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America's Angel

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Everything posted by America's Angel

  1. Ah okay. I was told no when I asked for a PvP tournament. Maybe it's different for base builders.
  2. Sorry to hear it. You've both done a lot of good for Homecoming, so give yourselves a well-deserved pat on the back. Especially for those base building contests you ran. I know how stressful they were, and how little support you got. Good on you both for sticking with it as long as you did. Speaking as someone who used to be a CR, the title doesn't really mean anything, so try not to worry too much about no longer having it. Your contests likely won't have GM support or gold title prizes now, but nothing else really changes other than that. I've still been helping the dev team implement PvP changes since stepping down as PvP CR, much as I did before becoming CR. And I'm still running/helping folks run PvP events. I imagine you'll both be able to do the same for bases. You'll still be representing the base building community as much as you were before. Nothing's really changed, and in some ways you're now freer to do things the way you want because you don't have anyone to answer to. Big hugs. And looking forward to seeing what the two of you do next.
  3. Active farming might be slightly slower post proc nerf. But not significantly. Players will still be able to level 1-50 in a few hours, and earn hundreds of millions of influence in a few hours. AFK farming might take a hit. Fewer procs means Atom Smasher/Spine Burst/etc do less damage each time they cycle, which means things die slower. Currently AFK builds clear the meteor map in around 7 mins. So that means there's a 3 min buffer. This 3 minutes might be enough to account for the extra time needed to clear the map due to lower proc-less damage. (Not entirely sure, will need to test.) However, things dying slower means the AFK farmer is taking more hits. Which mighy make some AFK setups no longer able to mitigate incoming damage. (Some, unlikely all.) Worst case scenario for AFK farmers - players will be able to just set the difficulty lower, and increase the number of accounts they AFK farm with to compensate. (3 per shard is the rule. So that's 15 total.) Farming will survive any proc nerf is my point. The HC devs aren't dumb. They are aware of this. So I very much doubt nerfing farming is a motive of theirs when it comes to nerfing procs.
  4. "Look ma, I'm famous!" Thanks for all the tickets, folks. 😅
  5. Makes the most inf/minute. Tank.
  6. Nah it's good.
  7. Looks good, Ston.
  8. The OP and builds it contains/links to, all still work the same in Page 7.
  9. Read the first post in this thread and the ones it links to.
  10. A) For 5 min AFK farming use map #51289 For 10 Min AFK farming use map #38973 B) For the bonuses. The only powers you use are the toggles, Spineburst on auto, and the three click incarnates every time you load in to the map. C) Procs do more damage than traditional slotting for this specific build. The fact they provide different types of damage (energy, cold, etc) is just happenstance and was not a factor in putting the build together. If the procs all did smashing damage, I would still 6-slot them in this build.
  11. @WyldeMoone @Derek Icelord Spines/Fire brutes are still viable. Especially for AFK farming. Have attached the latest builds. For the AFK build I usually advise picking up either the +HP accolades or P2W Regen buff. (Not 100% required, but helps reduce the frequency of bad RNG killing your farmer. Which can happen sometimes). AFK build is designed for 10 minute asteroid resets. If you're leaving them for AFK longer (i.e. in a cave map for 40+ minutes), then switch one of the procs in Spine Burst for an Armageddon Dam/End +5. The AFK builds in the first post of this thread (and in my other posts following it) can AFK farm fine. AA Spines Fire Page 6 ACTIVE.mbd AA Spines Fire Page 6 AFK.mbd
  12. Same with the CoT revamp, sadly. Have decided to retire my Mastermind. If they're not being taken into account when balancing enemy groups, then there's no point playing them. I'll stick with the ATs the dev team are balancing around.
  13. While it's true that the Fifth Column wasn't directly founded by the German National Socialist party, I'm not entirely sure that discounts them as being Nazis (or at the very least, Neo-Nazis). Mainly because Nazism is also a political ideology, as well as the name of a group. The lore document seems to support this theory, it has Requiem meeting with Hitler, carrying out his orders, and even frequently refers to the Fifth Column directly as Nazis. (It uses phrases like "The Nazi attack on..." instead of "The Axis attack on..." or "The Fifth Column attack on..." when refering to the Fifth Column's actions.) Also, in the "Beliefs" section of the lore document, it specifically states that the Fifth Column preaches that the US Government is "[...]morally bankrupt because it recognizes the rights of women, gays, and non-whites". This is Nazism, verbatim. From the background section of th Fifth Column page of the Homecoming Wiki. (Emphasis mine): Before they were taken over by the Council, The Fifth Column stood as the last remaining threat from World War II, a group of super powered fascists still fighting a war the rest of the world left behind fifty years ago. The Fifth Column has the nefarious distinction of actually triggering the United States' involvement in the war against Nazi Germany. Hitler first sent the covert super team to Paragon City in 1939, tasked with spying on and sabotaging US shipping and naval development. In 1941, as the navy's Atlantic Fleet mustered in Paragon Harbor with a convoy of supply vessels destined for England, the Fifth Column struck. The attack force destroyed dozens of ships and injured thousands before they withdrew into hiding. The Nazi spies spent the rest of the war wreaking havoc up and down the Eastern seaboard, fighting countless skirmishes with America's own heroes. Under the leadership of the ruthless and deadly Requiem, the Fifth Column killed hundreds and cost the US millions in war materials. In the closing months of the war they became desperate and careless, and heroes like The