in mind.
issue 27 Focused Feedback: Symphony Control
xColdxFusionx replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
I love the concept behind Symphony Control! As someone who has been around music for a long time, I love the idea of using The Power Of Music to fight my foes! That being said, we really need the sounds replaced with less dissonant effects. Enfeebling Lullaby and Confounding Chant in particular quite literally give me a headache. I don't want to think about myself or someone else with more sensitive hearing partying up with a Symphonic Control user for an hour-long Task Force and having to suffer through these effects. -
Focused Feedback: Seismic Blast
xColdxFusionx replied to Booper's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
Seconding this notion. Tombstone and Updraft in particular are absurdly large and disorienting, even as someone using it. -
Vengeance (Leadership) notes that you must be Level 14 and possess two Leadership powers to take Victory Rush. While this is true, I'm fairly sure this line was intended to discuss Vengeance's requirements.
The Fighting Pool has a mechanic where picking powers in the pool enhances other powers. However, as spammable pool power melee attacks, many of the effects advertised on these attacks are lackluster apart from the small increase in damage. This is a quick brainstorm of one way the set could be improved, and potentially encourage players to use more of these powers as part of their attack rotation. Do note that the ideas in this post include an additional mechanic where the powers check whether or not certain statuses are applied. While I am aware Stunned is a flag that can be checked, I am currently unsure if Knockdown/Knockback can be detected in a similar way due to how it works, so this mechanic may need to be revised. Brawl Increase the Regeneration and Recovery penalties to -25%. (Still less than most debuffs, but possibly worth noting.) Failing to proc a Brawl Synergy effect will not overwrite a successful proc. (Why on Earth is this even a thing?) If you have Boxing or Kick, using Brawl on a Stunned target will guarantee the Accuracy penalty (rattling the head). If you have Cross Punch, using Brawl on a Knocked Down target will guarantee the Regen/Recovery penalties (gut punch). Boxing Make the Fatigued kerning optional, as a customization option. (It's guaranteed to proc, anyway.) Raise Fatigue to -4 END and -10% Recovery against critters. Using Boxing on a Stunned target will perform an uppercut with a high chance to knockdown. (Using Super Strength's uppercut animation.) Using Boxing on a Knocked Down target will perform a ground slam with a very high chance to stun for a brief duration. (Using the two-handed slam animation from various melee sets.) Kick Make the Fatigued kerning optional, as a customization option. (It's guaranteed to proc, anyway.) Raise Fatigue to -5 END and -10% Recovery against critters. Using Kick on a Stunned or Knocked Down target increases the potency of the Knockdown effect into a small Knockback. Cross Punch Using Cross Punch on a Stunned or Knocked Down target increases the damage significantly. (Similar to Containment; +50%?) Using Cross Punch on a Stunned or Knocked Down target increases the potency of the Knockdown effect into a small Knockback. (...Tough and Weave are their own beast entirely and won't be discussed here.)
There's a very large assortment of random, functionally useless enhancements sitting around. Leveled-out DOs and SOs, Inventions crafted for Field Crafter, and other types of enhancements can sit around and clog up space in the inventory, and while some can be sold, others can't. This post is here to suggest an additional option for disposing of Salvage outside of just deleting it: the "Dismantle Enhancement" command. The suggestion: Add a "Dismantle Enhancement" command to the context menu when right-clicking on an Enhancement. This option would destroy the enhancement, but grant the player salvage based on what was destroyed: - Training Enhancements grant a random Common Salvage. - For DOs and SOs, it drops a piece of salvage based on their relevant Origin. (Natural gives Tech Salvage for this, while Mutation gives Science.) - For Inventions, the salvage dropped is based on the recipe that would normally be used to craft the enhancement. Inventions would also have a small chance to drop their recipe, if applicable; Attuned Inventions would instead have a higher chance to drop either a random-leveled recipe or a Catalyst. - Archetype Enhancements, Seasonal Enhancements, and other special enhancements (e.g. Hydra, Titan, Hamidon) are reduced to a completely random salvage, with a better chance of dropping Rare salvage than most. Hamidon Enhancements could also have a very small chance to drop common Incarnate salvage, but only if the player doing the dismantling has their Alpha Slot unlocked.
When loading a costume for use as a custom entity in Architect Entertainment, there is a very high chance that the color of the Bottom or Pants slot will be wrong; the original colors do not load, and new colors are chosen seemingly at random. It is unknown whether or not other parts are affected. AE's custom critter generator also does not load body scaling information from files, resulting in entities who are completely the wrong size and shape.
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In recent issues, Teleportation gained a new "Fold Space" power, which has a unique icon that was also given to similar powers, such as Warshade's Shadow Slip. One power that did not receive an icon change is Gravity Control's Wormhole, which currently uses the icon for personal teleports. While not strictly necessary, it would be appreciated if this icon was updated for clarity's sake.
