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Posts posted by War_L0ck

  1. 1 minute ago, Darkir said:

    Well, it shouldn't be cheaper. I thought that all the io recipes were the same from 1-50, that was a change homecoming made for ease of use. I'm also pretty sure that buying it attuned or not, is the same io and price. The reason to buy non-attuned ios is to +5 them. While we are on the subject though, never buy attuned purple IOs, they never stop giving their bonuses and so there is no reason to attune them and negat their ability to be +5'd. The only reason to not +5 purple IOs, beyond money, is to not increase +recharge and therefore not mess with proc chances. 

    Yes, recipes are the same regardless of level, but attuned already crafted enhancements can be comparable to recipe price---or vastly more expensive. I got the FF recipe earlier for 20K, and the Attuned FF was 2-3 million. Anyway, thanks for the tip on the purples.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Darkir said:

    Get the attuned versions, that way you can slot them and they level with you. 


    Who procs affect is based on the power and the power. For lifegiving spores, they affect anyone (including you) in the area of effect most of the time. The preventive medicine proc works differently, if you slot it in any power it will only affect yourself and the proc is based on your own current hp and has nothing to do with if or when you use the power.

    Thanks for the explanation of Preventive Medicine. As for my other question, I often do use attuned IOs--but my point is, if FF lvl 20 IO is 2 procs per minute--and the lvl 50 is 2 procs per minute, then might as well get the lvl 20 version--right--especially if cheaper? This is a specific case to proc based IO that gives a set % recharge.

  3. Thanks, @Darkir. I'm still in my 20s, and I haven't seen how effective Overgrowth is yet. So I think while leveling it makes sense to slot Lifegiving Spores for Endurance Mod (and include Spore Cloud in my build). Even when I get to Overgrowth, it's not going to be near perma for some time (Geyser is late). Maybe I'll try for now using a couple of non set End Mod IOs and a Panacea Proc and a regular heal or two.


    One more question about proc IOs--Force Feedback, Panacea, Preventive Medicine procs--I don't think these get stronger/better with higher level versions of the enhancements, right? If they do not, then I presume it makes sense to get the lowest level version for exemplaring? For Preventive Medicine, does the proc only affect you and not anyone you heal?--and how much does it absorb (forum-fu failing me).


    Thank you both for the education :).

  4. 14 minutes ago, Redlynne said:

    ...under most scenarios people have "solved" their endurance issues and there are relatively few NPCs that will drain it (Malta Sappers being merely one of the more notable exceptions).  Conversely, healing/regeneration is almost always useful...

    Is this a late game/incarnate level perspective? Generally speaking--from reading forums and from low to midlevel grouping, I am left with the opposite impression. People usually have Def Caps worked in entirely (especially tanks) or nearly (with multiple group Maneuvers or -To Hits making the difference). And also I've read countless forum posts say this game doesn't require healers--because people can take of their health via procs and defenses. While I don't entirely hold this position, I rarely see green bars dropping rapidly--and healing is usually topping off. However, I do see a lot of low blue bars.


    Specifically with Nature, you're not saying Lifegiving Spores' +END is bad, so can I infer it isn't? And for healing, Regrowth and Wild Medicine are already doing some work, too. Not trying to be antagonistic, but trying to reconcile your statements to my more limited experience.

  5. 26 minutes ago, Darkir said:

    Sorry, remind me, what is the job we are trying to accomplish? A mage themed nature toon without guns? Go water/nature. Are we trying to get perma overgrowth? This will be difficult if we want more defenses than just s/l. 


    If you want the most recharge procs, dp is the way to go, barring that, water. Dark will not help you get more recharge than water and water will do more damage. Dark has -tohit, but I am not a fan of debuffing my way to the -acc cap, you can't always hit everyone or another mob aggros, leaving you on the floor looking foolish. That being said, I really like -tohit as a way of protecting my team, I just don't think it works well to protect me. This may be a play style thing, as I like being in the fray on all my toons and I've always found it faster than the alternatives. I've never been able to clear missions or farms faster hover blasting for example, I've found being in the middle has always given faster times even though hover blasting builds typically have more recharge than M/R def toons.

    My take was the "job" was to answer which powersets work with Force Feedback (in addition to DP) to get recharge low enough for near perma Overgrowth (and still have room for good defenses). And for those powersets that only have 1 AOE that can take FF, can Wall of Force be used to get another FF into the build to hit the number of procs needed.


    Water--as was answered by both you and Redlynne--is a good option out of the box. The followup was to again ask if Sonic or Dark (that each only have 1 power that takes FF) could use Wall of Force to get more FF into the build--presumably because bonus -resist or -to hit would be a great team support debuffs. We all know a lot of Defenders do like to take Sonic.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Dixa said:

    if you are dealing with a pack with a lot of tohit buffs - and those mob types usually do a lot of lethal - demons/thermal is capped 90% smash/lethal for all but the prince and you would play it by autofiring warmth every couple of seconds. cold however will kill a boss/av faster. 

