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Everything posted by Leo_G

  1. George Floyd is also a a criminal whose been in and out of jail for drug charges and robbing a pregnant woman at gunpoint. He was also trying to pass off counterfeit bills and was high on drugs. His *LIFE* didn't matter to any of you people, only his death. If we were civil, we'd be criticizing the "moron" that killed him and not martyring this ex-criminal. If we were criticizing those cops, we wouldn't have violence in the streets because the cops responsible are in custody standing trial. Justice is being served. Equating the rest to some kind of "race tally" is the height of racism.
  2. I did say "quick google search". If you want a story leaning to your political bias, search the stories yourself.
  3. Boston here. We are under different commands. I've also been informed other recruiters in Seattle are strongly advised not to wear their uniforms to work and are in business casual wear. I'm hearing other recruiting stations were told not to wear uniforms but are doing so because the protests didn't target their area but many recruiting stations are still in red status because of the quarantine so you probably won't see many soldiers not taking prospects to MEPs. You didn't catch anyone in a lie.
  4. Quick google search: https://www.firehouse.com/operations-training/news/21140391/va-police-chief-firefighters-blocked-from-house-blaze-with-child-inside https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-antifa-mob-planning-to-take-over-more-seattle-neighbourhoods The thing is, the riots have killed quite a few people over the wrongful treatment of one black man but you don't see protests against the riots. You also don't hear about the protests for David Dorn (or the backlash for his gofundme). You also don't hear about the statistics of black crime or the statistics of police brutality vs hispanics, whites or any other race. You also don't hear the complaints about the black business owners whose lives are ruined by these protests and riots. I could open your eyes to the information you're "blissfully" unaware of but the defensive mechanisms to treat us like people we're not responsible for our own actions is too strong. I, for one, want to be treated equally, not special. And no, parading the deaths of some unfortunate black people while ignoring similar circumstances because the skin tones don't match up isn't being treated equal. Again, I'm am absolutely sick and tired of people telling me how the black experience is, as if my (*black*) experience doesn't exist. Being constantly reminded that the "black" experience is one of violence, crime and death when I know damned well it is NOT and knowing full well that people that act wrongly are the people you are talking about and equated to. Imagine having your entire race being equated to the worst of your kind....oh, too late. I guess the media is doing that now...
  5. I suggest you remove "battle" from your vocabulary in this context. Either it's peaceful protest or it's not. You don't get it both ways. And I laugh at your accusation. But then I've got nothing to prove. You just have to look at Seattle.
  6. The uniform is the least of the problem, it's the overreacting populous that will pick any target they can feasibly reach. Or do you think a cop taking off their uniform suddenly makes them not a target? Even EMTs and fire fighters, people only they're to save your ass, are in cross hairs.
  7. Funny you mention solving problems. You know what I'm afraid of at this moment? Being an Army recruiter in a big city. We can't even wear our uniforms to work anymore 🤔🤔🤔
  8. Wholly an exaggeration. If you look at the statistics, the ones that make people gasp and clutch their bleeding hearts, yes, black people end up in situations with cops more often... And the commit more of the violent crime. No, I'm not saying all incidents are because of that, but the BLM movement is mostly hijacked by people with a political agenda. The lives don't matter, it's the death. If we truly cared about the problem, we'd be looking at the policing and not the color of the people being policed. I'll just go on the record and say I've never worried about being kill by a random cop. I fear some other crazy person wanting what I have and trying to rob me. It just so happens people of my own race might enact violence to get it.
  9. Yep, you've illustrated it quite nicely. Black death is the only avenue we're seen through. Not accomplishments, not success. Rather than seeking justice for all races who are victims, we treat blacks special for their victimhood, the contradicting statistics be dammed.
  10. The funny thing is, this is exactly why I don't support the sentiment. Because the only black lives that matter are the ones on fire, the problem ones and not the good ones that should be elevated and celebrated.
  11. As a black male, I appreciate you at least kept this sentiment out of my immediate sight. Although I'd have rather not noticed at all.
  12. Justified? Are you saying the argument has no merit? Well here's an attempt to help you share their perspective: once you get your IO build over soft cap and you've got a fair amount of resistance to survive most +4/x8 encounters without taking into account incarnate, what effects do you start focusing on? Do you take barrier? Do you aim for even more resistance? Do you pivot toward +Regen? ... Or perhaps you start to value +rech or damage instead? When you get a couple of effective supports like Time or cold dom, which effects do you stay to value more, survival buffs/debuffs or offensive buffs /debuffs?
