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Everything posted by Songseven

  1. apologies lol i had just logged off and everything seemed fine, but kewl, page 4!
  2. true.....i prefer provoking at least 3!
  3. yes, Elm has linked you proof, here's another couple
  4. yea i agree with many of you, certainly bigger issues than insp use, think its just an easy one to pick on, as i said earlier, been back playing regularly since around june, geared about 6 characters with incarn, 4 of them have been blasters...
  5. yea i wouldn't have an issue being unable to access email when in combat, in pvp zones and upon entering content. i started playing regularly back in june and when doing hami was surprised to see people explaining if they didn't have EoE's they could /AH handy, absolutely, but yeah, surprising...
  6. this is really going nowhere, we just have two different opinions about the matter.
  7. lol where i reside, its a strap used to tie down freight etc i believe in this context its being used as slang for "bad mood"
  8. no it hasn't lol the handicap allowing you to achieve this swiftly and easily has, sorry for your loss... you want the badge that badly and feel you can no longer achieve this solo without your incarnates, form a team, you want the challenge, adjust the settings, its all there.
  9. i know exactly how long these badges have been around, i was part of a group that was first to obtain this on Liberty from my perspective this was never intended to be a "solo challenge" however i imagine its still very possible, just more difficult without your incarnates, and you can still solo the content you wish. what exactly has been taken away from you?
  10. so you want a challenge, but also want the handicap removed that helps create this challenge...? and i am talking specifically about Mo* badges and of course you don't care about p2w/temps compared to incarnates, they make majority of content absolutely trivial.
  11. i think you're a little confused, the harder content is still there, with the use of the things you stated.
  12. sure, and can they still not do this? just without incarnates and p2w/temps.
  13. just clarifying what my interpretation was, no need to be so sensitive.
  14. but it was before incarnates were even a thing,
  15. i wouldn't consider Mo* as end game content, more of an achievement... one you can't complete with incarnates or temps
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