"Unique" inspirations and Masterminds
xColdxFusionx replied to UberGuy's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Emphasis mine, but this is something I've seen come up a few times since I've joined this community: To the best of my knowledge, Masterminds were never meant to be a meat shield class. They're meant to be a support class along a similar line to Defenders or Corruptors, albeit in a more self-sufficient capacity thanks to coming with their own pre-baked ally party. The fact that they make decent tanks thanks to Bodyguard and pets as extra health bars is purely coincidental. With that in mind, giving Masterminds some sort of improved interaction with inspirations, such as being able to use them as mass buffs at even partial potency, would be both interesting and appreciated. Mastermind is the only class in the game that uses pets as its primary interaction source, and the fact that you can only buff one pet at a time when you have a team of 6 or more at your disposal means that Masterminds sit in a particularly strange position where a core mechanic of the game becomes not only more difficult to use for them, but also less useful overall - especially at higher levels - due to only applying to a small portion of the character. Such a change would likely require a serious look at the numbers involved, so I don't expect it any time soon, but it could be an avenue to look at in the future. Another potential version of this idea to consider: What if a Mastermind using an Inspiration gave each pet under his control a copy of the next stage down? (Using a T2 Defense inspiration would give the pets a T1, for example.) Again, some balance considerations would need to be made, as well as considerations for certain special enhancements (EoE and Ambrosia, in particular) but it would be an interesting mechanic to explore. -
Exactly what it says on the tin; the confuse applied by World of Confusion does not list a duration. This has been checked with the Blaster, Controller, and Dominator versions. As the ability accepts Confusion Duration Up enhancements, I suspect this is an oversight, even if the intended base duration is very small.
Exactly what it says on the tin; Dominator's version of World of Confusion has an Overpower proc instead of a Domination effect, despite Overpower being (allegedly) a Controller-specific gimmick. I talked this over with a friend, and we suspect that this error somehow slipped through the cracks on Live when the set was ported from Controller to Dominator. In any case, it's rather strange to have one power that ignores my archetype's primary gimmick entirely.
I'd like to preface this thread with a bit of a story. I rolled up a Mind Control/Poison Controller a few weeks ago. The concept was that she was a river spirit, who was able to generate and manipulate mystical waters in combat. I chose Poison specifically because I wanted to differentiate her from my /Water Blast Defender, and thought recoloring Poison to look like enchanted water would be a good way to go about capturing the "wily trickster" persona since it would make her less about direct damage and overpowering foes, and more of disabling them for her friends to clean up. ...In the course of setting up her default power customizations, however, I noticed a few... strange things about the way that Poison is set up in the power editor. ...On that front, I have three suggestions I would like to make in order to help the game more readily handle not only this concept, but a variety of other concepts that currently require some finagling: Suggestion 1: Allow Elixir Of Life's color scheme to be fully customizable. As currently implemented, Elixir Of Life only applies its palette to the particle effect spawned on the target; the poison globule that appears around the caster's hand is always the same shade of green. This strange inconsistency in how the power's effects are handled makes it somewhat more difficult to realize more out-of-the-box concepts like the above without an elevated level of Suspension of Disbelief. Please make this glob in "Elixir of Life" recolorable as per the particle effect. Suggestion 2: Add an alternate model for Poison Trap Poison Trap's current default model is... an explosive charge. A very high-tech explosive charge. Not only does this clash with quite a few character concepts that would theoretically use the Poison set, but it also clashes with several Poison powers that show the user breathing or spitting poison. An alternative model that fits for more Mutant, Magic, and Natural characters who naturally secrete poisons would be appreciated; perhaps one of bubbles or whirlpools from the Hydra fight in Death From Below could be used as a basis, or perhaps there's some other model or effect that could be used...? Suggestion 3: Add alternative casting animations to Poison powers We've got a few power sets with alternative casting animations that show characters either spitting fire or releasing it from their hands. As it currently stands, Poison has only one option for each power; many of these animations are even at odds with each other, with characters spitting out clouds of toxic gas in one animation and firing bolts from a wrist-mounted launcher in the next. Alternate animations for these powers would be greatly appreciated for those of us who want to have a more Technology-based character who creates his toxins in a vat on his back and sprays them out of his hands, or a more primal character who has mastered the art of spitting poisons from his venom glands. I realize that City of Heroes is a plate of spaghetti in the vague shape of a video game, and that some of these suggestions might be difficult or even not feasible with the way the engine currently functions. Regardless, I wished to pitch these ideas in the name of Making Cool Stuff, on the off chance that the dev team would be willing and able to spend a few cycles looking into these requests.
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Exactly what it says on the tin. It strikes me as rather bizarre that every other power under Bio Armor has a Minimal FX option to hide the strange growths on it... except Parasitic Aura, which forces you to suddenly sprout a life jacket whether you want to or not, especially when the power's flavor text has nothing to do with any sort of armor.
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Asymmetrical Shoulder Pieces Appear During Skulls Arc
xColdxFusionx replied to AustinSmith's topic in Bug Reports
While I'm not 100% certain if it occurs on this specific mission, Tail parts will also ignore disguises in many missions that apply them, with varying results. (I know for a fact that the Hellion disguise in the Galaxy City intro questline and the Longbow disguise in one of the early villain missions are affected by this; I was likely far more amused than I should be that this demon costume had a bright gold and green tail that would have given me away instantly.)