  13. I'm in agreement but also I have some regard for the cottage rule as well. If I were adding something, I'd suggest a damage buff to one of its powers that bypasses damage caps. Like a power that adds damage procs /effects like Shock Therapy's T9 but better.
  14. And this is partly why, in the other thread asking why not do buffs before nerfs, I said to use logic. That the other sets can do stuff by level 4 is, in and of itself, not necessary but will instill the desire every set do what those sets can do. And because that desire exists, sets aren't allowed to progress differently, to excel at different times. Why shouldn't SR do whatever it is you're asking it to do by lvl 12 because other sets get it by lvl 4? Because it was a mistake to frontload those other sets to begin with. Same with Ice Armor. Does it make sense that Scrappers can protect themselves from energy attacks before a Tanker can? It's a mistake. But now it pushes efforts to front load everything or to eliminate any bloat purely for meta-gaming purposes.
  15. I'm trying to say that those resistances and protections are also parts of its primary mitigation tools. Either way, you're going to have to put something in those later slots and having them as a primary means you get the benefit of gaining them much sooner. I'd argue, even from a non-meta gaming standpoint, the content isn't so daunting that the curve the newer stacked sets (I frankly don't want to go into the unnecessary "buffs" sets like Ninjutsu got over the AT it originated on). So agree to disagree away. I'm willing to compromise (like setting Evasion in the level 20 slot) but why do sets need to constantly be pushed up when the content doesn't require it? It's starting to become an epidemic. Okay, some sets may need help (like Force Field, maybe Fire Melee could use some shaving...) but why would SR need to get revamped when it already performs great?
  16. I think the problem here is you're comparing powers in a vacuum. Shield defense has a portion of its defense debuff resist tied to a toggle that has no other personal benefit, and Ninjutsu gets their AoE def early? Well what about their KB protection? SR's powers being mainly a summation of defense layers is just the maturation of its particular set progression. If you disagree with that then I guess that's just where the argument stands.
  17. I'm in agreement. Having the the Evasion by level 20 like Brutes would be beneficial. As for getting all the +def late (because passives) I'd say is just a form of benefit moderation that comes with powers being set as a primary vs a secondary or vise versa. Them's the breaks.
  18. Well it took you long enough to distill your point down to worth which is mostly a subjective perspective. Whether tier 9s' effects are "stupid" or how fun they are or aren't is a subjective argument too. I like to hear solutions but yours sounds like it's solving an issue of preference but masked in objective reasoning. What argument could you make for improving the tier 9s beyond the fact that you don't want to take them and completely changing them would alleviate that tick in the back of your head about having a power you don't want go untaken? But then perhaps I'm also viewing things through a scope a bit further back and asking not only why some disadvantages attached are bad ideas but what changes have occurred to give players that perspective in the first place. Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to give every player nukes and high bonus recharge and access to capped defense at all times. Perhaps trying to buff everything up to a higher level just so the gap between the over performing and under performing ATs and sets wasn't the most well thought out solution. Maybe giving everyone access to even more of everything without any kind of catch by revoking the cottage rule and alter armor tier 9s to do different things isn't necessary besides checking off a box for people with OCD. All the way up until this point, I haven't made the argument about crashes or how bad they are, merely that they aren't a death sentence. It's funny because, back on live in some of the earlier issues, people posted about means of neutralizing crashes all together with their use of powers...I'm not saying that being able to do that suddenly makes the power's opportunity cost greater but it's a funny side-by-side to see the direction the game has shifted from trying to emulate super heroic feats with danger and price to mostly a parody of anything resembling danger or price and with the term "hero" thrown about like an empty title. Now, nothing has a cost and if it does, it can be mitigated and if it can't, it's not worth using (even if that price is just a longer cast time). I wouldn't ask to have the old game back but lament the goals and mentalities being used going forward will just make the game all the more cheaper and not worth playing outside of building a character and putting them on a shelf.