    If the difference is 10% between Cold and Thermal on S/L, that doesn't seem like a huge difference, and you get all of that defense for when not dealing with to hit buffed opponents. 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Psyonico said:

    You can always start your own small team group and advertise it as such.  I've done that a handful of times.

    Good idea. Also playing villain (or joining villain groups as rogue/vigilante) is probably a decent option, too. You can find full groups on red, but often mission groups seem smaller (in my limited experience).

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, Osprey39 said:

    IIs running missions in a full group always that easy?  (because honestly, even if I were one of the DPS classes, I would have found that boring)

    I have seen a lot of this, too, and I don't care for it. I don't like soloing, and 8 person groups steamrolling content isn't fun at all. I enjoy small groups of 2-4 (where your participation feels consequential), but you rarely find groups of that size (at least that's my experience). There is an event called the Summer Blockbuster that uses a group size of 4. I wonder if there is more content like that.

  9. 24 minutes ago, Redlynne said:

    If you're duoing with a Plant/Storm Controller, I would recommend either:

    Kind of depends on you whether or not Mastermind would be something you'd want to play, but Beasts/Kinetics paired with a Plant/Storm Controller would just be a wrecking ball combination so long as you take Stealth AND Grant Invisibility on your Mastermind (so as to Stealth yourself AND your Pets and Plant/Storm partner and their Pet!) for getting into the middle of spawn groups before they're hit by Seeds of Confusion and then using Fulcrum Shift on them as they self-destruct around you(!) and then turning your Beasts loose onto them from within.  I'm thinking that Plant/Storm paired with Beasts/Kinetics would just be ... Ebil™ Incarnate ...

    Compelling case---but isn't Grant Invisibility cast 1 at a time though? So you'd need to cast it 5 times (for the pets) before pulling, right? And this combo misses Defense and -To Hit/-DMG debuffs. Is the idea to use seeds and tornado to disrupt $Target (as you say 🙂 ) alpha and output?

  10. On 12/11/2019 at 12:18 AM, Sir Myshkin said:

    Yes, you have a ton of easy-to-slot choices for things like the LotG 7.5%, but, again, there's nothing really inherently in the 'Force Field' set that benefits from 200-300% global recharge unlike Cold, Thermal, Time, Empathy, Nature, Traps, Storm (above all else).

    I'm thinking of trying this on a Defender as Empathy/Energy or Cold/Energy. I plan to play with a friend running a fire/storm controller and want to give support (especially endurance--although maybe recharge also if I go Empathy). So I can't wait to try this out. Thanks for sharing this interesting concept. If you have a build for either of these lying around, would you mind sharing? If not, I'll start with your Storm/Energy and go from there.

  11. 8 hours ago, Tahliah said:

    Your pictures are awesome!  I need to figure out how to take them on my lappie since Print Screen doesn't work right.  In the meantime, keep snapping those awesome plant pics! 

    I have had issues with print screen not working in this game. I changed the keybind to make screenshot Control P, and it works now.

  12. On 5/12/2020 at 8:00 PM, Dr Causality said:

    Two comments on /Kin MM's:


    1. Lack of significant buffs to +Def or +Res for pets, combined with pets not benefiting from Speedboost +Rech I think it means that /Kin doesn't make a great, and for solo play, certainly not a top MM.

    As @Zeraphiahas previously noted in another thread, Beast is a good primary here, because you can run them full damage mode when you want or give up some damage to have them self Def Cap (with Fortify Pack) when needed (while still being able to buff their dmg with FS). I think I'm going to try this out myself. Would love a build if anyone has one.

  13. 7 hours ago, Dixa said:

    because with lore pets you are mostly a spectator. 

    Kind of a funny comment given we're talking about MMs. To me it's inconsistent to say lore pets are a cheat and this is not. 


    Anyway, not everyone wants to be pigeon-holed into Thugs/Storm and Demons/Storm. As @Coyote pointed out, lore pets are going to benefit from non-Storm secondaries, so I would just remind folks that if you want to play a support type heal/debuff secondary AND/OR a non Thugs/Demon primary, they can and not feel gimped.

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  14. 9 minutes ago, cgilm2526 said:

    So that I am clear. If I buy a level 37 IO that levels with me, when I hit 50, will it be just as good as a level 50 IO?