Statesman brought most of the covert cadre to justice. -- Reichsmann, the group's former leader, is from Axis America. From his bio on the Homecoming wiki: The Reichsman, an alternate version of Statesman, led the Amerika Korps, an elite super powered hero organization that helped preserve Nazi rule over the former United States in a dimension explored by Brian Webb. Intrigued by these other-worldly interlopers, The Reichsman captured Dr. Webb and his explorers, tortured them to death, and ended up extracting a great deal of data about Webb's home dimension. Data is all well and good, but the Reichsman decided he wanted to see for himself, and so he led Amerika Korps through the portal and back to Paragon City. Based on the above, I wouldn't want to say that the Fifth Column were just fascists who were aligned with the Nazis and did their bidding. Much like modern-day Neo-Nazis, they believed in the ideology of Nazism, even if they weren't members of a German Political party formed in the 1920s. This belief in Nazism typically is what defines someone as a Nazi. At least post-WW2. That's just my interpretation on it, though. I imagine others may differ. In terms of actual Focused Feedback, though - perhaps use this new contact as a chance to clear this all up? Maybe change the modern-day story slightly, saying that the modern-day Fifth Column has moved on from "putting up with" or "giving lip service to" the beliefs of their "former allies" in Germany? You could even riff on Homelander, here. In The Boys comic, there's a line where Homelander reveals he's not racist...but only because he views all of humanity as equally beneath him. So, the idea of placing humans on a hierarchy based on race is absurd to him. I imagine Requiem and the other Nictus types would view humanity the same way. If you took this approach, then the idea that the Fifth Column never really believed in Nazism (because they saw it as beneath them) could make a lot of sense, story-wise. That the Fifth Column used the Nazis to get what they wanted, but ultimately didn't share their White Supremecist views, would make them a great deal more palatable as contacts to do missions for. Just a thought. This could be a chance to "turn a bug into a feature" as they say. **EDITED TO ADD** For those interested, see attached for the CoH lore bible. It has lots of detail on the Fifth Column's Nazi ties. CoHBible.pdf
  14. Not a huge fan of the shortened animations for Bile Spray and Arctic Breath. They feel too short/snippy. The theme of the powers is getting lost. To compare: Live: Beta: The new, snippier, attacks just don't have that same OOMPH, you know? Some of the gravitas is lost. When I think of frost breath attacks, I think of Superman and Supergirl, who have always used these powers slowly as a signature move with great impact. (Which makes sense, breathing is a slow process.) Some examples: I get that balance changes tend to be more numbers-focused than art-focused, but I think these changes go against the "Rule of Cool" and should be reverted. Leviathan isn't an optimal pick, so I think it can afford to keep some slower animations for style points.
  15. Laser Beam Eyes objectively did get a buff. My pylon times with it are better on beta vs live.
  16. 100% agreed. Excelsior is the unofficial PvP server now.
  17. There's an active Excelsior PvP Fightclub community here. Have about 300 ish members: https://discord.gg/6cGRXvu2sW We have a leaderboard here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b8D4JdPM9xv9srHPgcyeK6jK5Bdz2kRDtvs6tIQW9IU/edit#gid=2069633451 One of our admins also runs regular RPvP events over on Everlasting.
  18. Let people make their replies and speak.
  19. IG isn't autohit. It's hit rolls are shown in the "Pet Hit Rolls" channel. IG is a pseudopet, and I think they don't inherit global accuracy bonuses the same way as other powers. (Might be wrong on this.) Regardless, I needed to slot it up a bit to get a higher hit rate, kill rate, and earning potential. Atom Smasher is better on auto for AFK farming now. 😎
  20. Only SS attack I use on the Rad/SS is footstomp. Hence the like-for-like comparison. That said, if I was to look deeper into a Rad/Axe Tank, I imagine I'd go Pyre for Fireball, and then switch out Elec Fences + Cross Punch for Cleave & Pendulum. So the question becomes, which of the following is better: Ground Zero + Radiation Therapy + Footstomp + Spring Attack + Cross Punch + Elec Fences + Ball Lightning or Ground Zero + Radiation Therapy + Axe Cyclone + Cleave + Pendulum + Spring Attack + Fireball or Ground Zero + Radiation Therapy + Axe Cyclone + Cleave + Pendulum + Elec Fences + Ball Lightning That'll be the test to see for sure IMO. As for evidence, I'll put it all in my farming thread once I'm finished testing to be sure I've found the most optimal setups. (Like I did for Rad/Fire fire farming with Brutes in Page 4.) Rad/SS Tank is the best I've found so far for active. And Elec/Rad Tank is the best I've found so far for AFK. But I've still got more stuff to test. (Including Axe, thanks to this thread.) Also - other than some possible PvP stuff I have no idea what's coming in Page 6. My comment was more to the fact that both Page 4 and 5 changed the farming landscape and necessitated respecs/switching to a different character. I imagine Page 6 might too. (Apologies for the fright, @Troo.)
  21. A Rad/Fire Brute is still better than a Spines/Fire Brute. That said, in Page 5 a Rad/SS tank is better for active farming, and an Elec/Rad tank is better for AFK farming. But the difference isn't that big. (See here for the numbers.) The maps in the first post of this thread have been updated for Page 5. For active farming use map #41794. For 10 Min AFK farming use map #38973
  22. Axe Cyclone can take FF, but the proc rate is lower. And it does less damage than Footstomp. Better off active farming with the Rad/SS tank until Page 6. I haven't tested if Rad/Spines or Rad/Rad tanks are as viable. It might be the case that their AoE + Damage Aura might make up for Footstomp doing more damage. But I imagine without the FF proc firing, everything is recharging slower, which likely lowers your overall DPS, increases your cleartime, and decreases your influence/minute.
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