  19. Frankly, they made a lot of changes that didn't make a lot of sense primarily because their feedback mostly consisted of japanese players (who have different mentalities when playing MMOs). Not saying your Last Resort example doesn't make sense, but I wouldn't be using changes from launch to current in FFXI as a talking point. Not to mention, over time, the game was made to be more solo friendly. To try to use various balancing points from that game to reflect here, we'd have to go down an entirely different rabbit hole since this game and FFXI are *VEERY* different and the goals each game has is also different and has changed over time.
  20. The reason I say it's obtuse is because this isn't a circumstance where these particular opposites correlate on a spectrum to be relevant. On one hand, you have a power that has no cost and provides the minimum and is available to everyone and on the other hand, you have a power that grants you all of an attribute (or attributes) that the game allows you but through succinct conditions. The only spectrum that is relevant here is their level of effects applied. They don't apply the same effect, they aren't used for the same purpose, they aren't available to the same characters and they aren't balanced by the same limits. Why would you compare only using brawl to defeat an AV to using a tier 9 to survive a sticky situation? I can only assume it's because you're attempting to make a point but alas, it's as pointless to argue against as me arguing for some substantial change that will likely not align with the goals of another vocal subset of the community. If you wanted to make a *better* compariosn, why not make an example of a 10HP heal on a 1sec cooldown? Over 1000 seconds, it can heal for 10,000HP. Compared to a heal that can heal for 10,000HP but on a 1000sec cooldown. Of course, you didn't make that example because you'd be demonstrating the difference of a heal and sustain in this game.
  21. I don't mind this kind of thinking but to balance it, I'd just make it do a lot of damage (some foes have weird anatomy or can survive without their brain or heart or can recover from such attacks) and having very low accuracy (projecting a small force field right in the small space inside a person's body should be tougher) thus requiring lots of accuracy slotting/bonuses and +ToHit to maximize the power.
  22. In the other thread talking about nerfs and buffs and when they should happen and I made an example of Electric Affinity and buffs to Force Field, I had a longer portion of that part of the post that I deleted. I had a set of bullets of stuff they'd add to Empathy and Force Field, not to broaden their capabilities but rather to assist min/max faceroll/steamroll teams. The bullets for Force Field had +Absorb, damage, +damage, +rech, -resistance and -regen. I guarantee you, when they start doing passes for the support sets but don't reign in stuff like duration, target caps and so on, they will have to add copious amounts of at least 3 of those above because it has to approach sets like Time Manipulation. And people ask why you need to nerf before you buff? Because people would complain if the changes didn't get FF to approaching TM's capabilities but won't admit no one needs that much support anymore...unless it increases damage more.
  23. And your obtuse comparison really just goes to show how out of control some builds and build directions have taken this game. The only thing I (and the OP) are trying to portray is that some powers are situational. The way some portray these situational powers and then turn up their noses like they are just too good to ever waste their voluminous mental capacities (more like ego) on something so niche and situational is very similar to how bourgie people feel about regular food. And moreso how the "solution" used to countered is making the power even more accessible than having it at level 4. "Get rid of the crash and make the cooldown half of what it is and diversify the mitigations so it's not all just def or just res blah blah". Sometimes I wonder if you people ever listen to yourselves lol. FYI, I'm not advocating for having the tier 9s shifted down to tier 2s because that has a lot of various issues such as some tier 9s being more useful or advantageous to have earlier on while some other power in the set will have to take its place at tier 9 (delaying when you can get it). It's not a completely baffling idea considering on another server, they moved Controller pets up to around that level too.
  24. You can use crashing tier 9s without dying. I'd hate to make the lrn2ply argument but...learn to play. The main thing wrong with tier 9s is that with IOs, you get more sustained survivability than you'd ever get or need when tier 9s are available.
  25. I think you're missing the point though. Uptime wouldn't be the reason to pick them. Emergency Button is why you pick it up, even if you needed an emergency button every 10min but are limited to 10+ here, that at least takes care of 1 instance of needing that button vs just going to the hospital. And if encounters are challenging enough to get your team hospital visits, that just aids in the opportunity costs of long recharge powers since travel time will be used to regroup. And just because the power is off cooldown doesn't mean press it which further eats into uptime (uptime is really irrelevant...) Overall, the slower a team moves, the more likely you are statistically going to need an emergency button. If your team is moving fast, likely the encounters are breezed through.
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