    The level 40 IOs will be few % points shy of a level 50 IO, but the benefit is you don't need to replace everything all at once while leveling. Say at level 22, you put lvl 25 IOs in everything. At lvl 29, SOs are all red and busted. IOs are still working--you can get level 30s if you want, but they are barely an upgrade and hardly worth the influence. So you can keep them all the way to 50 if you want (or swap in a few that are more important to you)--and then swap in sets to replace them as you get the money/merits.

  15. I wouldn't use SOs for anything. You can buy or craft non-set IOs that are as good and don't ever expire. You can go to the university or a SG base and buy recipes from the table. You can use /ah to also buy recipes, the enhancements themselves, or the materials needed to craft the recipes.

  16. 22 hours ago, 11Troy11 said:

    I'm looking at making either a FF or Sonic Shielding defender. Since those are more passive in nature, what secondary will give me the most bang for my buck?

    There's a long thread on page 2 that essentially says take what you want--as long as it's sonic 🙂. As a Defender, you're better off debuffing resistance so the heavy hitters can hit even heavier. If you're going to play solo/duo a lot, fire/dark/water/rad/ice.

  17. 47 minutes ago, Dixa said:

    with Degen incarnate, you no longer need to suffer with inferior single target damage by taking bots. 


    plus, daggers. 

    If allowing incarnates and p2w for -regen is OK, why are lore pets not OK in comparisons?

    • Like 2
  18. 2 hours ago, Force Redux said:

    Same for Masterminds. Either you enjoy the playstyle or not. For me, MMs play a lot like my favorite class from Dark Age of Camelot, the SpiritMaster, who commanded a bunch of skeletal pets. You command and support, while directing. I enjoy that. Just because I do, doesn't mean you will (or won't). 

    You're thinking of Bonedancer, amigo (SM just has one spirit pet) :). DAOC was good times.


    I rolled up a Demons/Cold, because I feel like /Cold would be overkill for Thugs. With Demons, I can get really close to Def Cap and still have solid resists, too.


    Question -- What attacks should I use for myself? I'm still only 27, and I'm mostly using P2W wand and the Demons AOE occasionally.

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  19. @RiverduskGood points. I think the bottom line for me--just on Necro for Sonic vs Elec--can someone (paging @Bopper or one of the Elec testers) tell me is the absorb shields you get better/worse/comparable to the 24% Thermal's Sonic's Shields (Faraday is roughly a wash to Thermal's Sonic's Toggle Resist). If they are comparable, I'd prefer the active playstyle of Elec, because I don't much like the primaries on most MMs. Elec gives you stuff to do (and has a heala and some other good stuff).

    Edit -- Corrected where I put Thermal and meant Sonic.

    Also, the absorb is a flat 200 health according to hero creation on the power info scaled to 50. So by my math, they are equal when 24% of damage = 200; so 200/ 0.24 = 833. If you take more than 833 damage per 10 to 14 seconds (depending on recharge), then Sonic is better.  It's probably a wash (give or take).

    • Like 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Riverdusk said:

    By the way, you can't powerboost cold shields.  They have resistance to them so they can't be boosted.  

    Maybe Mids is wrong--or I don't have a current version, but it raises Cold shields defense from 17.73 (3 Def IOs) to 25.2 with Power Boost activated.


    As for Sonic, 24% Shields +18% Toggle + 35% Enhancements = 76% is sounds pretty good, but they're still taking 25% damage to heal up from their attacks--and pre-32 is probably rough.

    Necro/Elec would have only have 18% Faraday + 35% Enhancements = 53% resist + Absorb Shield (Mids says 214.2%?) on short recharge and a heal on a short recharge.


    My guess is Elec might be better (depending on how good absorbs are). But then again, Demons (have 26% Lethal Resist) and Thugs (T2/T3 Lethal and 2xManeuvers) would probably even fair better and do more damage.

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  21. I have been checking these forums, and I don't see a lot of /Cold builds on here (at least under MM). Does anyone have good one (for Thugs, Necro, or Beast)? I think @Coyoteis right in that you'd want some active pool abilities (maybe Wall of Force)--and you'd want some medicine in there probably, also.

  22. 3 minutes ago, Redlynne said:

    I haven't tried it, I merely did it as a proof of (theoretical) concept so as to get a "feel" for how it might all fit together.  I do want to make a Beast Mastermind at some point, but it will almost certainly be a Beast/Kinetics rather than a Beast/Electrical Affinity in my case.

    I found an older thread started by @SmalltalkJava that looked interesting for Nature (which you posted in), but I it's from almost a year ago. But I am thinking I'd get the most bang for my buck from Kin to be honest. @Redlynneif you ever get to making it, would appreciate it if you post your build. My main concern with Kin builds is being too squishy and dealing with alpha and getting off the FS. But I really Kin, because it would also be welcome in groups (as would Nature).

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